Hi everyone. Is anyone familair with the SMS text mod for D7, the one that enables cell phone text messaging from all around the world? How do you add a new provider? If I have friends in Germany and in England will I be able to add their providers without a problem, companies such as Eplus, Vodaphone, O2, and others? Is it possible to pay via Paypal? Last time that I made a payment through SWR or whatever that site is, I got totally ripped off ... will never use them again ... and I'm not the only one either. Any info. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
But only the demo has included many, and developer indeed says to contact for information on how to add more.
Seems you need providers info - and insert to gateway file..
Free SMS usually means sponsor paid SMS (containing sponsor text), unsure about this one though.
I'm looking for reviews :)
(working on module see more
You might find more information if you contact the actual owners of the script. Why anyone would pay an extra 25 bucks to learn how to put something in a iframe, is beyond my comprehension.
Irregardless of all that, I feel that the script is useless because you cannot see more
Heck, I tought that it might be kind'a cool to have this if the service can be had for free and without sponsor messages. We just moved back to the USA from Germany last month and our teenage son has a girlfriend in Germany. They love to send SMSs back and forth all of the time ... even though they have computers with email, chat, greeting cards, communities, and whathaveyou. It's just another toy for people to use ...
I checked out the clickatell link but see more
Just not sure what covers the bill..
After searching around, I find many similar scripts also. (priced from the $ 10 linked above, to $ 400..)
and believe most of them basically grab a free API from clickatell and Sell it..
The reasons sms is free could be one of these:
1. Affiliate system. They get more free sms credited to their account for each site or phonenumber they sign up. (credits can then be used for free sms - or see more
Just guessing they are also using clickatell, based on what I found online - a lot seem to base on that API.
- Rather the opposite, my impression of the module makers site is good.
http://eyeway.gr Lots of usefull info, tips and even some cool free stuff (facebook template, hehe nice!).
But I do get curious and suspicious at the same time,
since there is see more
they would all be just a submit form or iframe and such - unless you squeeze an actual API in there also. (only reason I see - is easy install, maybe)
Dolphine module could be an interface to the sms API. (local or remote, paid or mystically free)
Houston.. Good point about knowing provider, perhaps this is cutting some cost with a cheaper, direct route?
Numbers are often moved to another provider, could look it up online almost like who owns what IP. Had see more
" Hello,
There are no ads, or sign ups or Any hidden fees.
I believe him fully, and now recommend this for some types of use!
The point by huston is the reason..
You will not be sure messages are sent - so then it is good for any use where users are ok with some sms not arriving.
You also absolutely have to get the provider right for the user to receive sms.
(I expect it will work about 80% of the time or more - loose see more
I have just written a script which will work with Clickatell so allow members to register their mobile and using a MO number, update their wall using sms. Members first enter their number to get a unique code, then after confirming their code they can then use their mobile to update their profile wall. I have set it up to work with Spy Wall from Ilbellodelweb.
So it is possible...