DosDawg and jtadeo are now BoonEx Unity Moderators. We hope to build a strong team of about 8-12 moderators to make sure somebody's always on-duty.
As of now, we have very limited moderation tools, so their power is very limited. With the upgrade to Dolphin 7 we plan to add a lot more mod-actions. This will come in handy to all Dolphin-site owners too.
DosDawg and jtadeo are both long-time BoonEx Unity members and have proved to be competent and balanced. We are happy to have them on-board as moderators and are very grateful for their readiness to help.
note: Moderators can't access personal account data. Moderators can't see or suspend licenses. Moderators can't delete any content.
Moderators can "hide" content and "report" content so that Admins would check it promptly. The final say is always from Admin.
Congratulations to you both and thank you for your willingness to serve as Unity goes forward to the next level.
I hope that by having moderators here, it will also help give the BoonEx team more time and focus on Dolphin 7 & 8.
I have asked on another post, that i have a request of you all, please moderate me as i assist in moderating this site. i do appreciate the votes from all the members, and i appreciate boonex giving me this opportunity.