There are days and weeks when a dark planet glides across the internet and incites the masses to go amok with verbal warfare. I don't think this is one of those times. The tension in the ongoing discussions spawns for the greater part from a sense of frustration and uncertainty over the future releases of Dolphin 7.
Uncertain expectations and unclear situations tend to create stress and bring people just a little bit too close to the edge. I'm sure everyone would feel more at ease and relaxed, and could focus on something more productive than squabbling, if there were a tentative deadline and date for a release that's ripe for production environment.
For hobby projects, big deal if they're a bit late or early, but when we're talking about the availability and functionality of solutions that affect someone's livelihood, I can understand someone grinding their teeth if a stable release is forthcoming at an undefined future time that could be in a week, a month, or six months.
Just something along the lines of, "At our current pace of production, after reviewing the pending tasks and allocating them to developers, we estimate a stable release to be available towards the second half of October." That would give everyone something to go by in developing their future web strategies.
Knowledge gives peace. Sometimes. =)
The alternative is to measure a length of string and tell us its exact size so we know for the future. :P
Bugs don't take much time, but we had some serious delays due to incorrect implementation of privacy settings and media albums.
I understand & share in the frustration, but I think people need to remind themselves that each pre-release is helping to prevent 7.x.x versions in the future. That is a very good thing.
The stronger the script upon release, the better off everyone will be, and I think it will still be worth the wait.
A little more patience now will save a lot of trouble later. At least that's my take see more
This is also going up for software. I know some of us want to make money with this, but we have to be patient to get a 95% bugfree script. There will alway's some bugs left.
I'm actually impressed that D7 has come this far in this amount of time. The whole package is almost 5,000 files, and I would guess in the neighborhood of 175,000 lines of code. There are almost 1,400 images.
That's a lot of stuff!
02.07.2008 - Announcement on the "next big thing" (unspecified):
23.11.2008 - What appears to be the first D7 specific message:
26.02.2009 - A status check from late February:
12.03.2009 see more