Why do the emails have sooo many of these \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

connections posted 15th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.
I cant seem to figure out where to fix this issue ... anyone else having this problem?

It also does it in uploaded music for profiles ... not sure where else yet

example: it's would show as it\'s and after each reply add another one. Yell 
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Well maybe cause you bought a cheap domain and they put crawlers into it ..so this has nothing to do with BOONEX !
"maybe" is your professional point of view?

It does have something to do with boonex because thats where it is only happening. Which is on a DELUXE hosting package with no crawlers .... thx for your input?
It could also be your server, what encoding method did you choose for your MySQL database?
If im understanding correctly all of the databases i create are using the utf8_general_ci collation language and i dont have problems anywhere else with this annoyance. As for me using a 'method' i have always just used the defaults and like i said have no problems. I'm no pro at this but i do get around fairly decent in myphphadmin. Should i expect rudeness in reply??? lol

If this isnt the info you wanted to know please direct me to where i can find out ... all i want to do is solve this issue. see more thanks for your response in advance.
Hello ...
i think it is because the new ver of dolphin 6.0003 and above the programer set the char set = UTF-8 in db and all pages in the screpit
so maybe you try upload somthing is not written in english language
because i find a problem when i run the new dolphin 6.0.0003 in language setting the is no char set and the all files set to UTF
se we cannot add another language to dolphin like before i wish to be fix
thank you
I have resolved my issue.

The cause was magic_quotes_gpc was on in my php.ini

I edited my ect/php.ini and turned it off, restarted my VPS and the annoyance has vanished.

You might want to increase the file upload from the default 2mb if you plan on using the music and video upload features while you're in there.

Apologies to Boonex and many thanks to those who tried to help.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.