September is over

LightWolf posted 30th of September 2009 in Community Voice. 53 comments.

Okay so this month is now over after today and we still have NO release yet and I see another item was placed on the fix list since yesterday so that makes 115  fixes need this time around. That's more then we had any other time (not a good sign).  Do you all really think this product will be released before the first of the year?  Well I really don't believe so. I have waited a long time for this software and it seems to really be taking a long long time. So PLEASE unboonex tell us  if this software will be ready and workable before the first of the year. I'm sorry but this has dragged on now for a whole year and I for one have just about had enough waiting time.

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I just called my bookie in Vegas. He has the over/under for RC1 at 7 weeks.
Well tell your bookie that this does NOT please me and I am sending him a special gift in the Make sure he is not standing next to anyone when he opens it up..

But seriously, I think if there is not a stable version of d7 by income tax return, I will go ahead and purchase abelspace software. I just can not wait another year. As it is i probably wont have many resigns after-wards as some have waited to long to join and set up their sites and probably wont come back after waiting for 2 see more years for me to get a 99% complete software up.

I am sure this blog will cause a lot of back lash, so bring it on, but don't expect me to participate in it as it is getting real old around here. We all have our issues and well, please respect my right to voice my concerns, and I will respect yours when you trash my blog..
I dont believe if people are being honest in this blog that it will cause backlash, i think deep down we are all feeling the same way. while we all appreciate that D7 needs to be stable,we just dont know why it seems to be taking so long.
The trouble is dolphin is good in its potential,you mention ablespace, well ive been messing with OSD, its rubbish at the side of dolphin but it will do for a small project im working on for parents with disabled kids. There's just something about dolphin though see more that makes you wait, and hope that it will be sorted soon. People will only wait so long though before they syart to get a bit twitchy....
Well of course they are going to say it will be ready by the first of the year- what is the point in even asking that? Most of us want to get going on this like yesterday - and yes, it has been a long year waiting for this. There is no way this is going to be "stable and bug free" anytime soon, but I would be happy with the basics, and a supported upgrade path or procedure so we don't have to keep reinstalling and reconfiguring this every new beta. Already I have noticed, they are getting see more much less feedback on the forums - a few people have live sites but most are waiting for this. They won't learn much new until this has been "battle tested" - at least with some trial communities. I've noticed that until just recently they were releasing a beta every two weeks. I'm hoping (maybe foolishly) that we will get the last one, or maybe even the first RC this Friday.


p.s. Lightwolf - I am giving myself a thumbs down / negative vote on this comment to save you the trouble.
I gave you a thumbs down in the name of general advancement of conspiracy theories, I think they are a positive phenomenon that should be encouraged. =D
Cal, i gave your posts a thumbs down to help you along the way, most likely the first time i have ever given you a thumbs down except for the times when i disagree with you. but your post here was not bad, and i thought it to be funny that you felt you needed to negate your post before anybody else dinged you. that was too funny, so i helped you along. (all in fun though Caltrade)

That's all fine and good Dosdawg - but that blog post you made claiming someone had said "Boonex hacked my site" was about me - that wasn't paranoia - and you just made that up - I never said that - no one else did either, though I do appreciate your finally admitting it. Just for the record - I have ignored several of "Houston's" attacks on me- he is posting them every time he finds a spam now. That last one was the last straw though - reading his crap about me the first thing see more in the morning on still another thread - one that I had not participated in was a new low, even for him - and yes, I find it "creepy".
You know I am tired of you accusing me, I did not thumbs down you, and if you look at the votes link to right on blogs you will see it was NOT me, so please get over it.
OK, I have just noticed that whenever I comment or post anywhere near you, I get tons of negative votes. Someone else must be doing it for some reason.
Don't worry about it LW. He thinks everybody is out to get him these days.
No, only people who post about me every time they find a spam on Unity. Maybe when you say "that guy from California" you are talking about someone else - but you are one of the creepiest people I have every met online and I don't know what is with you bizarre obsession with me - even doing research so you could attack me with my real name. I tried to ignore several of your attacks but it didn't work - so I will say it still once more Houston, if you want to continue this public pissing see more contest, just keep doing it.
Yes, it is infuriating. I am gonna go live with my site as my client needs the goods by mid October and I have yet to make the appropriate php mods. Told the client I will have to update the site manually when the RC comes out. All in the same sinking boat I am afraid.
There's already a ton of DB changes for B6 to B7, so and upgrade from B6 to B7 doesn't seem viable. Since Boonex has not been accepting any tickets that involve adding features (unless critical), maybe the DB changes will slow down and B7 bugs will be fewer.

I really think Boonex wants to release a product as much as anyone here. I'm not sure B7 will be the last beta, but I dont' see it going past B8.
Well i for one will be very VERY! surprised if we see see any sort of stable release capable of running a live site with confidence before Christmas. I'd put money on it. The way things are going, i cant really see a bug free D7 for at least 6 months, even when it finally comes out of beta, its still going to need some work to get it stable. Then we seem to have the confusion over upgrading from 6 to 7, and it seems its not really going to be an easy viable option, so we might all have to start from see more scratch (Eeeekkkkk)

i dont know, is it just me, or is this D7 turning into a bit of a three legged donkey..

Answers on a postcard please :-)


i tend to agree with you, but at the same time, i think i uttered these words some four of six months ago. it was inevitable, and we were all strung along with a glimmer of hope that we would see a release pre-2010. i dont see it happening, and if it is released RC, you will not see stable until March, April - 2010

I get a very definite fractal feeling with this. From the looks of it, every time bugs are fixed, the tree grows a new array of twigs with new budding bugs.

