Splash Screen with Blog Rules

DosDawg posted 16th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 1 comment.

just curious, am i the only one seeing that come up in my face, whenever i click to post a blog? did boonex guys write that just so it came up when my username clicked on the link to write a post? I DONT THINK SO, but we still have people who are ignoring the rules. and you wonder why you cant get help. you cant get help, because you dont even know how to help yourself. c'mon people, courtesy, common sense and patience, will get you a long way in the cyber world. 


i read where cyberxing says he has gotten many emails discussing the rules? well i tell you back in the day when blogs were blogs and forums were forurms, you had to abide by the rules, or your IP would get banned, you would get one warning, and one scolding, then you were done, not allowed back to the site. i think i will look up some of the more staunch blogs and forums that i am familiar with and just post them here, so you can visualize that the rules that are posted here are a cake walk. we need to abide by these rules:


Posts requesting assistance should not be used as a topic in the blog but should be addressed in the appropriate forum section, and must provide the following details:

  • Problem description
  • Version of software
  • Type of license(s)
  • Access information (i.e. membership), screenshot(s) if/where appropriate

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I will do this from now on.
Sorry :-)
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