WebHome. Update.

Andrew Boon posted 17th of May 2010 in . 39 comments.

We've launched WebHome.org a few days ago, and comments from Unity members, for the most part, mean that the whole thing is just not clear enough. So, I'll try to clarify a few points...

1) "distract attention away from Dolphin/Trident"

For many years now, we have always been working on Dolphin and "something else" during the day. Trying different things, trying to innovate, learn and change the world. Spending entire day just on Dolphin would have burnt out all the motivation long time ago. We will keep trying different things, no matter what.

Dolphin is a platform and even if it gets super-perfect, it would still be a platform, and if eventually it becomes irrelevant because of market change, nothing would save it. With WebHome, we are trying to look into the future and work towards keeping Internet free. WebHome is one of the most important parts of Dolphin project success - it's a motivation, a way to keep users coming to Dolphin sites and a way to prevent entire SN market from being swallowed by 3-4 companies.

2) "Most people aren't going to purchase a domain. They just won't."

Right. WebHome is not about domain. The idea is to connect ANY social profile as a webhome, be it a Facebook profile, a hosted blog, or your own site. You just choose one webhome for yourself and off you go. We expect companies offering easy ways to build webhomes, like for example, Tumblr offers weblog creation service.

I could be using the following as my webhome:


http://www.aboonhome.com (for example)

http://www.bazooka.com (if I have to)







3) "Using a real name is going be a problem with a lot of people. They won't do it."

That's the beauty of it. Nobody can possibly impose any rules on your choice of webhome URL or username. You can use anything you want, your name, somebody else's name, or a nickname, whatever. Just like in real life, you're free to name yourself as you please when you meet new people. Nobody is policing you.

4) "Many, many people have the same name - meaning the domain won't be available."









5) "Even if this were to start to take off, every company on the planet is going to copy it and dilute the market. This is problem with social networking to a large extent. Making it open source will just give them a head start."

There's no point for different companies to start it. There may and will only be one, since it's not a company or a project or a software, it's like a phenomenon, it's either there or not. Like, say, p2p file-sharing - we've just agreed to the name "torrents" and to some rules to identify them. Now, we can use any software, any servers, etc. it's unstoppable.

6) "Permission Problem of Webhome.org forum and OpenID login there."

Permissions didn't allow posting to "Announcements". Fixed now. As for OpenID, we've installed Vanilla Forum, that happens to have no OpenID plugin. We'll do something about it shortly.

7) "you do not even own all of the TLD's - and specifically the most important one"

We only need one and .org is fine.

8) "By doing this, isn't Boonex concerned that this might paint a bullseye on itself (retaliation from the big social networking sites to try to take down Boonex/Dolphin...... because in a way, this is like launching an attack on them)?"

Large networks will have to understand the need for uniting. Friendster and Myspace are about to die because ANY site is fashionable only for a while, then the crowd moves-on. Facebook will go out as well, eventually. Internet is an oligopoly now - FB, Twitter, eBay, Google, Apple, Amazon,etc. The future of the Internet is in freedom and peer-2-peer sharing. Artists will sell their music from their sites, writers will publish their books on their sites, and our social network profiles will be ours.

9) "if you want this to catch on, you'll have to come up with a better presentation than a website called webhome.org that is nothing more than a few wordpress blogs and a few Wordpress social plugins."

Agreed. We only have prototypes now and need help to make sure we're doing a right thing.

10) "$200,000, is the annual salary for a half decent developer - I suggest you hire one and use them to fix Dolphin. How much has been budgeted for producing your actual software --- Dolphin 7 (in progress), and the evidently frozen Trident platform? With $200.000, you could have a team of code monkeys chipping away at $20/hour for a grand total of *ten thousand working hours*. You could even get your next-generation Trident plaftorm for the budget if you wanted."

We spend about 0.5mil annually on Dolphin and we already hire enough developers. Adding more doesn't help at all. We used to have over 20 Dolphin-only developers and that's when the worst things happened. We're budgeting in our own savings money into a project that we believe in and that will help Dolphin stay relevant.

11) "there are too many hurdles for people to jump in order to use it."

Yes, it's now for techs only, because it's not ready. Companies will wrap it into a more conceivable form in the future and we'll make sure it can be done.

