Tykes Nomination for moderator

tyke posted 29th of May 2009 in Community Voice. 32 comments.

Hi all, here is my nomination for moderator. so what do i think would make me a good moderator able to help our  community.

I suppose the first thing to ask is, what is a moderator ? if you would ask me that question after many years of experience as a moderator and global moderator, then the answer is simple for me. We are the people who oil the wheels to make sure the site runs smoothly for all members, to help members, a specially the new one's who are just finding their way around. we are here to gently steer people in the right direction, so they get the most out of the site. A site that runs smoothly, helps its members to find their feet and is a friendly place to be, is an asset to any company and can speak volumes to anybody paying us a visit.

So this is me Tyke, born and raised in a south Yorkshire mining community, working down the coal mines in my younger years taught me the values of trust, fairness, loyalty, realising the value that is in any community setting. Plain speaking and honest is how we Yorkshire folk are known and i hope if im accepted, those assets will help this already brilliant community shine through.



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Tyke gets my vote, was very helpful to me when my site went down and he is very patient and polite
Thanks ash for the comment
Hi Tyke,

I added you to my friends list yesterday after looking at your website and reading about you. My first impression is a good one and I really think you have potential to become a moderator and a friend.

However, I can't honestly vouch for you (yet) simply because you haven't been among us long enough to really get to know you.(member for less than 100 days)

Boonex needs Moderators who are "Corporate Ambassadors" representing and protecting their public image and reputation. see more We need to see that you have the company's best interests at heart before approving you. You have to prove your loyalty.

You became a Pundit yesterday (literally) and today you want to be a Moderator. I recommend that you learn what it means to be a Pundit for six months or so and then I will personally nominate you for Moderator or Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, or whatever.

I also strongly advise you new guys (wesways) who want to become Moderators that you show due respect to James Tadeo and DosDawg (Moderator Leadership) by contacting them and discussing your wish to join them "first".

I have been a CEO and Corporate Executive for 40 years and I am a real stickler for business protocol and nominating yourself is a "Taboo" practice because it is seen as self-serving. I don't think that's true of you. You seem like a really cool guy!

I will remain "Neutral" and not click thumbs up or down until we hear from the Moderator Captains.

I agree with Juker in this, moderators must have some years working and have insight in the whole community process. It's nothing personal!
Actually i agree with both your comments,First let me say though that i do have years of working the wheels of a community, in fact thats what i seem to do, build the sites for people,who have the idea that they wish to have a forum but no nothing about the actual running of it, or how to handle people when things get a bit sticky, or you get clashes between people and so on.So i just keep an eye on things to keep thing running smoothly, which then lets the admins get on with what they want from see more the site.

I think this is where the pundit status to moderator status fails myself. I was very kindly put forward as a pundit, when in all honesty i dont really qualify,as i understand what it is to be a pundit anyway (site tester, good with code and so on). Im no coder, im more of a people person, but you have to become a pundit first before being able to put yourself forward as a moderator, and this is where my skills IMHO lay, and where i can be of more help to our community. The comment you made juker " I have been a CEO and Corporate Executive for 40 years and I am a real stickler for business protocol and nominating yourself is a "Taboo" practice" This is exactly where i believe my attributes are. With respect, Im really not so interested in the business protocols and the whys and wherefores, im here for the users, the members who need help and guidance,to get the most out of the visits here.

Let the admins worry about the business side of things, let the pundits do their bit with testing and so on, and let the moderators take care of the people.


That's the Spirit! - Talk to us young fella!

We need to get to know you.

there is no harm in openly putting forward your nominations and show your interest and give your reasons why. this allows members to follow you and to see how you do manage and react to things as a normal user while getting to know you for when you feel its time to apply for real.

maybe the title of future members should read.
"Expressing an interest towards future nomination as moderator"
except those who believe they have put in the time and posts to be considered
yes i think that in itself is a good idea, pave the way so to speak for any future interest, then when the time comes or the need comes for any future moderators, the ground work is done, the trust is built and so this would be a lot easier to gain the confidence of members and the team that are already involved.Which is a very important point.
Dear Tyke,

Sammie is absolutely correct! She has a sixth sense for sniffing out good and evil in this community and I value her opinion. A thumbs up from her is like getting a thumbs up from Simon Cowell. - Let the teapot seep for awhile.

I would like to add that no one placed any preconditions upon us when we accepted the nomination for Pundit (no job description posted). The Pundit program is really in it's infancy and I don't think anyone can predict what individual roles will be. Even Boonex see more must be scratching their heads and wondering "How WILL this turn out?".

Within a few days we will become a fantastic 40 member team with extremely diverse backgrounds and we are not all coders. If you leave the coding to me I will have us all talking through tin cans connected by a kite string.

We are for the time being "Volunteer Experts" and your time won't be wasted helping us to organize this team. I am already offering my expertise in business management and you obviously have good people skills and I think we will be good teammates, Matey!

Simon cowell LOL.... Not sure if that would be taken as a compliment or not.. Im sure it will be though :-) Im sure when the dust settles, then what will be left is indeed a very good team more than capable of doing the job in hand. its refreshing to hear that not all of us are coders, as like you Juker, i should be kept well away from it or indeed the headers will be in the footers,and the Blogs will be named globs, and then where will we be.

Im sure it will all come out in the wash as we say see more over here. :-)
Semper Fi Dude - Bikers Rule!
Juker thank you.

the reason i wanted to limit the number of fast tracked pundits to 10, was so as we could quickly get in place a select number of seasoned members, of whom maybe 5-6 would become moderators. there should be no voting, and BoonEx should have just appointed the, (i had excluded myself from the moderator post because i know there would be more fighting, so i removed that oppertunity before hand in a talk with Andrew.)