When Dolphin 7 is released, you can be certain of one thing: There will be many bugs that have been fixed. Let's hope the tree stops growing soon! =)
its a weed, its cudzu, cudzu doesnt die, it just grows another direction. CodeSatori, you are correct, in that they are fixing one thing, but in most cases, the reason it was broken is because 12 other functions were working, so they fix the one, and then 12 are broken. its the see-saw effect of programming.

But keep up the good work fellas.

I also see on the roadmap that 6.1.7 is on its way, now call me silly if you like, but it might have been better to have sorted D6 out first if D7 was going to take this long.
i know its been said that 6 is already stable enough, but i have to dis-agree with that,unless its only me with a live D6.1.6 where the presence doesn't work properly (you click on one member in the presence, and you get the member two places down) annoying the bum off my members. Not to mention it looks like im cheating see more as all my members show online when they arent.

(anyhoo, im getting side tracked)

I really do think there is a need for a bug free product before you start going for "the next big thing" makes sence to me. at least it keeps us all happy while we hang about waiting.


That's been up since they put D7 I think that maybe that was the only things they never had to fix with all the
In Trac we're stuck at 18 open tickets, with only 1 or 2 that maybe can be ommited.
Is this a full time job or a part time job i wonder?
Anyway, if we got at least the RC we'll be able to work more safely with D7, either on developement or deployment of Dolphin. Waiting so much simply gets to our nerves big time!
In timeline, in this week there are 2/3 ticket closed per day, but if you go back in the time you can see 6 ticket per day...

Boonex, what's happening??
2/3 per day? no way! We really can't be so naive to see simple CSS bugs as fatal as security risks or logic problems of the platform! Here it ain't only the number but also the quality of the bugs that really concerns me!
18 ticket = 3,4 or 5 business days, it's a good time to have B7...all bugs need to be fixed without evaluating the quality (a problem is a problem!).

But if Boonex do 2 ticket per day = 9 business 0 changeset....we all are waiting to build our community but with these times when Final Release come out it will be old!
The RC1 will be more than pleasant for a start, at least to be able to deploy it to a live site, i don't think a Beta 7 is needed anyway! We'll see how it unfolds!
The Beta 7 could be done same time as RC1, so could be omitted!We are already checking the platforms for 3 months now!
yes and bugs will be written in forum but....sometimes the bugs aren't reported in ticket...this is not the right way to build a community software...
I stopped expecting a rc of d7 anytime in the near future. I only come on here now to see if any new info has been released. I cant see anything being released by them before the end of the year. It seems for every 1 bug they fix 2 to 3 more appears. I think that poseidon will be released not much longer after they finally release d7. Maybe the middle of next year or longer. It just makes no since investing money in software with as many bugs as dolphin imo.
every day I just throw a glance even if the RC was released I wait for this before to start building my site: D
Me too...I'm waiting and I have to translate it...but if not come out the Release I can't do it because in every beta there are changes in language...Boonex team stop to make enhancements..this want to tell that we are very very near to RC!
I hope we can see RC at most in 2 weeks (truly I hope to see it in 1 week!!)!
I hesitate to upgrade anything that is just coming out. Just look at Winblows every time MS releases a new version. I like giving software time to settle in and get patched, stabilized, secured, etc. before I even consider sending my clients in a new direction. Same goes for Dolphin. When the final release of 7 hits the streets, it will be another 6 months for all of the bugs to get worked out if past history is any clue. Then you have to consider, unless you've been digging into the code and see more are ready to begin customizing it yourself right off the bat, it's going to be a while before there are any number of mods available to start freshening up the look of the site. In the meantime, your site (or you client's) is going to look like about every other D7 site out there. I understand that there are quite a few of you here that could just jump right in and start making wholesale changes to it with little thought or trouble, but it takes me a while to really dig around and find those things that I need to get to. I started out on D6.01 several years ago, and stayed with that until the past few months when I began working on a modification to 6.16. After having seen what D7 is going to look like, it will be another two years or so before I begin to think about making a move to it or whatever the latest stable release happens to be. Just the ramblings of an old fart, but sometimes having the latest and greatest, just to have it, can be a lot more trouble than it's worth.
Unoboonex we need some answers here. Your trac shows you guys are only doing a few things a day. This will take FOREVER. Please explain to us why this is taking so long and has now graduated to a release every 3 weeks! By staying silent you are allowing us to make up our own minds about how important we and our sites are to you!
It might be time for that road trip to Bishkek that I've been talking about. You in LW?
Possibly they did read all our bad comments and critics and are now demotivated ? Even maybe some collective suicide there ? :-))
I sure am, let me grab my stun gun and I see they deleted your post also yet kept
Hmmmm.... stun gun and handcuffs. For me? I'm OK with the handcuffs, but do we really need the stun gun?
I hear the rush is sure you don't want to try it? Okay maybe I will bring a feather, will that work?
There's nothing like a nice romantic evening with handcuffs, feathers, and stun guns! Oh well... you only live once.
Oh and don't forget "no pain no gain"..hehehehe I promise to take it easy on you. Be forewarned...You know its been 9 years since I have dated, I may be a bit over
hey now, can we take this to the Adults Only section!

Oh yeah people keep calling you creepy, well I like creepy...hehehehe
Dang got myself in Sorry all, will go sit in corner now like a bad girl.
Isn't boredom a wonderful thing :-)
8 Oct is coming... hope for some announcement on 8th from Boonex... we all know 8th is Lucky for Andrew
lol...You might get it at the end of the year if lucky, if not, maybe June of next year or even about the tickets open, there are many more to come after those...Sorry to break the reality too you...
i want sex with girls i have not done sex before my life advise me
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