12) "Boonex won't care to work on the improvement of Market at Unity, but is wasting time in resources in such projects."

We are working on Market at Unity, but changes are not evident. There're some issues and upcoming improvements but it's not always possible to tell what exactly should be done to actually solve problems. Specific suggestions are welcome. Right now we're preparing a new Jobs section and improved "reputation-based" rankings, and a better search.

13) "BoonEx can do whatever will motivate them to finish Dolphin. This is one of them."

Well said. WebHome launch has given the biggest boost in Dolphin development activity we ever had. More details on that coming soon.

14) "Personally I do not think this is a good idea and something boonex should not invest in. The concept is the same as openID, with more information stored about you by webhome.org (if I'm right). Having all this information stored by this organization takes a lot of responsibility and seen the track record of boonex so far, I do not believe they are capable of being trusted with all that information."

Webhome.org doesn't store any information at all. Everything is stored on your computer. Once it takes off we may shut down webhome.org, smile and enjoy the freedom. It's all peer-2-peer without lock to any software.

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"14) Personally I do not think this is a good idea and something boonex should not invest in. The concept is the same as openID, with more information stored about you by webhome.org (if I'm right). Having all this information stored by this organization takes a lot of responsibility and seen the track record of boonex so far, I do not believe they are capable of being trusted with all that information."

<<< Im glad your seeing it as i am.
I know how it is to get burnt out see more on things so i know where you guys are comin from. I just hope dolphin stays top priority as i said in previous post.
Edited by Andrew Boon:

We know exactly what's our most valuable asset and what we should do. I would appreciate your friendly reminders, but they are too many.
Andrew Boon
We know exactly what's our most valuable asset and what we should do. I would appreciate your friendly reminders, but they are too many.
When we are getting into this we think we are getting something we can use now. As of right now with the bugs that dolphin has its still under construction and there for alot of ad agencies will not support us. I just hope that the rest of the boonex team can please open their eyes to dolphin and stop getting side tracked. If your getting burnt or something try and make a game out of it. Thats what i do. Make it fun again!
I have to agree 100% with DeeEmm... Focus on what you have....
At least no one can say that the responses weren't read & responded too. Thank you for that.

I believe that social networking is going to go into a more private phase where it's a family, company, or organization site more than anything. WebHome may fit into that concept - but it's a concept that I admit I don't think I fully understand.

I do know that all of best tools in the world won't help Dophin site developers unless we get a script that functions properly. I think most agree that see more D7 doesn't, so WebHome is going to help legacy versions more than D7. Worse, it is more likely to help other platforms instead of your flagship product at this point. That leaves everyone that's been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting (x20), out in the cold. At least as far as Dophin goes.

This looks like another healthy dose of waiting for those interested in D7 - but it's your baby to do with as you please. I think you are going to have a lot of lost interest in D7 because of this, but I've been wrong about a lot of things in my 44 years.

Unfortunately, I can see myself making another very similar post where the "44 years" turns into "55 years", but still be no closer to doing what I would like to do than I am today. It's been years already and it's just been a waste of time. WebHome.org doesn't do a thing to change any of that.
Every time I come here I get closer to the realization that it's either going to come down to using phpFox or giving up on having a social networking site completely. I don't want, or need to be the next "MySpace" - but I would have liked to have something going by now. D6 would have been a much better decision in retrospect, but I believed the bologna that was pitched about D7 being so great. I thought it would be worth the wait. Poor decision on my part & one that I'm not going to see more make again as pertains to Trident. I'm certainly not going to place my hopes on WebHome.

You have thousands of people who would shout Boonex at the top of their lungs with great joy if they had the D7 that was promised to those who waited. All of that great "word of mouth" is being wasted.

I wonder what the value of that really is?

We'll probably never find out, but I bet it doesn't help WebHome.org.
I think they are on the right track with dolphin but need to simplify it. My brother always told me to go by the KISS rule at all times. KISS stands for keep it simple stupid. Finish a simple platform without all the hoopla. If people want to add to it they can buy mods for it and then you guys dont have to worry about it! strip down dolphin 7 and work with what you got. Thats what i think and you can get a finished product out in no time at all. Then can move on to greener pastures and so many people see more wont complain.
Andrew Boon
Good one. Some news about this coming soon.
Peer to peer social networking is nothing new - it's been tried by many providers and is still maintained by most. ICQ is a prime example, as is microsoft /google / yahoo / whatever messenger. Each provider extends their own version with related tools - such as the orkut social network for google talk or windows live for windows messenger. Most also integrate this into their own sites wither directly or via widgets. Millions of people already use peer to peer tools to communicate on a daily basis. see more This was the communications of the past - Social networking has evolved - it's now different.

