SEO Titles look too long for you site emails?

mrpowless posted 22nd of September 2008 in Community Voice. 13 comments.

Many site titles are long(see below) and have more description in them for getting up there on google. If you don't do it, then start!

Well these titles get ugly in emails and heres a lil trick to shorten it.

heres an example of a really long site title, which i great for engine

$site['title']             = 'This is my site - It has all kinds of great toys for my keywords';

open inc/


$site['title']             = 'This is my site - It has all kinds of great toys for my keywords';


$site['tinytitle']               = "Short Text";

Change "Short Text" to something shorter,

open inc/


$sMailHeader        = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode( $site['title'] ) . "?= <{$site['email_notify']}>";


$sMailHeader        = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode( $site['tinytitle'] ) . "?= <{$site['email_notify']}>";

inc/ has 2 of them also

around 1100:

$notifyMessage = str_replace("<SiteName>", $site['title'], $notifyMessage);

and 1127:

$inboxSubject = str_replace("<SiteName>", $site['title'], $inboxSubject);

notice all we did was replace title with tinytitle?

I hope this helps a few.


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Very cool MrP, will be implementing that for sure!
Thanks! The long title shows in classifieds and groups... so you have to be careful not to make it too long.
MrP is one of these guys that make me want to stick with Dolphin a little longer.
ahh thats good to hear now and then
This is definately a good thought and concept. I'm not here to complain. Unless I mis-understood this somehow...only problem I have is that it does affect other areas of the site. If I use

$site['title'] ='something very long and very descriptive and all that stuff';
$site['tinytitle'] = "";

What happens is some email related body, subject, admin panel login, admin panel top area by boonex dolphin logo and such is extremely long. If I made it really long than the display see more is very garbled in many places.

I did edit additional fields in to compensate for most of it, but I am still missing some. The admin login page, and some of the emails. I haven't looked into the site email admin area yet, but perhaps some of these could be changed or altered a bit to shorten them up and use your tinytitle thought.

What happens for me is in the message body which I did manage to correct but not check them all is something like:

Hello from

The ....of something very long and very descriptive and all that stuff

Is glad to inform you that....

Or something like that.

Definately worth the seo though, and I will edit it a bit in my spare time.

Yeah you are complicating a simple concept. Change "From" in email. Thats it.
Unless I am missing something I only edited the one line:
open inc/


$sMailHeader = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode( $site['title'] ) . "?= <{$site['email_notify']}>";


$sMailHeader = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode( $site['tinytitle'] ) . "?= <{$site['email_notify']}>";

And all admin areas, email, etc do the long thing. Which is the seo long title. This is good, but other parts of this see more site are not so good with the long emails. Don't know why this is, I certainly can deal with the links and titles, but the email part is not so nice to deal with. I'll continue to work on it.

I only want to change my site title following a typo, been looking over two hours, finally given up. looks like i will have to go back to osdate sadly. Im too old to be trying to learn all this
Extremely rude person…I recommend no one to work with this guy!
I DO NOT recommend this guy to NO ONE. He thinks everything is a joke for him. I was planning to give him $1000 worth of work. But His Majesty got distribute for a phone call on Sunday before he starts to work where I was trying to build relationship and make sure my MONEY goes to the right person. He does not like to be called on Sunday and claims my English is not good, but he did not know that i served in the US ARMY in Iraq for 4 years and gave him his freedom to enjoy his Sunday...

As he see more claims he has a blacklist of site owner..It seems he forgot that site owner pay HIM money, and it is the other way around..So, He is on my black list!

He is very rude person!..and has no manners
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