
Andrew Boon posted 15th of October 2009 in . 59 comments.

You can't wait. We can't keep you waiting. You need answers... here they go:

1. We'll release one more beta shortly.

2. We'll release RC1 by the end of next week.

3. Starting from RC1 we'll be providing update scripts/instructions for every next update, so, technically, it would be possible to use RCs for live sites (if you're brave and ready for possible frequent updates).

4. We're working on BoonEx.com and Unity now: adding Agents, Market, certificates, and more. It's a big change that includes fixes for many issues we've been facing lately. I'm sure we'll see much more activity here as a result.

5. Final release depends on RCs and Unity remake. Once both are ready - we'll fire the gun. 1st of November looks like the date (I hope so, and will keep kicking some butts to make it happen). It's quite clear now that D7 is operational and close to be ready for live sites - in many ways it's more stable than current version, so there's no reason for holding it.

6. iPhone app code will be available along with the release. Android App will come later.

7. From 7.0 we'll be releasing small/frequent updates and won't let the same drama happen again.

8. Thank you for waiting and participating, and sorry for being late.

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Surely you mean RC1 will be available by the end of the month, rather than the end of week. See point 2.
Ah I think I must have miss read it. I thought it read "end of the week" rather than "end of next week". Unless of course it has changed since then.
Andrew Boon
Yes, end of NEXT week that is. Still need to have one more beta.
Great news. Can't wait to launch my D7 powered project. Keep up the good work.
I agree that its possible to release RC1 by the end of next week. Most of the issues that have been posted so far were CSS related.

I actually think that is a smart move. I agree that although there are some "minor" issues, the version is pretty stable. What needs to be fixed can be done so in service packs or updates. I am hoping that the updates will only "update" the files that needs to be done and not require a "complete" reload/overwrite.

I appreciate you see more stepping up and providing answers to the members questions. Hopefully knowing these answers, this should calm some of the storm. I just hope nothing major happens to delay these release dates.

Have you made the decision to support the migration from at least 6.1.4 as well? This seems to be a very popular/stable version that members are using. I HOPE you all will. If not, then I (as well as a bunch more) would have to upgrade twice before we could migrate to D7.

Overall, Good Job! I am definitely ready to move. I hope that all of the people that build MODS will be ready with D7 versions by this time too.
Andrew Boon
Well, the plan is to have 2-3 developers sit with both 7.0 and the 6.1.4 and work on the upgrade package and do as much as we can do within a a week or so. Hopefully it would migrate most of the data.
Sounds good Andrew, anything you all can do to help is greatly appreciated.
Fantastic!!! I agree with Zarcon about the upgrade from 6.1.4 - that is the version most people have I think. With this release you may be in for some explosive growth.
In fact, we are prepared to wait, and more. All that is done, is stable. There is a lack of understanding of why it is done, and minor errors. But give us the possibility of migration!!! And the style of work, yours and ours, just different. IMHO.
You should wait one full year from now, just to see through our eyes.. then speak..
You see? I told you. patience is a virtue! I can't wait to start moving my site to Dolphin! (but I'll continue to be patient!)
"You can't wait. We can't keep you waiting."

You should probably write a novel with that title..you write good :D

Thanks for the headsup, I am really excited to see D7 going into release stage next week and probably I would be amongst the brave one's to go live with it asap :)

Cool! i to will be one of the brave ones to go live.
your a pal Boonex!!!
Will my perchased licence still be good or do i have to buy another one?
and can i upgrade from 6.1.6 my live site to d7 with out losing everything?
You do not have to purchase a new license. I license is good for 1 domain. All you have to do is put in your current license and all should be good. Just make sure you install it on the same domain as your 6.1.6.
Andrew Boon
What Zarcon said.

License is about time and domain, not version. You can use any version of Dolphin on the registered domain within your license timeframe.
Yes, you can upgrade to dolphin 7. Boonex, will release the upgrade pack.
This is gr8, really.

I waited an year for this to happen.
Andrew Boon
Yeah, I can tell... you've been around for a good while. Thank you for patience. :)
goooood news, thanks a lot to boonex team. Looking forward and I'll be brave and upload it again.

While I was logging into my account here I faced some strange things.

First this:

Notice: Undefined property: BxUser::$sGroup in /home/boonex/public_html/unity/system/classes/BxLogin.php5 on line 155
and then I got redirected to a porn site before I got through to my account. Not sure if this is a bug in FF.
Great news! Thanks for your work.
Fingers and toes crossed but wont hold my breath..lol But thanks for the heads up. Some news is better then no news.
wonderful news , thank boonex for this answers

I'm waiting for release my project by dolphin 7 :)

Sea of Smiles...

Thanks Andrew for Eight Energy Boosting Blog Points.
This is great news, looking forward to the RC1 release. Keep up the great work!!
Just keep moving tickets to D 7.1 .... you'll have this thing released in no time.
Andrew Boon
Love your comments. Sure you too want the thing tested/fixed in a live environment, eh?
Naw.... I just want to launch a site while I can still remember why I wanted to do it it the first place.
houston, you are too funny. i got a kick out of that post.

Andrew, good news on the release, not so good news knowing you have to release several patches and updates after you release. but hey, we can deal with it.

Andrew Boon
Yeah, we'd have to, but at least we all can start playin. After 18 alphas and 8 betas we're getting a little nauseous with "pre" stage.
Yeah Dawg, sometimes I crack myself up. I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to RC12.
Great news, and it doesnt really matter that it will still be buggy, Why? two major difference,
1, there will be an upgrade path
2, people can now start making live sites with it.

