Some problems in Version6.1.1

Nighto2007 posted 29th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.



I was have The version 6.0005 and I upgrade to new version 6.1.1

all the upgrade was successfully with some errors I could correct them

But there are some errors I can't correct them and I think it's in version 6.1.1

the errors is :


1- the video player not regesitered by my licences and I 'm sure the key is right and the ray allow it but when I open the player it said not regesiter

2- in profile the country and SEX for my members I can't see it by member or by admin also and the admin not can see admin control


3- when I use the the ray chat not work never so I not use it but the chat stay for write only

4- in admin cpanel : when I delet the member I see database error


5- I receive letter when my member regesiter without confige and after confige

6- when I active the cornjob sender for cupid.php file I recevied so much error letters to my email say the database error

7- mass letters for my members by cornjob sender not woek because when I click Queue it say it Queue for 32 email only and I have more than 530 member in my site

please anyone can tell me this is public problems or it's in my site only ?

and if it's in my site anyone can correct it for me ?


I wish from boonex team help me



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Yeah, I've been having the same problem with video player/movie player licennse being accepted in my Admin panel and registered in Unity but on the website the player keeps on returning the message "widget not registered". Am getting frustrated and disappointed with the lack of feedback. I've been talking about this here :

and also here :

and am see more still waiting for someone out there who has cracked it to come on and tell us about it. meanwhile my users at the website are screaming at me.
Yeah, I've been having the same problem with video player/movie player licennse being accepted in my Admin panel and registered in Unity but on the website the player keeps on returning the message "widget not registered". Am getting frustrated and disappointed with the lack of feedback. I've been talking about this here :

and also here :

and am see more still waiting for someone out there who has cracked it to come on and tell us about it. meanwhile my users at the website are screaming at me.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.