The All Time Best Dolphin "Programmer" Award goes to....

jerardg posted 16th of September 2010 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

This is a serious concern, newbies around here have great difficulty in finding out who to work & deal with,  if they are looking to have any special work done, you dig through many profiles, forum posts, & can post jobs till blue in the face!


All Programmers; Nominate yourself and tell the community of your special skills and why your number ONE

All Unity members vote for the Programmers that have worked for you, and that you would highly recommend to fellow members.


Let's see if we can't make the very best list of who's who of Dolphin Programming


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Id like to vote for an award given to "The most support ticket closed by"
@tomakali, Sounds like a great idea, but I am sure Boonex already know how many Support tickets their staff close ;)

This blog is about any Dolphin programmer, inside and outside of Boonex, its not about people who on sell a programmers work.
I nominate myself... and I win because I'm the only contestant!
thanks buckmcgoo, looks like there is little on offer, so much for community!

in what area of dolphin are your skills special?
WOW, so there are no programmers that consider they have anything special to offer?

OK, let's open this up for any unity member to share any comments on special work done for them.
I am looking for a programmer to modified and ad a mobile app and video chat better then boonex, I have details of my project if you are interested please contact with info below

email me on Skype carpet1233 or email at, for the whole project
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