Big sigh of relief

As long as the RC is the thing we need to produce live sites, tempaltes and modules without the worry of being outdated on new releases, these are good news!
Thanx Andrew
Good news to hear, that's really great!
I have a suggestion for you guys, you should focus all your attention on the modules and templates system, those needs to be finished and tested before everything else, so the developers of such things can start working at 100% capacity.. No time to waste!
:) I like the date... or at least the fact that there is one! Can't Wait for the RC and the update script.
so... one more beta anytime between now and mid week and then RC by monday of next week? Confusing much?

Best Regards,

P.S. Thanks for all the hard work Boonex Team!!!
I understand: 18-19.10 -D7B8, 24-26.10 -D7RC1, 1.11 - D7 finals. Correct me if I did not understand:)
It will be nice if it comes with spanish language option, or where can we find it cheap or free?
Wow, seems like someone got ticket happy. The projected Beta 8 and RC dates doesn't look to good right now. Who knows.. stranger things have happened !! Could just skip Beta 8 and go right to RC :)
I am thinking as Zarcon and Caltrade are thinking. I am currently on 6.1.4 and would really appreciate not having to go via 6.1.5 and 6.1.6 to get to D7.

I have to say that D7 is looking pretty good so well done on that. Really looking forward to upgrading though I may wait a month or so just to be sure that there are no major kinks as I have upgraded too soon in the past only to get multiple ear fulls from my members.

Just keep up the fantastic work. And guess what, I'm proudly Australian see more too (who happens to live in London). Laterz!!!
This was posted on Thu, 15 Oct 2009.

It says: "1. We'll release one more beta shortly.

2. We'll release RC1 by the end of next week..."

Today is more or less the end of the next week, Friday, 23 Oct 2009.

I don't see a next beta (8), nor anything more about rc1. Not even an update on the post.

This makes if very difficult to plan a site building strategy and work a budget for building a site, which I think most of us are faced with.

So, If someone from Boonex is monitoring see more this, I would like to suggest and request that you communicate your plans and timing and any changes to them more often, and not leave us with these unanswered questions for extended periods of time. It would be really helpful for us.

I second this post. As I said above, not holding my breath, and am glad i didn't. Another promise not kept. ughhh....
I have a question. I have an unlimited license for dolphin 6. does this mean i will have to purchase a new license for 7 or does the license for 6 carry over to the new dolphin 7? Just needing to know cause i have to request money from my accounts manager of my company and will need to give at least a 3 weeks notice of request to acquire a large sum of money for an online purchase.
Your dolphin license is based on your domain name, not your version. You can use your D6 license for D7.
I learned long ago with major new releases (and I'm talking about all software companies) don't even bother until they've been around a year. The last Version of the old version always works just fine until the new version has been kicked around awhile.
This timezone thing is confusuing... When does the "end of next week" happen in Australia?
Hmmm Since they are in the southern hemisphere.... maybe that means that it will be released in April?
Familychat and Lightwolf have my vote as well. It's understandable things get in the way, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But from a business standpoint, no communication, or failed announced dates don't go by without some kind of reprimand from the masses. Especially those that shell out close to $1,000 for this package.

If you folks don't have it ready when after you announce a date, at least have the stones to say something, anything to keep us aware that you're awake out there.

If see more I acted like this with my clients, I'd be strung up, no questions asked. Tsk, tsk Boonex. :-/
I think, I will have to agree with Rivernet1.There is no clear roadmap as to when things are to be released. We all know it's software development and a week here and there is ok but when we are talking about months then I think it's time to revisit our software engineering process. First it was mentioned after D7 there would be RC1, then it was told after D8 there would be RC1 and D8 would be released next week but still no clues when D8's gonna be released and then hopefully RC1 by end of november.

When see more the first time announcements started pouring in about D7, it was mentioned 'couple of weeks' and I think that was about an year ago.

If things keep going at this pace, I think it's just a matter of time when that would change to 'couple of years'.

There's no doubt that the software is a gem but Boonex please try to stick to timelines and release something quick.

Just my 2 cents :)
To be completely honest, all I want is a version that I can upgrade from. I can work with the current documented defects. If Boonex is having trouble closing out issues, this will appease us who are just implementing very basic sites and buy them some time to knock out the list.

No software is perfect and expecting as much from the initial launch will cause unnecessary delays.
can we get the iphone app source code for free?
also can we get the iphone app for free? to work with our sites, and also when will the ray media server final version be releashed? for dophin 7.0?
It appears I wasted my time thinking there would be a version 7

Thank you for the 2 month ride while I waited and did not do anything to version 6

We have and show no interest in version 6.

We will begin preparations to remove Dolphin from our servers until you are serious about version 7

We will start to look for other solution as of right now because your are not ready with the version we was interested in
hmmm..end of next week...1st of November....

Boonex, why you write date? You don't know where it will be released..this is the problem!

17 tickets for RC...2 closed today...is this work?

Some tickets closed with wontfix....
Try writing something like this yourselves and lets see what you come up with. Stop the bitching. This is a good product and all of your negativity will only turn people off towards Boonex. That will result in less income and esteem which in turn will result in SLOWER coding. You people are the reason that I, and MANY like me, don't code free stuff anymore.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.