Why is there so many errors and issues with this script?

investapal posted 29th of May 2010 in Community Voice. 10 comments.

My 1st install would not allow the message and mail function to work in IE. The 2nd install worked fine but now the image header and logo do not show up and the profile fields edit page will not load up so I can not edit/ I have spent 3 weeks figuring this software out and when you do a day later it just stops working all by itself.

Rather than adding new features could we just make these we have now work? I am ready to go live with this web site but stuff keeps not working (WTF) and when  I ask for help I just get more questions. Is there some one who understands what is going on and can help me make this think work? I would pay for a programmer who can get us up and running. Dont make money trying to figure this stuff out, need it working. Thank you.

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I wonder why does it not comply to web standards and w3c
See here

Dolphin 7 with 522 Errors and 142 warning for W3C
what i would find strange here, is that you have only ever asked one question, and that was about sending out an email. dolphin is very different than any other application, the initialization of dolphin, more times than not requires some dedication and understanding.

you say when you ask a question, you are answered with a question, that would be correct when your inquiry is incomplete or unclear to those who wish to help you.

I have asked many questions and gotten questions back, finally figured things out myself, because I have learned you cant count on anyone but yourself and I do not have the time to wait for another question. I also hired my own PHP programmer since no one at Boonex seamed to want my money when I offered. I like the look of Dolphin but you guys need to do a bit more advance planning on your next version. I love where you are going, but you need to work on Customer service, because there are many people see more like me who just have a simple question and will figure it out from there.

Thanx for the script it does rock.
@pierrehs - "I wonder why does it not comply to web standards and w3c"

What I find more disturbing is that the random companies I chose that sponsor w3c all have warnings, errors or both within their respective sites.

http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.hp.com = 113 Errors, 12 warning(s)
http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.csail.mit.edu = 9 Errors
http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.keio.ac.jp = 9 Errors, 2 warning(s)

Check out some of the biggest see more and most successful sites and you will find errors and warnings. That just shows me how important w3c is to these companies.

@investapal, I've never had the problems you've mentioned. Who are you hosted with?
I am convinced, that success with Dolphin is entirely about you you choose to host your site with, Here's a very recent time line regarding ME putting a D7 site online. This is within the last two days. I'm not making this up.

Time = 0:000

1. Register 2 new domain names (name.com and name.net) Elapsed time to domains ready for use = 45 minutes T = 0:45

2. Sign up for new hosting account with Terabyte-Hosting.com for new domain name. New web hosting account ready to up[load files within see more 1-1/2 hours, DNS pointers @ domain registrar changed to point to Terabyte name server(s) T= 2:15

3. Upload Dolphin 7.0.1 zip archive to TB hosting and decompress on server. Create Dolphin DB on server, install D7 and modules... elapsed time 30 minutes (I work slow) T= 2:45

4. Purchase new D7 template in market & wait for download to be available.. elapsed time 2 hours (Way too slow, but what could I do but wait) Install new template.. 20 minutes. T= 4:35

Time from registering a new domain name, to live D7 site online with new template and fresh new look: 4 hours - 35 minuites I could have done it in a lot less time, if I didn't have to wait that 2 hours to be able to download the new template. If I throw out the time involved in acquiring and installing the new template, I went from new domain registration to live site online in less than three hours. I've spent the last 48 hours tweaking things.... css adjustments... predefined values... uploading sample media, etc.

It's all about the right hosting people. Get the right hosting for your site, and your problems will be insignificant.
Hint: to new guys: Stop worrying so much about W3C. Sites like aol.com, microsoft.com, and a lot of others get by with hundreds of errors reported by the W3C people. Most of the reported errors are just plain frivolous, and will have no effect on usability of the site. If anybody tells you that 100% W3C validation is paramount.... they're full of crap. A certain degree of common sense needs to be applied, albeit some coders rank a little low in the common sense department. When most people see more visit a website, they don't give a rat's ass about W3C compliance... they just want it to work. If you want your Dolphin site to work...get the right host. Don't blame things on W3C validation errors
Compliance is not important to getting your site to run - that is not the entire point of it. Compliance is simply about making the internet a better place - it's about standardisation - nothing more. In an ideal internet, there would be no need for hacks and tweaks to get things to run properly. Sites would work the same for everybody regardless of the browser / computer / server / etc - when people visit a site it would just work. @HL - everyone's expectation is the same there.

W3C support a see more set of standards that people are encouraged to use and promote. This includes amongst other things HTML, XML - both languages that Dolphin uses. The W3C standard that covers XML practically defines most of the internet as we know it, and most of the internet for the foreseeable future, the PHP XML module based on this standard is completely relied upon by Dolphin - Dolphin will not function without it. Every single RSS feed on the internet also follows the strict XML standard.

Without these standards defined by W3C, your Dolphin websites would be unreliable, and probably work (badly) in some browsers and not at all in others. They would be full of proprietary code tags supported by one browser manufacturer and not another (Boonex are not exactly famed for their compatibility layers) and everyone would be saying that Dolphin is so far advanced it needs a special browser (whereas currently it just needs a special server - lol).

Unfortunately, there are those who do not see the value in standards, and perceive them as simply another inconvenience, or there are those like Microsoft, which have some commercial reason for not adopting them. These are the same people that hold the web back, People like the multitude of IE6 and IE7 users - who have no interest in using a compliant browser, or people that think it's all someone else's problem.

By way of a topical example: HTML5 - supported by ALL major browsers except Explorer see more - this means that HTML5 could be rolled out web wide today / tomorrow - giving untold benefits, improvements and even fixes to current issues - including many issues with Dolphin (video playback being one). Not to mention all of the new and great features it has to offer. Unfortunately this is unlikely to happen due to the lack of support in Explorer. So in this regard Microsoft's unwillingness to adopt HTML5 (which is a W3C standard) is likely to hold the internet back a year or two or three.

So yes, whilst W3C compliance is not needed to make your site work, ignoring it and all that it represents is simply uniformed ignorance, that only serves to impede the progress of the internet.

Pierrehs, in answer to your question, currently Boonex have bigger issues than W3C compliance to fix, I would like to hope that given the time when there are no more bugs taking up the developers time, this may get addressed.

I knew you wouldn't be able to resist
LOL. HL I'm just keeping you in check.

Didn't you know - With celebrity comes responsibility?

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.