I have had members to accidentally block others because the block action does not have a confirmation; it posts a notice but it is possible for members to overlook the notice and to accidentally click on the block button; yes, it has happened more than once. There is a solution; one needs to add a confirm() to the block action. There is a module in the Market that makes it easy to edit actions as well as remove them from action blocks; I will leave it to my readers to find the module and it is not that expensive of a mod either. Of course you don't need the mod to edit the actions.
To add confirmation to the block button add the part in red to the action code.
if ( {ID} == {member_id} || isBlocked({member_id}, {ID}) ) return;
return "if(confirm('Are you sure you want to block this member?')) $.post('list_pop.php?action=block', { ID: '{ID}' }, function(sData){ $('#ajaxy_popup_result_div_{ID}').html(sData) } );return false;";
If you hit Cancel, the action is not taken. If you hit OK, the action is taken and the member is blocked.
if ({ID} == {member_id}) return;
return "if(confirm('Are you sure you want to report this member?')) $.post('list_pop.php?action=spam', { ID: '{ID}' }, function(sData){ $('#ajaxy_popup_result_div_{ID}').html(sData) } );return false;";