problem in configuring dolphin v6.1.0
m having few problems in configuring dolphin at my home pc, when i open the dolphin/install/index.php page and go to the step of specifying paths there are two problems
1) i've installed gd library, but it says '
GD library NOT installed'
2) i've tried to do ImageMagick as an alternative, wen I compile and build the ImageMagick as expained, it works fine, but wen i try to run the test command convert logo: image.jpg, it gives me error of 'invalid parameter image.jpg'
if i continue with the default values of paths for ImageMagick, then specifying the Database tab's values n Configuration Tab's values, it shows blank page for Cron Jobs after a lot of time.
M not being able to understand that wats wrong with it, where the problem is? M exactly following the steps explained in the Intall file of dolphin e.g. creating database as well as user etc
I've installed apache, php n mysql using PHPTriad. m also using PHPMyAdmin, it's working fine.
I wud be really helpfull if someone gets me out of it, m in urgent need of confguring dolphin at my local machine.
The best way to compile apache is using ssh command line and using /scripts/easyapache