Softaculous does work

LyubovL posted 20th of April 2010 in . 21 comments.

There as a recent post with a glaring title regarding Softaculous auto-installer issues. I juts wanted to let people know that the info posted there is absolutely wrong and doesn't have anything to do with the facts. Here is why:

1 Permissions issue

"If suPHP is enabled, there is an option on Softaculous to set permissions to 0755. Auto detection of suPHP is not always possible, so it's recommended that you adjust these settings in the Softaculous Admin Panel settings." - Softaculous Team

2 Crons issue

CronJobs are set up properly, and it was checked not only by Softaculous (we have official confirmation of this) but by other hosting companies that we are partnering with.

So, the Softaculous auto-installer works properly, and in case you have any issues, first of all, check the Dolphin technical requirements and if your server is configured properly. If everything else is ok, you are welcome to report he issues to your hosting provider.

The post owner was requested to check the installation once again and to update his post to let all of you know where the issue was exactly. Most probably it is a server configuration problem, so we are waiting for his updates.

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Hello LyubovL, and thanks for clarifying this.

May I however suggest that:

1) If possible, a bit more descriptive title because it's not about "hello", and...

2) Maybe a bit less cracking down so hard on people who try to help, as "absolutely wrong and doesn't have anything to do with the facts" isn't exactly a way to promote unity and a cordial atmosphere among members. Give people a bit of credit and don't talk to them like they are a bunch of ignoramuses when they see more report a problem with your software. You have bugs and problems enough to merit keeping a bit of a lower profile when it comes to suspected problems.
For reference, here is the original blog in question:
A better title for today.
thanx for claryfying this :)
please affirm this with Arvixe, that is where the issue was realized at, and their servers are not running suphp. Cron jobs were not being created, and there were several issues with permissions. It was even reported to Arvixe prior to posting that there were problems, and the issues were confirmed with Arvixe support staff, who said that it had been reported to Softaculous.

So if you have futher information from the time i posted this issue, then please share the information, because see more Arvixe didnt have such information, and that is why it was posted on here.

My post was not absolutely wrong, it was 100% correct at the time of posting, and unless you have personally attempted an installation, then you should really refrain from trying to make insinuations.

Something along the lines of "we are further investigating the issue to ensure everything is working as intended" might be a good thing to say instead of "absolutely wrong".

Given the bug track record here, for all we know it may have been a lucky coincidence that the auto-installer worked somewhere, and the experience reported by DosDawg, dolphin_jay and others may well reflect an issue that has been overlooked by the developers.

Therefore, support staff aren't generally see more supposed to get defensive of the company and offensive to the customer who's trying to use the company's products. The only person who might have a base for saying something like that is the person who created the installer, or the person who tested it cross-environment.
I have said it before, Mike and Andrew and the ONLY two people who should do the talking for Boonex.. everyone else should attend a customer service course. There is a big difference in getting into arguements on 3rd party blogs with strangers and doing it with your customers on your businesses blog.
I can't comment on a Softaculous auto-installer with suphp, but I do have one suphp setup that will not send a nightly cmd cron no matter how much I tweak the thing or edit code. Reset, adjusted, and tweaked more times than I can count now no nightly 12 am cron. It seems to not like suphp for some reason. I really like suphp but this is an odd ball. When I get a chance to spend more time with it I will mess with it again.
do you really want to go here, because i can prove you wrong on so many levels its not funny. do you think you have what it takes to try me?

I dont think you nor any other can ever prove me wrong on any post i present. so check yourself.

Andrew my phone number is: 843.754.3833

i am not wrong in what i posted sir, and you have an uneducated person trying to call me out, and at the moment i will refrain,please sir have this person stand down.


@ CodeSatori and mybellavista
I'm sorry for confusion with the title… I was out of the city for several days but sent a post text to one of my colleagues and asked him to post it but totally forgot about the post title.. So it was posted with the first word in the post as a title, my fault.