2 things (apart from the very obvious that I've already stated above)...

1. Making users download and install clients is a step backwards as far as internet technology is concerned. This is why technologies such as activex and ajax are so successful as they allow asynchronous services such as peer to peer communications to be run within a browser - something that is easily accessible to everybody - everywhere. Installing things on computers is something that we as developers might take for granted - but is actually quite beyond the scope of most computer users. By reverting back to this technology, you have instantly just lost most of your market. Also, using torrent networks as a yardstick is also not a good idea, as in my opinion they are a completely different demographic.

2. Why try to create a service that rivals these already established major players? - you simply do not stand a chance! it would be a completely wasted effort. Why not concentrate on developing extensions to your existing product that augment these existing services. Work with them - not against them.

Andrew Boon
You failed to understand the concept completely. I specifically stated that this is not a software, not a client, and not a service. It's a set of tools and rules to facilitate connection of different clients/platforms as the network profiles. This is new and nobody ever done this. Many years ago the concept of "links" connected websites, now we need a slightly more sophisticated concept to connect webhomes. So, none of your argument is relevant here.
Every one of these existing services has an API or SDK available - why not integrate Dolphin into it - extend the Dolphin messenger to work with all of the other common messenger services - to be able to transfer files / photos / videos to or from your Dolphin site. This is something that I'm sure most sites would like to have - a means by which they are open to a larger audience - Extending Dolphins capabilities even further. Giving Dolphin these kind of tools empowers it's users. (once you've fixed see more the bugs of course)

Stop looking to get kudos from customers that you have yet to win - why not try to get it from the ones you already have.

Andrew Boon
You can think of WebHome as of a single SDK that connects different services, including profiles of Dolphin-powered sites and gives any person a way to use multiple DOlphin sites without submit join form over and over, without uploading photos to all of them and without updating all of them. It would also allow access to friends from all of them at one place.
You can think of WebHome as of a single SDK that connects different services, including profiles of Dolphin-powered sites and gives any person a way to use multiple DOlphin sites without submit join form over and over, without uploading photos to all of them and without updating all of them. It would also allow access to friends from all of them at one place.

Now that would be pretty cool to have.... a "dolphin connect module" if you will....
what about your dolphin? many bugs are still there. :-)
Nice Andrew - now you censor my posts.

If you were absolutely sure that there is no truth my comments then they would be easy to refute - but instead you delete them.

Did I touch a nerve?

There was nothing rude in what i said - simply a contrary opinions to yours.

Obviously I am not allowed to have such an opinion

you only talk WebHome - and D7 -
We invest time and money in D7 - and -
D7 is still a beta version - unusable for a commercial site -
you do things in reverse - D7 finish and you will surely support of everyone
if there must be a revolution - the revolution is the dolphin community - for D7 - without bugs and without function strange
You can think of WebHome as of a single SDK that connects different services, including profiles of Dolphin-powered sites and gives any person a way to use multiple DOlphin sites without submit join form over and over, without uploading photos to all of them and without updating all of them. It would also allow access to friends from all of them at one place.

@ Andrew Boon: So, does this mean a person only visits webhome.org to update their profile so they don't have to visit other sites to do see more so? If that is what I think, dolphin powered websites will have no visits/activaty at all. Everyone will just go to webhome instead of the dolphin powered sites because with webhome they don't need to update at the actual site anymore. Correct me if i'm wrong.
"Dolphin is a platform and even if it gets super-perfect, it would still be a platform, and if eventually it becomes irrelevant because of market change, nothing would save it."

