Uploading Error for Video

harpoon posted 4th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.
I tryto upload a video as a user and right after it looks like the video is going to upload by going up to 100% then the box pops up saying, uploading file error.  Any help?Embarassed
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I have the same problem!
this can be caused by a few different problems.

If you want to give more details I would be willing to take a look at it.

Most common problems are:

Database timeout is set too low (if you get the error on larger files)

The .htaccess file and or php.ini files are not configured correctly

The permissions on the encoder are not set correctly.


It does it for small and larger files. Can you walk me through one of the steps to correcting it. If that doesn't work then I'll try another one.
i think at one point i discovered this was a problem with RMS. are you on your own RMS or are you using the freeloaders version? also, just as mentioned above, you have to edit settings in three different places, first and most important is the php.ini secondly is the sites advanced settings, thirdly is the settings in ray itself. get us what you have for your time out sessions and max_upload. then we would like to see where you are connecting to RMS

I had this problem but it went away when I uploaded the new Ray and FFMPEG with the new Doplhin 6.1 beta.
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