
roaringbiz posted 27th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.
three more bugs with window and apache on your dolphin script…In search http://roaring.biz/search_result.php?Sex=Male&LookingFor=Female&DateOfBirth_start=18&DateOfBirth_end=110&distance=&metric=miles&zip=1:With the zodiac signs it doesn’t word wrap properly.. it goes over the zodiac icon making the description text unreadable cause of the icon…2:matches don’t seem to be working at all.. I get 0% on all members.. plus I don’t know how to set matches with prov, city, country. It kept telling me that it is non-matchable.  From the profile fields that were set up for matches it doesn’t match at all on the list.. see link above.. you might have to create and account. I got it set at default 70% but it does list any percentages on the members list from search.3:security pics and codes stay the same no matter what you do I always get the same security code when I try or other people try to sign up.. it changes once in a while but for the most part its stuck. It works and everything but it is not randomly creating security codes. Keeps giving you the same ones on sign up. Those are just a few of the bugs I have found in your script.. the forums are shot completely. As previous emails to you explaining the bugs.. I don’t see why php and java scripts would have problems with windows as it runs on the same interpreter as linux or other operating systems but it does.. for firefox and explorer. Umm one question where do I find the manual for this script?? I need to find out how the moderators log on to moderate the site.. so far I got them making a regular account then going into the moderators admin section filling out their user name email and password.. but it doesn’t seem to give them moderator privileges in the default page and the admin page…. What am I doing wrong? 
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What am I doing wrong?

well i think you are in way over your head.
the moderators login via the:
login page. also you set the moderators for the chatrooms via the av chat admin panel.

reporting everything as a bug aint helping you, you clearly have no idea what a bug is when its you and/or your server thats the problem.
each question...all answered at least three times by many of us in the forums..I would go and dig them up for you but ...why? your just going to stay here and post every little question you have...they will be answered too ...lol...

check my blog i have a video on how to make a field matchable

forums are only as good as your xslt processor
you get what you pay for in terms of a host

wow my eyes hurt trying to decipher your rant! wheres J?
well it stil doesn't work on windows
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