Quote from my email to andrew before i resigned my status:
"i see more cant apply to be a moderator even though i am listed as one of the only 2 approved pundits that can apply, it would start hostilities again and i would sooner avoid all that for the greater good of the community, even though most would support me.
i am just hoping all this change was worth it, but there are a few Diehards that wont let it drop."

what we all want is peace, what we all wait for is Dolphin 7. my reasons for only 10/12 people to start, was so BoonEx can get on with Dolphin 7 and not waste to much time here. so i have no idea why BoonEx wanted 40 pundits to deal with and encrease the work on that 4 fold. when it could have worked with a small number as a 2 month quick fix. so they can get on with what matters Dolphin 7 and then open the pundit fast track when that takes over in 2 months time.

I have been a Global administrator for a student center with 900,000 teenage members and they caused less problems than what was caused here. why? because we removed all the root causes of problems and where would couldnt, we put in place deterents.
i'll talk more in an new thread about this later today.

as you can now see who voted for you, it has revealed a small group of people whom abused the voting system to harass and attack me, some mebers of that group even went through all my posts over 2 years and hit everyone with neg rep.

boonex knows who you are, i know who you are, and you know who you are. you have been excluded from ever obtaining a position as moderator here, so please dont even apply.
see deterent in place and abuse has stopped. (i hope)

Edit: the old sammie is back now the abuse has stopped
Quote: "Edit: the old sammie is back now the abuse has stopped"

Can this please be the truth. Sammie is a fixture and useful commodity on this site. For all the talk JTadeo does about drinking coffee and burning the midnight oils, you truly have been here all hours of day and night answering questions. I truly believe you indeed do not sleep. So this is all a bad dream and you will wake up refreshed.
You get my vote Tyke.

Be your own man.
thanks Dwain appreciate it
My Dear Sammie,

Again, From my Heart - Severe shock has a traumatic "Rippling" effect in your emotions and although you can't see it you are on the same rollercoaster that our Soldiers returning from combat are on. - PTSD

My duties as a Christian Chaplain require me to address this issue almost everyday. By "rippling effect" I mean that the brain and nervous systems of PTSD sufferers acts like a "Guitar Amp" and when you plug in even a normal stressful occurance see more it gets AMPLIFIED out of proportion. These reactions come and go like ripples but they will subside IF YOU AVOID ALL STRESS and surround yourself with your loved ones. Love and hugs are the best medicine of all.

I think that your current status as "Honorary Pundit" may prove to be a blessing for you. It gives you the chance to back off and rest when you need to. The pressure is off.

Faithfully Yours,
Juker - Pundit and Friend
well it appears now you can all see who abused the voting system to attack me. go look at my old blogs and same 2 names, they are related/same user. opps

old saying, never put anything online if you dont want it comming back and biting you in the aztec

and sorry sweetoe, i resigned, and want nothing to do with that position again, not any position for that matter.
Juker, I am not a Christian, but I totally agree with what you are saying. After all that drama, vicious personal attacks, and false accusations she really should take a break from here. After the CEO took the extraordinary step of apologizing to HER the attacks continued unabated - even on the same thread! Whether some of these were deserved or not in irrelevant - I had to take TWO FULL DAYS to deal with her drama. As you know, when you get a little older, you don't like wasting a single day see more EVER - especially on something like this. Sammie, take Juker's advice - take a leave of absence for a month or so - go to the beach more, support and enhance your own community. Then come back here and support and help people on the forums - like you did six months ago - and avoid politics and personal attacks whenever you can.


p.s. By the way Sammie - I don't think too many people here even cared about the voting system until you got everyone all riled up about it. I didn't even know I had any votes until it was over 200 when I looked after one of your complaints.




unfounded see more abuse Caltrade? thats your neg rep history
drop it now
I'd just like to take a moment to remind every one that the title of this blog is: Tykes Nomination for moderator.

Whatever our opinion of Tyke, I think we owe him our due consideration and should respect his right to put himself forward for nomination without hijacking the thread.
Cough.... Well i go out to buy a car for 5 minutes, well a few hours really, come back and, well, did my blog go a bit off topic then :-) looks like it, naughty naughty..
If this was my forum you lot would have me getting my emoticon out (the one with the whip :-) Behave yourself you buggers... Be nice now.

vauxhaul vectra 1.8 (a sort of matalic dark blue..) if anybody is interest...drives like a dream ;-)
Gawd, that me going off topic now.....;-)
You kill me Bro, - I have really enjoyed meeting you today.
As a matter of fact I'm going to give you a thumbs up just for being a good sport.
vaxhaul vectra...phew glad you said vectra had visions of the old viva ;)
your nomination, will be diligently considered, and i totally agree with Juker, that experience is key in moderation of any site. you have been about for a bit, and your presence is greatly appreciated.

as we progress the rest of the week, i will be pondering all who have set nomination. i sincerely appreciate the fact that you are prepared to lay it all down for the community, and your nomination will have the utmost of consideration from me. at this time, where i am neither for or against see more the nomination of the position of moderator for you, all due consideration is justifiable.

Thanks DosDawg, thats all one could ask for anyway.Im here if needed, but im sure there are better people out there for the job than i. Appreciate the consideration anyway.


tyke, bro, i wouldnt know about "better" people, i think you are a huge attribute, and wish to see you do well. from a logistics viewpoint, if you get some time under your belt, hang in there as a pundit, contribute to the community, exhibit the skills you have accomplised in the past under different and similar circumstances, im sure that you will be given an opportunity to server as a moderator.

You got my vote Tyke. I think you'd make a fine moderator. Good luk!
i vote for you tyke. you have helped me few times.
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