WAMP - how to set it up to run Dolphin.

IgorL posted 9th of February 2010 in Community Voice. 11 comments.

The word "WAMP" stand for "Windows + Apache + MySQL + PHP". This is a very handy package for Windows which already includes PHP, MySQL and Apache so you won't have to install these packages separately. WAMP can be obtained from here

Its installation is pretty user-friendly and doesn't need any deep inspection. What I want to tell you about is how to set up this package after you have installed it.

After installing WAMP start it and you will see its icon in the taskbar. Using this icon, you can change any settings and enable/disable any modules in PHP or Apache. Just left-click this icon and proceed to "Apache -> Apache modules" or "PHP -> PHP settings" or "PHP -> PHP extensions". Using these menus, you can enable such modules, like "rewrite_module" in Apache, such extensions like "php_mbstring" and make such settings like "enable short open tag".

After every change you make, all services will get restarted.

The first problem which is encountered by those who install Dolphin on WAMP is a garbled home page after installation. This is caused by disabled "short_open_tag" which is set so by default. Dolphin mostly encloses PHP commands into tags like "<? ?>" instead of the full notation "<?php ?>", that is why you need to enable "short_open_tag" in the first place:
"WAMP icon -> PHP -> PHP settings -> short open tag".

It's also necessary to enable the setting "allow url fopen" and the extensions "php_gd2", "php_mbstring" and "php_xsl". In Apache it's necessary to enable "rewrite_module".

You should also have some SMTP server installed on your Windows machine. To make Dolphin work properly with this server, you will have to open the file "php.ini":
"WAMP icon -> PHP -> php.ini"
and uncomment (remove semicolons) and edit the following lines:
;SMTP = your_domain_name
;sendmail_from = your_admin_email

so they look like

SMTP = mysite.com
sendmail_from = admin@mysite.com

Wishing you success installing Dolphin on WAMP.

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Hello!! How about ffmpeg for video encoding?
and also in default installation WAMP doesn't have any sendmail or other mail systems.
ffmpeg and mail programs are not part of Apache+MySQL+PHP triad.
You should install them separately.

ffmpeg for Windows can be found here:

sendmail programs for Windows can be searched for in Google
I never really understood why someone would want to do this in the first place. How about posting some reasons why this is useful.
testing on a home computer would be my main reason. i just use xampp works out of the box no config needed..... has a mail and ftp server as well...
Nathan Paton
I've used WAMP in the past for testing things locally. Of course, that was before I launched my virutalized infrastructure (which is less impressive than what I'm making it out to be).
Locally - I use - xampp

post forum

you will not need to install your own PHP or MYSQL


###### ApacheFriends XAMPP (Basispaket) version 1.7.0 ######

+ Apache 2.2.11
+ MySQL 5.1.30 (Community Server)
+ PHP 5.2.8 + PEAR (Support for PHP 4 has been discontinued)
+ PHP-Switch win32 1.0 (use "php-switch.bat" see more in the xampp main directory)
+ XAMPP Control Version 2.5 from www.nat32.com
+ XAMPP Security 1.0
+ SQLite 2.8.15
+ OpenSSL 0.9.8i
+ phpMyAdmin 3.1.1
+ ADOdb 4.990
+ Mercury Mail Transport System v4.52
+ FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.29
+ Webalizer 2.01-10
+ Zend Optimizer 3.3.0
+ eAccelerator für PHP 5.2.8 (but not activated in the php.ini)
yeah if you use xampp make sure you get the version with php 5.2.9 or below. dont use the php 5.3.x and above dolphin dont like that version very much.
Be very careful when using XAMPP on your machines. The reason it works so well is because it was intended for testing only. It is wide open with all default passwords and is very insecure. WAMP on the other hand is intended to be secure and used as a standard server.

Apache2triad is a really great alternative. Install it and make the same changes to the php.ini as noted above (have to use notepad since there is not an interface like WAMP). Triad has mail and ftp integrated and is secured while see more installing. I use this for testing Dolphin updates before deploying them on my live server.
Nathan Paton
WAMP is as insecure as a default XAMPP installation. But, that's besides the point.
I recently discovered a very nice setup that is ready for Dolphin out of the box AND comes pre-supplied with about 30 other apps that will install onto a website with just one click...

Install Debian using default settings (takes about 15 minutes and you've got a web server running.

Now for the REALLY EASY PART.... grab a control panel for hosting called ehcp. This is a single-command install script which once run will automagically download, update and set up a total web hosting server see more ready to run without much user interaction at all (it's designed for dummies like me). Once successfully installed, it takes you directly to the login screen where you can adjust whatever you'd like, but it's pretty much ready to start hosting websites. It incorporates every item you might need to tweak out a Dolphin setup AND, it installs ffmpeg and is ready to load up RMS. Some of the programs it can automatically install (called Easy Install Scripts) on a site are:
Joomla, phpbb, drupal., xoops, netoffice, blog-evolution, wordpress, phpfreechat, tikiwikicma, osCommerce, Coppermine, MediaWiki, Magento, OSTicket, Zencart, moodle, phpAuction, phpMotion, Clipbucket and lots more. Dolphin COULD be set up with it automatically once Cron Jobs can be automated in ehcp. (This is being worked on for the next update of ehcp.) Once ready, an API for Dolphin may be created by the author of ehcp giving you the ability to set up Dolphin on a site (or for your customers to do so) with one click. Check it out if you are looking for something to use for a test bed.
hi am using wamp .... bt get stuck on secound page of setup ...........first 2 say found then php binaery say not found and the 3 others below it ..........say same ..... does any 1 know were i shud point eme to to get emm to work ?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.