@ buckmcgoo,
Somebody uses this username to post only negative comments doesn't matter where and which theme, the purpose is a negative comment to confuse Unity members and new buyers and, as see more I already notified you buckmcgoo, all your negativity left on any hosting provider’s “More info” page will be removed till you prove your comments with the facts!

@ gameutopia
For almost half a year I’ve been trying to get a reply from you to allow our IP address to view your website but still haven’t received any response. Is there any problem with allowing the BoonEx team to view your website?

@ DosDawg
You seem to be furious, I'm sorry for this. Actually, I don't see any reason to be so upset. If you also have a Softaculous license, why didn't you contact their support team and report the issues to fix them? Once you reported them and the issues are fixed, if they exist, that would be a big help to the BoonEx community. I don't think your post helped Unity members, new buyers or the BoonEx team. More than this, Softaculous reacted to your post immediately and tested the auto-installer once again before they wrote me. They are asking you to provide them with the server accesses where you were faced with the issue. They are ready and will be happy to work with you to rectify the things you found… just contact their support. You should have their contacts as a Softaculous license owner. If you don't, feel free to let me know, I'll be glad to provide you with them.
*** "Actually, I don't see any reason to be so upset. " (LyubovL @ DosDawg) ***

If you tell someone that what he "posted there is absolutely wrong and doesn't have anything to do with the facts", you can expect people to be upset, especially if you aren't categorically 100% right (as the case here is). Basically the (public) message you send to DosDawg is that "you don't have a clue about this". This is particularly troublesome in situations where the person who's see more being put down feels they are more privy to certain technical information and skills than yourself.

In general, if you condemn something someone says as "absolutely wrong", you can expect to have a backlash. Nobody wants to feel attacked upon, and especially not a customer on a company website, and especially not coming from a company representative.

Knowing how to "soften out" conflict situations, rather than escalating them, is a basic customer relations management skill. If you don't see how your post might cause that, then may I suggest that you read it over several times, and together with someone else if nothing else helps, until you understand why it might cause offense in someone.

If you overlook and neglect this, you are effectively shooting yourself and your employer in the foot. This has everything to do with facts and is absolutely right, and please feel free to copy this series of exchanges to a third party of your choice for evaluation and feedback.
Well i tested this on a test server last night and i have to say that the default install of dolphin from the auto installer turn out these file permissions :
backup - 777
cache - 777
cache_public - 777
langs - 777
tmp - 777
/backup/.htaccess - 777
/cache/.htaccess - 777
/cache/all files 666
cache_public/all files 666
/flash/modules/board/files - 777
/flash/modules/board/xml/config.xml - 777
/flash/modules/board/xml/langs.xml - 777
/flash/modules/board/xml/skins.xml - 777
/flash/modules/board/xml/main.xml see more - 666
/flash/modules/chat/xml/config.xml - 777
/flash/modules/chat/xml/langs.xml - 777
/flash/modules/chat/xml/skins.xml - 777
/flash/modules/chat/xml/main.xml - 666
/flash/modules/desktop/xml/config.xml - 777
/flash/modules/desktop/xml/langs.xml - 777
/flash/modules/desktop/xml/skins.xml - 777
/flash/modules/desktop/xml/main.xml - 666
/langs/.htaccess - 777 hackable known security risk
/langs/lang-en.php - 666 hackable
/media/app - 777
/media/images - 777
/media/images/banners - 777
/media/images/blog - 777
/media/images/classifieds - 777
/media/images/flags - 777
/media/images/membership - 777
/media/images/profile - 777
/media/images/profile-bg - 777
/media/images/promo - 777
/media/images/smiles - 777
/media/images/.htaccess - 777 perfect eh?
/media/images/all files - 777
/media/images/banners/.htaccess - 777
/media/images/blog/.htaccess - 777
/media/images/flags/.htaccess - 777
/media/images/flags/all files - 777
/media/images/membership all files - 777
/media/images/profiles/.htaccess - 777
/media/images/profiles/all files - 777
/media/images/profile-bg/.htaccess - 777
/media/images/promo/original - 777
/media/images/promo/ all files - 777
/media/images/smiles/default - 777
/media/images/smiles/default/.htaccess - 777
/media/images/smiles/default/all files - 777
/media/images/smiles/sample - 777
/media/images/smiles/sample/.htaccess - 777
/media/images/smiles/sample/all files - 777
/inc/ - 777
After changing the setting to force 775 on directories and 644 on files the auto installer seemed to work but, ffmpeg is now left behind with 644 permissions. So the auto installer in my eyes is sort of useless if the client has to go and changes permissions. To that if they could or knew how to change permissions there would not be a need for an auto installer.

