Things to know about File Permissions for Dolphin

DosDawg posted 7th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 9 comments.
I dont know how far i am going to get with this, but i have some questions, information, and concerns about some of the file permissions for Dolphin/Ray/Orca.

First and most annoying is the fact that you have this large number of files that you must chmod to 777 and 666, then you only reverse that after you are installed on SIX (6) files. why would we just not write the installation to have all the correct permissions and after installation, change the six files permissions.

Now for the other problem with this, the overall abundant number of Directories with 777 permissions. This is a hackers paradise if they ever locate your server. A safe secure server will not go any higher than 755. This is good security measure, and at some point i think this will be an industry standard. who knows Tongue out.

I am not sure of the difference in permissions for the ad free and the free version of Dolphin, but i intend on finding out. I have been learning diligently for about three months now, and i find it intriguing to say the least. I know many people who are trying to run this script, give up out of frustration. I think this script has a long way to go before its a mainstream social network site, it does have potential though. just seems to me there are more concerned about earning a few bux on their modifications, than they are with helping the "community" get up and running with the basics. Not that Dolphin has anything basic

It appears i am on a rant, and i suppose i am, but thats what blogs are for. You can rant all day long and if nobody gives two shits then they wont read it.

I have done something that i hope somebody finds useful and helpful. I have went through the installation of Dolphin ad-free 6.0.003 and listed the file permissions as they appear on the site with the exception of one or two, as a easier means of changing all these permissions. you will have to use PuTTY or some other root terminal to utilize what i have done and what i know works.

chmod -v 777 ./backup ./cache ./groups/gallery ./groups/orca/cachejs ./groups/orca/log ./inc ./langs ./media/images ./media/images/banners ./media/images/blog ./media/images/classifieds ./media/images/gallery ./media/images/profile
chmod -v 777 ./media/images/profile_bg ./media/images/promo ./media/images/sdating ./media/images/sharingImages ./media/sound ./media/video ./orca/cachejs ./orca/log ./periodic ./tmp ./ray/modules/im/files ./ray/modules/mp3/files
chmod -v 777  ./ray/modules/board/files ./ray/modules/movie/files ./ray/modules/music/files ./ray/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe 
Begin 666 CHMOD
FILES note this is in increments on the console
chmod -v 666 ./inc/ ./inc/ ./periodic/cmd.php ./periodic/notifies.php ./periodic/tags.php
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/global/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/global/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/board/xml/skins.xml
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/chat/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/chat/xml/skins.xml
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/im/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/langs.xml
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/im/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/im/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/movie/xml/main.xml
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/movie/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/mp3/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/config.xml
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/music/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/music/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/presence/xml/main.xml
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/presence/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/video/xml/main.xml
chmod -v 666 ./ray/modules/video/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/config.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/langs.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/main.xml ./ray/modules/desktop/xml/skins.xml ./ray/modules/global/inc/
This is where we begin the reverse of the chmods we have done
chmod 755
chmod -v 755 ./inc ./periodic

chmod 644
chmod -v 644 ./periodic/cmd.php ./periodic/notifies.php ./periodic/tags.php ./ray/modules/global/inc/

for those of you who are wondering why in the hell this is incremented out, well because i was not very bright and was using a GUI when i first started doing the file permission changes, and it only allowed a certain number of characters. then i figured out that i could actually copy and paste into the Terminal using PuTTY. This is a lot of typing and i just havent made the changes to it yet. I know that mr powless has posted the actual files and the permissions on the forumz and this may seem to be a redundant post, but actually, the way this is structured, this is and should remain in the wrapped format, that way you can copy and paste the line either in a GUI command line, or straight to PuTTY and it has the command the permission you are looking for on the one line.

i just realized something, that this forum may have a character limit, so i better stop here before i type too many characters just to find out that its a few hundred outside the allowed parameter.

will continue later if i continue at all.

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Great info. It is ironic that just before coming here I was looking for the same solution (a quicker way to chmod files). And I bumped into this file.

For those who are afraid of command line and love a good old GUI

Hope this helps
then the pair of you need to open your eyes, because all that info is in the docs if you look for it
I installed dolphin and am getting an error which says 500 internal server error........
What exactly is the problem?
Ihad worked fine earlier....then all of a sudden it stopped working....the same dat even boonex site wasnt opening....can you please help me install would be very kind of you if you could
it is partially in the docs. i actually think its for the 5.2 version, and does not apply to 6.x.x

you clearly use the GUI if you think this information was readily available.

i'm not really a technical anyone can recommend any link to set the permission to install dolphon?
well so all of you know, this set of file permissions is out of date as well. i will get an updated list on here soon.

hanzahar, nosir there is no link to change the file permissions, when this post was fresh, you could copy and paste these into an ssh and change the permissions, but since 6.1.1 this is not the case. there are about 30 files that will still need to be touched.


Hello, I'm Heath Goodman, not a significant person in this world really. However, I try to contribute to worthy causes. Boonex seems to be a worthy cause.
Dolphin installations don't have to be so tedious anymore, in regards to setting permissions to the almost 100 files. Save a bunch of time by doing the following-

1. Put the two php files provided- chmodauto.php and chmodautorev.php see more in the root folder where all the main dolphin files reside such as THESE FILES MUST BE IN THE ROOT DOLPHIN FOLDER!
2. When you come to the first install screen that asks you to set the permissions and all of the files are in red, point another browser window to (or whatever name you've chosen)/chmodauto.php (this calls up the php script- where it resides).
If all goes as planned the window should report that all permissions on the files have successfully been updated.
3. Close the window that successfully executes the script chmodauto.php
4.Click check on the install window to check to see if all files are green indicating a green light to go to the next step.
5. After going through the other steps (naming database, setting up cron jobs etc.) you will come to a screen that will tell you to reverse a few files in regards to their permissions. You could do this manually (not as tedious as setting the 92 permissions) or you could just point another browser window to (or whatever name you've chosen)/chmodautorev.php (this calls up the php script). This should display a successful reversal of these files.
6. Close the window that successfully executes the script chmodautorev.php
7. Click check on the install window to check to see if all files are green indicating a green light to go to the final step (which is to remove the install folder from your directory.
8.However, the final step in this case is then to remove the files chmodauto.php and chmodautorev.php from the root folder where they reside.
Wala- you just saved a bunch of time. Now go use that time to do something even more important like snuggling up to the ones you love.
If I can help further, you can email me;
Thanks. Heath G.
Thanks Heath, I think that'll be really helpful.
I just migrated a ton of sites - a few with Dolphin - to a new box and archiving the folders/sites apparently failed to preserve permissions. I'm busy as hell and just copying and pasting DosDawg's commands fixed a bunch of "failure to open stream" permission's issues. Thanks a lot.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.