What I am doing with D7 RC2

hd4real posted 8th of December 2009 in Community Voice. 14 comments.

I am having a blast with D7 RC2. Also got some help with a coding question so that is solved. I just wanted to show my designs and get some feedback. I have covered the site names so this can not be considered as spam.

Site 1 design

Site 2

What do you think?

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Those screenshots of your site look pretty good to me, as a matter of fact they look great.
yep, looking pretty good. keep up the good work. i think boonex may opt to have a showcase of sites when D7 Final has been out for a while.

Thanks, I am still at it. Lots to do.
Brilliant design dude! It looks incredible :)
I like the uncharted 2 design. Cant wait to play that game as well when i find some free time might take it out of the wrapper or if i could get the kid off the ps3 any time soon.
Uncharted 2 is great man. My brother has it. Yeah getting the kid off it might be a hassle :)
The designs are in this blog. I don´t need spammers/scammers on my site
look something For Design Inspiration. and do not disgrace mediocre decisions. Or, you can not without third-party praise? poor.
Do not worry and do not be afraid! This is only my opinion..
Nathan Paton
Those designs look pretty good, and I would enjoy using a web site that looked like that.

I'm also glad to see I'm not the only person using Dolphin 7 for a gaming web site.
Thanks man. I'm making gaming communities for xbox360, ps3, wii and pc gamers
yeah look great too and creative
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.