Unwanted photo block when adding a 3rd column in profile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When adding a new/3rd column in the profile view, the system automatically creates a Photo Block at the top of the 3rd column. First of all it does not need to be there, second it is affected by the turning on and off of the New Gallery Feature in the Admin Section, when the New Galery Feature is turned on, the block is empty, when it is turned off the block has an Avatar in it. Not this Block is on the right in the new 3rd column and not the 1st column on the left. Any ideas on how to fix it?
BTW, I'm not sure of people will take your post too seriously since you posted it twice, and with dozens of exclamation points.
I see the membership types aren't being updated correctly still either in the Users list. I hope this gets corrected soon.
.. look an necessary code:
function showBlockPhoto( $iCol, $bNoDB = false )
$iPID = 0;
if( $iCol == 1 ) {
$iPID = $this -> _iProfileID;
$sNickName = $this -> _aProfile['NickName'];
} elseif( $iCol == 2 ) {
if( !$this -> _aProfile['Couple'] )
$iPID = $this -> _iProfileID;
//$iPID = (int)$this -> _aProfile['Couple'];
$sNickName = $this -> _aProfile['NickName'] . '(2)';
if see more
I'm not good in programming, so do I just copy paste the code to replace the existing one? I am also having this problem.
$iPID = 0;
if ($iPID > 0) {
} (at the end)