anyone can help me ? error in www.mysite/admin

rogerbr9999 posted 17th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.
If I try to conect the admin I have this error :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/rela2/public_html/inc/ : runtime-created function on line 1

Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/rela2/public_html/inc/ on line 120

and not show the menus ... this error appear before I do a upgrade 6.004 to 6.005

here is the lines 110 to 140 of file :

$l = 'base64_decode';

function getAdminMenuItem( $aItem, $isActiveItem )
    global $site;
    if( strlen( $aItem['Check'] ) )
        $func = create_function( '', $aItem['Check'] );
        if( !$func() )
            return '';
        <div class="menu_item_wrapper">
            <img src="<?= $site['url_admin']?>images/icons/items/<?= $aItem['Icon'] ?>" class="menu_item_icon" />
    if( $isActiveItem )
        ?><span><?= $aItem['Title'] ?></span><?
        if( substr( $aItem['Url'], 0, strlen( 'javascript:' ) ) == 'javascript:' ) // smile :))
            $href = 'javascript:void(0);';
            $onclick = 'onclick="' . $aItem['Url'] . '"';

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Upload and rewrite file "inc/" just file
I try this but not work - the error is the same ...
i had the same problem m8 what i had to do was go into phpmyadmin go to the database that your dolphin is stored find tables adminmenus its the 3rd one down on my database then on id 9 make sure these forms are right
url = articles.php
Title = Admin Articles
order = 5
cat = 3
the rest i left blank im sure there was somthing in there b4 but seems to work after, i take it you went to edit one of the admin menu bars and it went tits up from there lol

anyway if its not that i would check the see more other forms in that table see if they look correct.
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