Upoading files

mbull22 posted 11th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

I want members to be able to upload a file other than an image - for example a 'pdf' or a 'doc'. And for the pdf link to be displayed instead of an image.


I want to use this in the 'create group' area. So, for example, instead of selecting a group profile image, I'd like members to be able to have a link to a word document or pdf file.


Anyone got any ideas???????

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Good idea, but you will need a 'kill' button in Admin...
is there not a mod out that allows you to do a multi upload?

I'm looking for the same feature but for powerpoint files such as slideshows... permit users to upload PPT presentations..

any idea?

I am interested in the exact same thing for the exact same reason. Has there been a mod developed for this yet? I see that this was posted 3 1/2 years ago.
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