
rebbie posted 13th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.
  1. Where do I edit the smilies??? They are not showing up correctly. I would appreciate someone helping me with this! Their the email and so on smiles and also the chat smilies
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the chat smiles are in the / public_html / ray / modules / global / data / smilesets /

i know because i sell the 90 yahoo animated smile set.

no idea about the email smiles
the email smiles plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images
(check also about your upload, is it files there!)
Sammie, did you just ding someone for advertising there products here? Personally, I don't mind seeing advertising. That is, as long as it isn't abused. I know, I'm being a trouble maker. I like your smiley set if that's any compensation.

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