What Can I Do With My License?

mickyb posted 26th of October 2009 in Community Voice. 11 comments.

Hi everyone....I wanted too know what I can do with my license. I have a life time Dolphin License, I'm currently on a venture and will no longer need it..So what do I do with it? Sell it?..I'm not using it and I'm not planing on using it in the future. My venture has unexpectedly grown all around the USA and will be expanding globally has nothing to do with Dolphin script..What can I do with my license...Thanks...

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How about granting this license to somebody who needs it? Maybe some charitable organization, it would be great if you would present it as "this license was provided to you by BoonEx during the BigGiveAway campaign."
That's a great idea! Since you got it for free give it away to someone with a charity project.
Hello mickey... I am willing to buy ur license..if its reasonable.
Hi Misterraj,

As you know its a lifetime license, so buying this license from Boonex is a wise decision.

I think Boonex can detect and may not allow selling of freely given license or may cancel them later anytime for some reason.

BoonEx if you put some light on this matter, it will help us understand better.
misterraj, please, check this page and know that it's not allowed to re-sell license http://www.boonex.com/Dolphin-90-days-Commercial-LA.pdf

But granting - is another question.
Lyubovl, so if I sell my complete website, I can't sell it with my license?..I don't understand...I did not acquire the the license free, I had to donate money...
Hi Mickyb,

I am working on a site of Lions Clubs and used my Company's License (Grey Matters) to give them demo.


If boonex allow, you please gift this License to LionsCommunity.in -

If they will satisfy with Dolphin's functionality and stability with 100,000 members in coming months, then they may use Dolphin 7 Prime for their Millions of Members worldwide with their domain www.LionsCommunity.org

See their International official website www.lionsclubs.org

Warm see more Regards.
how do i register my license???
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.