SEO in Dolphin

juand201 posted 20th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 10 comments.
Hi Im new in dolphin Id instaled it two days ago and Im exciting, really I think is the best piece of software Id ever used before. Im a expert in PHP and SEO and I make My first installation of dolphin on my site ( is a dance radio station (and now a dance music community in spanish jejeje) that I have with a friend.

Id impressed with dolphin capabilities but it lacks of a SEO module (and I think is a very important thing now a days) Id made few changes on my site; It takes me about 3 hours of work to make search engine fiendly urls (SEF) for Music, Video, Photos and blogs modules (blogs are not fully finished) I think I will have the hole site seo friendly for the next monday.

What I do?

Tha main point is that all the URLs I rewrite are now HTML this is not a good (or at least the more logical) solution but is the first thing I can do without too much work.

Till now Id included this links on .httccess file:

RewriteRule ^_musica_(.*)_(.*).html$ viewMusic.php?fileID=$2 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^musica.html(.*)$ browseMusic.php$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^_foto_(.*)_(.*).html$ viewPhoto.php?fileID=$2 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^fotos.html(.*)$ browsePhoto.php$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^_video_(.*)_(.*).html$ viewVideo.php?fileID=$2 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^videos.html(.*)$ browseVideo.php$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^_noticia_(.*)_(.*).html$ news_view.php?ID=$2 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^_blog_de_(.*)_(.*).html$ blogs.php?action=show_member_blog&ownerID=$2 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^_nota_(.*)_(.*)_(.*).html$ blogs.php?action=show_member_post&ownerID=$2&post_id=$3 [QSA,L]

this rewrites all modules in the same way for exaple for video:

in my site for example:

In teh future when I will finish all stuf I probably try to do it more logical I will try to doit all with folders for example for videos:

I know that developers are working now on a seo module:

My one inportant recomendation is: instead of put tha users in a folder is better to put they on subdomains using wildcards for the DNS, I dont now if this wil be a problem with the system, with sessions specially but I think not.

Doing this we  make a very logical strucutre having the user for exaple in:

his blog on
his photos on
his videos on

etc etc and the shared information under the main domain:

etc etc

Why this model is better?

This model is better expecially for large sites or communities because having all the information on the same domain make the SEO brokes. This is happening for example with myspace, the more pages (the more information) you have in same domain (or subdomain) the less SEO value for every page.

I found one bug. How can contact developers directly?

My email is:


If some one wants to contact me.


Juan Diego Avendaño

P.D: Sorry for my english.
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Thats a great idea, I've heard it before, but nobodys actually came this close!

Nice, I like how you included the .htaccess add-ons.
However, I would not be suprised to find a new MOD on expertzzz with this exact description (no jokes!).

The users on their own subdomain would be killer.

I like the layout on your site, did you create it yourself?
Hi Nucca!

The design Is form expertzzz:


About the seo MOD on expertzzz.... you need the htaccess rewrite codes but also you need to do "some" changes on the php code and this is the "dificult" part of the thing, is important to have a good knowledge of php and you need to know claearly what are you doing.
This is a great idea. But using wildcard on your DNS for sub domains is not a good idea really. A lot of people with domains already have sub domains such as mail. ftp. (and others) which could eventually become a problem if a problematic user decides to create a user of such "mail" that would in the end redirect their profile to your email weblogin. But hey you're getting somewhere :)
There is no problem with this: you can prevent this domains to be used (you need to code a few lines in php) and you can have a text file or a table indatabase with the subdomains you want to prevent for being used by users (ftp, mail, dont worries about that, belibe me I did it before and is easy)

My really fear is any problem with sessions bettwen subdomains. I need to prove, I will try to do it in the next days and I will come to you with more info!,
I do it! check is working but the session is not working for using subdomains I will need to recode some stuff but I think is the best solution, I will try to have a look about sessions on dolphin.


Juan Diego
Hey guys, I've been waiting weeks to get a solution to SEO from DolphinMods. He was supposed to install yesterday. Still nothing, I expect it will be done/installed soon. This guy is very smart. So, I expect it will be done right. You might want to email him and ask for a mod?
Never mind, it was a total scam..nothing came out of it. If we have modded sights, we don't want to upgrade to new seo friendly dolphin right?
any update on SEO modification?
just to share with you what I have found - here is some video of duplicate problem

and here is more info about dolphin SEO MOD
Hmmm ... not sure about that last link ... Google popped up a "Malware" warning so I didn't follow it.
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