Please ask Andrew before to delete this blog ;-)
Main site (french and english):
I plan on watching that entire movie when I have more time. I watched the first few minutes, and it looks well worth watching.
There is a second part focusing on destroyed earth areas... Very impressive :-( But not yet on YouTube.
Here's a google map link that shows a satellite view of an area just south of my home town in western PA.,-95.677068&sspn=59.379225,135.263672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Central+City,+Somerset,+Pennsylvania+15926&ll=40.082537,-78.802185&spn=0.028468,0.082397&t=h&z=15
Although coal mining is a big see more
"Earth to America"
The United States has taken steps to reduce carbon emissions, and they are no longer the worst offender.... not to say they didn't make an enormous contribution to the problem. Right now, developing countries are the worst offenders, and they are on the same industrial path the US was on in the first half see more
By the way; Germany exceeded the forecast for using solar energy last year. Private households are using it more and more and the govt will be cutting off support. And still it's getting cheaper by the day.
Merci pour le lien tellement j'ai plongé dedans que j’ai même pas fumé une cigarette
does make you think what it will be like for our children and our childrens children..
The late MJ had the right idea when he said that people believe that goverments will save us, see more