Wow this just tells me that Boonex plans to abandon the platform all together for this new platform. I'm sorry but wasn't Trident (D8) supposed to keep on top of the latest web tech to keep Dolphin relevant. Sounds like Trident is all but dead (and where is the premium trident blogs we were promised?) and see more now you are trying to push the community in a different direction. I'm sorry but I'm not going to waste my time or give any support to this latest venture.
There are sticky stuck platforms, and there are extending and evolving platforms. D7 is definitely in the stuck category, and as such quite vulnerable to market changes. If there were a platform that was generic enough (as Trident promises say), it shouldn't have a problem adjusting to market changes.

@Mauricecano: I've also been searching for the *Access to Trident Blog* that I should have received when I upgraded my account to premium.
Sorry, it just doesn't make sense
"The idea is to connect ANY social profile as a webhome" vs. "Everything is stored on your computer"

What happens when I'm not online? How is my online presence preserved, since it's all peer-2-peer? Is my information still stored on servers/SN's supporting webhome? Should be, since my facebook account could be my webhome. This means I still visit facebook. And yes, maybe its connected to other networks as well, but as long as I do not create see more a profile there, I won't have any presence. What is the difference? How does this generate me extra traffic?

“It's a motivation, a way to keep users coming to Dolphin sites and a way to prevent entire SN market from being swallowed by 3-4 companies.”

If, as a user, I would find out that all these networks share my data, it would not make me happy. Not all these websites might be websites I want to be associated with and it is impossible to visit every individual site. Having a list of websites that I can pick from would be an option but it does not change the fact that most people would still use the "big 4".

We spend about 0.5mil annually on Dolphin and we already hire enough developers. Adding more doesn't help at all.

Instead of adding more developers, hire testers and technical writers, it might save you money on development. 'Getting back in to the code' takes more time than when it's still fresh. Good documentation will allow more people to develop mods, which brings new innovations and because of it more visitors to dolphin sites.
an incident in my life...
i introduced my website to one of my premium customer and asked him to join my site
he is a PRO and News Agent for South Indian Cinemas who has the first hand news in many hot topics
so i asked him to join my site and he questioned me back...
1.how do i access with my mobile?
2.how do i post my news to all networks from your website?
3.how do i chat with my colleagues through mobile no matter whether hes registered in my site or not?
4.do see more i have a personal and customizable pages where i can display my hot news and expose it to the world?
5.whats the entertainment stuff u have in your site[games,apps?]

Andrew Boon, this is where you should stand in my shoes and answer.
we all know that you are sacrificing a lot to buildup Boonex Empire.
we all love Boonex no matter how it is...
but we are the kind of people who has some level of entrepreneurship just to become popular, dedicate our life to our website and earn some money.
even me, i spent 75% of my monthly salary for hosting, marketing, etc just to satisfy my members.
i feel bad when they complain that my site isnt worth visiting...

If D6 is outdated and dropped and we moved to D7
D7 is theoretically great but...
and trident "Trident has been in development since 2003"
im not sure how could a 2003 web technology evolve and be compatible in 2010? will that look like D6?
really, this webhome info is not going to help my needs in any way.
instead if some screenshots and bits of info been updated about trident.
that would have been posted some hopes in our hearts...

the $20/hours, $6000/month might be bugging you
We work $1000/month with 10year experienced PHP experts in India.
in that case you should consider off-shore development in Countries LIKE India...
I just feel the $200,000 would be better spent:
1) To get the bugs out of Dolphin so people will be able to build their sites without problems
2) Make a good "how to" manual and get it in the hands of people who need it
( see http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Petiton_To_Get_Boonex_To_Implement_TikiWiki_on_Boonex_com )
....then and only then should you look to put money outside of Dolphin. Webhome is a good idea but you are not ready for it until the other things are done first. see more Like the old saying goes, don't put the wagon before the horses (stupid saying but it applies here).
If $500,000 per annum is already being spent on Dolphin, I don't think $200K would do a whole lot of good atop that. If $0,5M isn't enough to get Dolphin sorted out, it's clearly not about money.
Andrew, you are clearly a visionary person, and the world needs those. However, when you create a product, you should carry through to make it stable. There are not a lot of products out there like Dolphin. If you would get the bugs out of it and clean it up, the product would take off. People would start writing some great plug-ins for it (instead of just mods to fix the bugs), and more and more people would use it. The product would not become obsolete because the developers would keep up see more with the market trends for it.

