So I will learn!

cemtim1122 posted 20th of August 2008 in Community Voice. 14 comments.


Messing on the internet and found dolphin swimming past me. Spend a few hours reading what I could and decided "this can work"

Next step begs dad for his credit card - not an easy task but he had no objection on this. Kiss Kiss Dad. Now all of the above was easy.

Till Arthur said that word CRON JOBS ISP and so on. wow i spoke with hosting compnay and they politely said -WE DO NOT SUPPORT CRON JOBS, WE WILL NOT INSTALL- and many other things.

Well I have moved to another server that does support cron and the poor man who has started the installation will have a nightmare when he sees my email later today!

Just for good luck, I have tried to convince them to it, really I did

I have placed some questions on teh forum as well today, hopefully I will see some answers and more importantley someone who will take it up for me (smile)

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hi. If you need a decent host that is completely configured for dolphin get in contact with DosDawg on here. My hosting is with his company and is perfect for the job. Good luck.
well thank you clubbeyourself, nice words are always heart warming.

Watch all my video tutorials in my blog. You will know quite a bit after that.
I must agree! Your videos are very helpful in starting out, even if jsut for reassurance.
you can learn so much from mrpowless' toots its unreal, and he knows this script inside out,
shhh he's also the #1 guy i ask when i get stuck, ;p
Take your time and don't get frustrated, so many get confused and turn away at first. If this is new to you it takes time to learn like anything. You don't become a master over night. The more time and effort you put into learning it, your site, and hosting in general the more it becomes second nature.

Some get hooked right away, while others take a while, and some not at all. Just give it time and let it grow on you!!

Good Luck!!
Mamba bite this morning, wrote to arthur asking if he will reinstal on the new server, I am crying becuase I will have to pay yet again and my dad says why!

I didnt know about cron jobs! what makes it worse is that I can see the site, my old site is over written nowand I dont know how to get that back! GRRRRRRR i feel better in a moment.

I will challenge facebook and bebo!!!!!!
hosting is the most important thing you need. i can not stress how important the right hosting is for dolphin.

you'll pick up some great advice from the members that know this script.

dont buy anything unless you ask someone, as it can be a costly mistake
excellent suggestion sammie. i have actually been working with cemtim on her adventure. weak hearted for those who appear sincere. she has the best hosting other than yours of course that is available on the internet.

Thought I was the best on the internet...

Do I need to send the Dawg to the pound ??


Shoutout -> Sammie
welcome back cyberXing, nice to see you around again. i am just the baby in the hosting group here. you 2 are the big boys lol
based on personal experience i use hostforweb. I know dolphin tries to sell this too but i was wary of the ol bait and switch. But it worked for me when i was clueless about everything dolphin. If they sold it as a good fit for dolphin, then at least you know it has the necessary stuff like crons , and whatever else your confused about what is needed to get dolphin up and going. When it was time to transfer to a dedicated, they did it all hassle free. It might be more pricey than some hosts, but see more installing dolphin seemed to bare little problems. When you read the blogs around here you will see that dolphin is kinda random everytime you install it. You get a different set of problems everytime. When you get more experienced, you can move hosts if you want knowing what basic stuff you need. I would personally recommend mrpowless video tutorials. They will make you more confident and knowledgeable about dolphin i promise you. Hang in there!
powasam5000 most of the hacked sites where hosted with HFW, count yourself lucky you moved to a dedicated server
I want to thank everyone fro thier comments and support here. Really does feel like a family and I am only here 3 days!

I have been spending my wholeeveing read posts and blogs and now I have to start playing around on my site.
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