The mountain top is still so far away

slimgoody posted 3rd of April 2010 in Community Voice. 5 comments.


I'm trying to find a direction that I want to go in when it comes to my personal work blog. I have been trying different areas by posting and see what kind of feel I'm getting as well as giving. I've come to realize that all I want to do is talk about what I experience when it comes to building my site.


I'm not interested in writing tutorials because I'm by far a web designer but I'm not too shabby either. Out of all the websites I've built, this one is the most complex and time consuming. I'm so used to working with WYSIWYG editors, so having to actually search through code, snip and learn a different language is definitely a leap from where I was first standing.  I used to think I was so smart but once I got "here", I still thought I was smart , I just found myself feeling dumb alot more often than I used to.


I can say one thing. I'm trying to hold on to my last few dollars before I give it to a Premium account. I figure I will only upgrade if I get to the point where I really can't figure out an issue I'm having. So far I've gotten all my issues covered, just on hands on sessions with myself. I've gotten a handful of "Wrong" information which has caused me more set backs than I had plan on encountering.

I'm so ready to get the ball rolling on my project but I know that all things take time, and I can't do a rush job. Presence is everything. I think I am getting to the point where I want to just sit back and pay someone else to finish up the loose ends. I did majority of the customizing and setup. It functions great (thanks to boonex and this awesome script, my license purchase will be happening soon!), Looks amazing and just down right hot. I'm pretty proud of my site thus far. Just tired of tap dancing around on the same issue. I've never spent more than a week on a problem. - Well, if you cut out the children, husband and everyday life events, then it would actually calculate out to be a few days :)


Ahh well, I haven't changed over the script much at all, which should leave enough room for me to upgrade properly. I have made sure to write down every little change I've made for my future programmers. The only other major thing I have to really do is to learn how to change over the media player, because the one thats offered, isn't the hottest. Too big and bulky for the profile pages. I still haven't done the favicon yet but I will probably add that last. BUT ALL MUST WAIT UNTIL I CONQUER THIS ONE TINY PROBLEM!


The struggle is over but the Hustle still remains!

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Nathan Paton
Fight on, and the battle will be won. I should know, as I just kicked major ass in a game of Risk.
Great advice from one of the wisest people on this site!
Making investments makes sense once you see it's working for you. Good luck for the experiments!
When you go the way to Ithaca, pray the way is long.
When making it to the top of that mountain and while the fog dismisses, you'll find a new mountain greater and harder, taunting you to overcome it. So the whole gist is the climbing and not the top itself ;)
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