For .5 million in one year, you could have the best programmers working on this product and make it first class. As the others have said, your idea is fine, but concentrate on fixing your product. Or sell it to someone who will fix it.
Can we get OpenID for our D7 sites yet - and a working Google and Facebook connect? There is a commercial mod I know that looks ok, but this kind of thing is so critical it should be built into the product. I do like the idea of a peer to peer social network, but this is a major change of direction for Boonex, and as almost your entire user community here seems to be saying, they would like D7 to be as good as it can possible be first. Mauricecano was very insightful - some of your comments see more make it seem like you have lost interest or even abandoned D7.
Maybe, its good for boonex to use Jobs section for D7
and they can post their requirement and buy the product from modders and release a good and healthy D7 with somany innovative features like modzzz, spywall, templates etc...
@tomakali: Hear, hear!

If Boonex were to outsource some development to the community, it'd be interesting to see if the software got rolling a bit better...
What IS BOONEX and Dolphin supposed to be about anyway? Really, think about what you want to offer and to who. People like me are NOT rich and not wanting to compete with Twitter, Yahoo, Facebook, AOL, or ANY of those mega sites. Just want to create my OWN website...just a website, not an entire internet network. My members are not going to a Dolphin site... they are going to the Rocker site..they don't know about nor give a damn about dolphin or the software I use. So why not offer a functioning see more software for a stable website. I am not a boonex follower and do not intend to spend all of my life just waiting for the next thing boonex is developing . Its been almost 10 years now and boonex expects everyone to be waiting in line just to see what theyre planning and Never Ever get to actually use any functional software for themselves. Or are you trying to proove that Boonex is just a Scam that I find in posts all over the internet?
I think if boonex spent all the hours of developing and coding on Dolphin 6 that they spent on Dolphin 7, then Dolphin 6 might be a great software with good functionality. They could then have a functional platform that they could work from instead of trying to re-code everything from scratch and have all the flaws and bugs within.
@Rocker: They aren't trying to re-code everything from a scratch --- I wish they were!

Dolphin 7 is, or at least was said to be, a transitional bridge between D6 and "the next big thing". As such, depending on how the stars are aligned at any given time, it may have the best or the worst of both worlds, or a bit of both. It reminds me of Windows Vista in some sort of eerie way, somewhere in the limbo zone between D6 (XP) and D8 (W7). Let's hope it gets there sooner than later.
Did anyone see "The Office" last night? Ryan had the same revolutionary idea as boonex haha. He called it "Woof" and said it connected all your social networking portals.
@Dolphin is a platform and even if it gets super-perfect, it would still be a platform, and if eventually it becomes irrelevant because of market change, nothing would save it.

This comment from the owner of Dolphin would probably be the last thing Dolphin customers like to hear. We have all waited for almost a year for D7 and now when we are ready to launch our sites into the market, we receive this comment from the unoboonex.

Secondly, i agree that you need to look into different verticals see more and sectors to adapt to market changes but why abandon your own platform? If you don't trust your platform, how do you expect your customers to trust it? Launch webhome, soopsters and million other sites but try to base them on the D7 platform. That would also boost people's confidence in the platform ... if something cannot be achieved then look for workarounds or try to integrate that into your platform e.g. wordpress with dolphin or vbulletin with dolphin etc

I am a pro and i have used virtually lot's of software's out there in the market e.g. wordpress, vbulletin, phpbb, smf, joomla, vanilla, bbpress, etc and Dolphin 7 was no doubt far ahead even with it's inherent bugs..

I understand it's hard to keep investing in an idea if you are not getting back the proper returns but like I suggested try to base your workarounds on Dolphin and I am 100% sure you will rule the market.

Just my 2 cents uno....
Before I go on my rant I want to thank Boonex for providing free social networking software. It's the best free SN on the market.

I have made a grand total of $0.00 using Dolphin software and I started with Dolphin 5. Had I had to do it all over I would have studied PHP and designed my own site.

I was using PHPFOX but I do not like their new version 2.x at all. After leasing and spending several thousand dollars over a few year period I have nothing to show. After leasing all those years see more PHPFOX did not even apply any of the money towards version 2.xxx. They lost a customer just like that. At least Dolphin is free. Probably Trident will be pretty cool but it may take Boonex 10 years to release it. I am not planning any business around any SN software because Andrew has it right about peer to peer. Why take on the costs of hosting videos and audio when each individual consumer has all the horsepower on their own computer already? Andrew knows that the Internet will change radically in the next few years.

