Silence of the Site Owners...

mydatery posted 12th of August 2009 in Community Voice. 12 comments.

Now, a little while ago I was asked to be nicer, I have done that.  Many have even commented/laughed about the New, Kinder, Gentler, Nicer, Improve Mydatery.  I've even managed to start to work gentler humor back into my posts in the interest of taking a boringly dry topic into one that will put a small chuckle into our  thoughts.  This was done at the request of the Moderators and UnoBoonex.  In return, they have given me a fair amount of leeway when it comes to my posts understanding that this is an item I have made a conscious effort to work on. 

I now have a request for UnoBoonex, though I strongly suspect this post will be deleted in short time before he gets the opportunity to read/respond to it. 


Back in February an individual was caught selling mods on (I will not name the individual here) that contained within them certain malicious code.  That individual and their mods were made public via the Unity Forums and Blogs and the forums.  At that time, Boonex suspended the individuals ability to be able to sell additional mods for this violation of the terms of service.  Additionally, someone at Boonex made the executive decision to permit one of the 3 notices that was up to remain up and the removed the other two notices concerning this so that it might serve as a warning to additional individuals in regards to utilizing this specific individual for work on their sites or purchasing items. 


Now, today, an individual within the staff of Boonex has taken the liberty of removing that very thread, that they had already locked, from the forums at expertzzz where it was agreed it would remain.  In addition, this individual has been permitted, with the public blessing of Boonex, to create a new account and resume selling there mods again.  Do the same examples exist today that existed with the individual 6 months ago?  That I do not know, I'm not spending my money to simply do research into it.  Did that once, not doing it again.

My question is this:  Unoboonex, if an agreement was made to allow that specific thread to stand as a valuable tool in helping others to decide based upon fact whether to do business with an individual or not, why was that thread removed?  Every single accusation in that thread had been proven to be true and accurate and it now no longer exists to serve the very purpose it was designed and intended to serve.

UnoBoonex, is it not through history that we learn from how to avoid making mistakes both now and in the future, and if we erase that history are we not just setting ourselves up to repeat those same mistakes? 

We all work hard when we become parents to teach our children from our past and the past of generations before us how to avoid making the same mistakes that we and others learned from.  Father to Father, why are we being silenced by deleting that very history which has been recorded to teach us?



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Very nice thread MD, really like the "new and improved" blogs, although I miss some of the old sarcasm (my opinion)
Fairly new to Dolphin, I visited Unity and Expertzz numerous times to find a mod that might add some functionality or customization to either a existing site or a project.
Now, I have enough common sense to not pay for a mod that will do something that can be found for free elsewhere or done with just a simple modification of the files. But sometimes there are mods that see more goes behind my technical knowledge (a most likely a lot of others).
Now I would never claim that Boonex should control or review any mods posted on the sites, and I understand perfectly that adding a mod to a site is at "one's own risks". Over time I have learned of whom is offering excellent mods and whom is not, mostly through the blogs, forum and comments. But what baffles me is that should Boonex be aware of someone being dishonest (and I do not mean because of "one" negative comment) but someome whom has repeatedly shown to be untrustworthy, I believe it is Boonex responsibility to ensure that the individual is removed and not allowed to return. And moreover not allowed to return under a different name. Failure to do so will certainly disgust the rest of us and thus spreading an unneeded distrust and apprehension amongst users.
As an exemple, I do miss Sammie, whose comments not only amused me but intrigued me aswell and were when read as a whole educational, yet she was banned as Boonex felt it was inappropriate and I do respect their decision. I just wish the same standards would apply to other areas of the Unity community.
Thank you
I haven't posted here in forever but I can't resist this one! The person you speak of is KMD/Buxton161/Mike and he has had so many complaints on expertzzz I doubt you could count them all. The items he sells are all script you can buy from other sites (dotcombuilder) and things he found for free. Ok so strike one is he sells things he didn't create. Strike two he doesn't know anything about programming so he outsources work to the other expertzzz. Strike three he put his on google adsense code in see more those mods. All the complaints are from people who paid for work that wasn't done or who weren't happy with those crappy scripts (some of which were running on his own server and just showed on your site through an Iframe).

Now to add insult to injury he is openly selling some of my mods. He even admited on the expertzzz forum he got my phpbb3 integration from a 3rd party who had bought it from me. I emailed the "admin" on expertzzz and they didn't even have the courtesy to write back??

It is AMAZING to me he would just be allowed to create another account and go back to doing all the BS he does when everyone and their brother has complained about him.

Anyway, I'm done.. I'm crawling back in my cave for another 8 months of no posting.
Well thanks for the name MSCOTT...I'll make a note. But surely he will reappear under some other name...
Andrew Boon site has been in a "wile run" mode for a while and admittedly we spend only a fraction of the time it needs for moderation. We'll look at the case closer today.

As you know we plan update, which is likely to bring expertzzz down for good, while incorporating it's features and some data. We also plan a few policy changes for to avoid cases like the one described. One of the ways is to charge a small fee for mods submission. That would let us spend more see more time for mods administration, and would put off those who just try to make quick resells of others' mods.

As for the removed "thread"... I'll comment on this in a few hours. Gotta find out what's going on.

"Small Fee" why is this sounding bad? I don't know any other script to ask a fee to submit a custom extension.. The logic of those mod directories are to encourage the selling of the main script.. why Boonex would ask money for the "free advertising" of the main script? There are already not too many developers/designers, but this will surely make some leave.. Maybe a "moderation" (before publishing) of the things selled will be more apropiate..
I don't like the small fee idea either. I also don't think moderation before publishing will work either considering there are many mods that have been submitted here including one of mine that have been waiting for weeks, even months for approval and have not even been looked at.
Andrew, I apologize. It appears that the thread is back. It can be found here:

A question many have I'm sure and one that other have (such as lrepton) is why is he allowed back. Also, another question by mscott, is why has this individual permitted around selling mods that belong to others?
The truth is poor management is always poor judgement!

Andrey I think it is time to over look Your people in management that you have in Power, it is time that we take this very serious and time for a huge change for the better & futur!

I have been telling you this for years now !!!!!!!!

I agree 100% with Technoman here Andrew, it comes down to what we called it when I was in the Military. The 5 "P's"

Piss Poor Planning on your Part CONSTITUTES an emergency on my Part.

In this sense, we have an issue that sites were hacked via mods that were created and in some cases, installed, by one specific individual for the sole purpose of his making money and taking it from others.

When this was discovered and PROVEN to be true, Boonex did on the surface take swift see more action to neutralize the individual. But then, you guys just let that individual back in to continue to sell their mods, under a new screenname. Then, LOCKING the thread? What is up with that? If the thread was locked then it should of been turned into a Sticky to stay at the top to warn others. Instead, this forced it to be buried in the middle and constantly sink like it's in quicksand with a vacuum sucking it down to an infinite depth.

In the end, burying this thread via a lock only gives Boonex a bad appearance on this subject. Really, how does it look for this thread to be locked and buried and all attempts to draw attention to it also locked and buried and to allow the individual back in to continue to sell? How much faith should we have in Boonex when these kinds of things take place?
I think ive seen this conversation before, or at least something like it. Anyhoo, been here a while now and the main impression i get is that the boonex team are far too nice, far too forgiving half the time. in an ideal world, people who they forgive would in fact learn the lesson, but unfortunately thats not how the real world works, or am i just cynical in my old age..
Well from the looks of things you can bad mouth ANYONE on expertzzz except KMD. Those threads get locked quickly?? Payoff??
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