Also on my test server the cron job was not created as it should have been. The email did get sent out telling me what the cron path see more was so i suppose i could have put it in the cron tab myself.

Just my two cents and findings about the hype of the auto installer.
@ CodeSatori
Yes, probably you are right and I'm really sorry for this.. English isn't my native language ((( and I didn't want to offend DosDawg . My apologies to DosDawg.

As I said, Softaculous were testing hard the auto-installer these days and found another issue which wasn't reported yet. Anyway, they fixed it and advised to update the Softaculous package.

@ dolphin_jay

Here is a quote (message) from Softaculous for you:

"The /flash/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe permission see more was right from the start. Please tell the user to force an update, the Softaculous CRON runs every 24 hours. Hence he may be having the old files."

@ all

If you are using or were using or going to use the auto-installer to have Dolphin installed and faced with any issue feel free to report it to my mail box, it will be forwarded to Softaculous immediately.
@ CodeSatori
Yes, probably you are right and I'm really sorry for this.. English isn't my native language ((( and I didn't want to offend DosDawg . My apologies to DosDawg.

As I said, Softaculous were testing hard the auto-installer these days and found another issue which wasn't reported yet. Anyway, they fixed it and advised to update the Softaculous package.

@ all

If you are using or were using or going to use the auto-installer to have Dolphin installed and faced with any issue feel see more free to report it to my mail box, it will be forwarded to Softaculous immediately.
What was the issue you found that was not reported by anyone yet ?
I just used softaculous for install 2 days ago, all appeared to go well. But, video uploads will not work.
Have been back and forth with the host (hostforweb) and they told me there were no cron jobs set up, the ffmpeg.exe settings were incorrect also. This is with the autoinstaller which I chose as am not so quick to work things out myself when it comes to scripts!

Still got problems, cannot upload videos, now can but they only show 1-2 seconds of length, not the whole thing...
Not sure if see more its a problem with the script, host, autoinstall or me.

New customer, trying to get Dolphin to work before purchasing!...
any advice appreciated!

You might be running out of memory or they are just killing the command before it completes.
Cant be a memory thing as its a clean install! Nothing been done to the script apart from a template (after the issue).
Not getting anywhere at the moment, had 7 different support team dealing with one ticket over 2 days. Something makes me think Im dealing with a call centre and not a 'team' who know the host and software...

Either way, Ive been told that changes have had to be made to the softaculous install to get things working. Even though they still are not!...

Don't worry about it. I understand the language barrier, and having lived among diverse cultures, I am also not an alien to very diverging basic understandings of things that others will be offended by. It's just a hurdle to cross, and as long as one is aware that there's work to be done in improving our exchanges with others (don't we all have some), it'll be reflected in everything you say, and go down more smooth.

A good rule of thumb for situations where there's a disagreement see more and a possibility of misunderstandings is to tread carefully, and give others the benefit of doubt. In Finnish we have a saying, "First checking, then whacking.", and the principle seems to work well across cultural barriers.
apologies accepted, and we are moving on. have been in contact with the developer from softaculous personally, so whatever we find as being an issue with the auto-installer for dolphin, we will report directly to softaculous. if there is a security breach as was discovered, this is something the community should be made aware of, and not something that should be kept in secrecy, hoping a patch is applied.

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