Here is where I think Boonex is on traget and here is where I think they are off target...

"With WebHome, we are trying to look into the future and work towards keeping Internet free."

Andrew is a dreamer but he is correct on this one.

Here is the future of SN software: for 49.95 people will buy software (probably in c++) that is hosted on their own home computer. It will be much more powerful the any LAMP based software. The SN applications will be peer to peer. Hosting audio and video on the Internet makes no sense. It's too expensive and inefficient. Let home users use their computers. I have a kick ass computer and in a few years I will get a new one. The amount of computing horsepower keeps growing while the limits are LAMP become more obvious each day. Imagine using each customers computer to do the work of a LAMP server. No way can LAMP compete and Boonex knows this.
"Internet is an oligopoly now - FB, Twitter, eBay, Google, Apple, Amazon,etc."

Amazon and Apple will survive. Google keeps raking in billions because they have purchased such massive amounts of computing horsepower that it's astonishing. Some of my sites are indexed in a staggering 20 minutes lafter new contact is posted. That is fast. Only per-to-peer can match that type of computing horsepower.

"The future of the Internet is in freedom and peer-2-peer sharing."

Yes see more and locally hosted applications. The new SN will come from video games. LAMP is really like writing on stone tables. The future will be much different. Think about the Star Trek movies and the vacation simulators. That is where in hundreds of years things are headed.

"We spend about 0.5mil annually on Dolphin and we already hire enough developers."

That is too much and you have too many projects going on. Scrap Dolphin, hire c++ programmers and build a locally hosted SN application and sell it for $49.95 retail. If not that then have your programmers use this software: http://www.yessoftware.com/index2.php and build an AJAX/peer to peer site. I don't have the time but if I did I would try and build my own open source SN software. Boonex has taken too long and not released a viable product in years. Since Dolphin is free I am grateful, however, I think Boonex has wasted a lot of money without a bug free product to show for it. I still can't even empty the trash on Dolphin 7. How ridiculous is that? Buddypress for Worpress is free and super easy to update although it's slow.

"Webhome.org doesn't store any information at all. Everything is stored on your computer."

That is the future.
A compelling argument, but Andrew has already stated that " this is not a software, not a client, and not a service.".

Peer to peer for sharing computer power is an obvious benefit over a single server serving many clients, but this would still need some central site to aggregate the data - somewhere that new users can go to connect. (think 'the pirate bay' as an already relevant example).

This will always be the case - regardless of how the future shapes communications.

Think see more along the following lines - telephone directories, Public address books, IRC channel listings, Search engines. All providers of communications have some form of directories or listings - somewhere that everyone can go to find others.

The internet has revolutionised this, sites like facebook, myspace, orkut, whatever, all provide this kind of service, but present it in a relevant format.

Our own websites further serve to act as a filter - they filter out the noise - users of my Dolphin site only get presented with information relative to the sites subject matter - they do not have to trawl through pages of irrelevant stuff to get to the information that they want.

Peer to peer has it's place, and may well form a part of the future of communication in this medium, but there will always be a need for filtered aggregated content - ie websites like yours and mine, in this respect, tools like Dolphin will still form a part of this future and should not be dropped in favor of some fanciful scheme like this.
Another One Bites The Dust
Another changed. This is not surprising me at all. what am I doing here anyway? keep asking myself over and over again, no answer. I've been around Boonex community since 2005, and now I'm still end up nowhere. Weigh a lot of times and money for nothing. Dolphin is more into social web now a day. And reality is no body can beat up Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, or Hi5... I myself only want a dating, matchmaking software for my web community need. I did in love with Shark, but it's never been released. see more And so on Trident. First it's say going to release in 2010. Now back to Trident page. The release 2010 quote is gone. What is going on with that? Anyway, I'll just give it up, and stopped dreaming, because a dreamer is still a dreamer, leading me out of nowhere... Wishing Boonex getting better.
I agree with Boonex on this one. Dolphin is nice and will always need to have improvements. That is that way it will be FOREVER. The last thing that any company can do at this point is have tunnel vision. I support them branching out. Thanks for giving us a heads up!!!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.