Trivia mods for Ray

zak2008 posted 2nd of May 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.
Does anyone know if there is any Trivia mods for chat rooms? This feature is fun for chatters and keeps them going and more memebers too
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This would be a great feature or even better if some one could make an MIRC connection for the RMS server.
I like this idea.
PkChatzinc - you may be want use IRC appliance based on CGI or JAVA code.
.. and much much more!

Sorry, if you known that and you speak about the Flash Chat of Boonex, who can connect to irc Server...
Thank you for the info Spider but yer a connection for MIRC to RMS server is my question.
If this can be done it will put a whole new direction on Ray Chat and a answer to zak2008's Question.
I run a MSN look alike site as well as smart pro Boonex.
The site has trivia rooms in it with Mirc bots running it. The bots are used for admin purposes as well.
I would love to get rid of this site and run Dolphin as a sole and only site.
To see what I mean join as a guest here :
I see more know there is some protical differences but I have seen other sites run Mirc with Flash/java servers.
Eg. Buzzen Chat
I would gadly pay some one to try and set this up.
guys, thanks for your insight...never knew its that complicated. May be I will look into other Chat integrations that has Trivia. My host is hostforweb and not sure they support such either.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.