Video Upload Problem - Need Help.

michaelmontgomery posted 17th of July 2008 in Community Voice. 1 comment.

Hello to All,


I posted this issue in my Forum, didn't get a response.


I'm a novice webmaster and one of


my sites is


I'm trying to upload a video file from my site into my members profile.

My file is located at


It's only 9mb long, so it should not be a problem.


At first when I hit upload, it appears everything is fine,

but a 1/2 second later, I get a upload error message,

and my video disappears.


Can someone email me at

And tell me a solution.


I'm using Dolphin 6.1.2

I'm using Xampp as my server

My operating system is WinXP - Pro




Mike Montgomery

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default ffmpeg.exe for unix systems,
you should use ffmpeg.exe for windows, you can find this in our products, seems in Ray section
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