User always Offline in Ray Chat

nancycity posted 29th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

Hi, I have a problem with Ray IM. Users appear offline and can't chat. tryed to resintall but nothing. The problem appear both with ad-free and free versions. Others Ray widgets work fine.

Any idea ?

Thank a lot !

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Is that not because the time gap between the disconnection of the users and the display of the user as online ?

Admin Panel - Advanced Settings - Time period in minutes within which a member is considered to be online

Setting a low value for this option will show really online users
Setting a high value for this option will show really online users and already disconnected users
No it doesn't. I tryed with users I was sure there were online. Thank for the suggestion anyway !
I have the same issue...
I'm having the same problems here.
I have tried setting the above named Timeperiod to 15 minutes and do the test within seconds after login. It keeps saying "<User> isn't in chat now but your message will be delivered as soon as <user> is online.

when the other site accepts the Message and writes something back, this in return becomes a new chat request for user one.
normal chat does work.
I got a response from Ray Expertz ; a patch will be release for this problem next week. Thanks all for your help.
Thanks for the info :-)
Has the patch been released for this problem???

I was still waiting for this patch. I have no response anymore from Ray about date of release. I turn around the problem using cyberxing RMS service. In fact it seems our hostings have some ports needed for Chat that are closed.
Cyberxing is cheap and seems to work well.

Hope it will help. I was boring waiting for an hypotetic patch...
Wow, this was a long time ago but it seems that I am having the same issue today on the latest versions.

Were any fixes ever released?

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