Resolve "Error Producing Security Image " on Join Form

mittalpatel posted 26th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 13 comments.
Hey guys, I was facing the "Error producing security image" error. I tried hard to figure out what could be the problem and so I went step by step.

I, first installed GD library. Checked if its working or not using phpinfo.php file. It was ok.
Still I didn't see the security code image rather just crappy error message with black ground.

Well, after installing GD library successfully I thought to check out settings in admin panel and I could see that in Settings --> Advanced Settings there was one option named " Use GD library for image processing" I checked the box, saved settings and refreshed join form. Voila, it started showing me security images...

Woooohoooo I was bugged off spending time for this. But now its running fine.

Thanks a lot.

- Mittal Patel
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i had the same problem
i have the problem that the image shows but submit button works intermittently when it does work says email failed when using contact us button any help appreciated Phil
I checked the contact us php but cant see where to make any ammendments also i looked in the admin panel under advanced and everything is as mittalpatel says so Im at a loss what to do unless someone can send me an updated contact.php which would be appreciated
Hey Phill...
If you are still facing problem then please contact me on yahoo messenger or skype. My yahoo messenger id is : mittalpatel_29

and skype : mittalpatel.29
Or even you can mail me at .

Feel free to contact me.
Have fun....
i did .... but still have the problem
My security image says "Security Image" only.
It's not even a code. The image just says "security Image"
Even I typed in "security image" to sign up. It wouldn't work as a code.
May you please tell me how to fix this
I found the error. Is very easy the solution. Only OPEN you file join.php and go to the end of the code and paste this:


Thats the problem because the PHP never close the code. Only paste and VOILA!!


I try both answer, mittalpatel and abdstudio, without success.

GD Library is installed.
Imagemagick is installed.

Help me please!!!!
Use your FTP

Find the folder "simg"

Remove the .htaccess file

Then it will work.

I should note that alot of FTP programs hide the .htaccess files by default. If you do not see the file there, then go to your ftp settings and make sure it is set to display hidden files and folders. Then look again and you will see it there.
Still have the same problem - Error producing security image - after checking off the box with GD library for image processing, added the ?> at the end of file in join.php and removed .htaccess file in simg folder.

Now what?

Your help is greatly appreciated.
Had a series of these errors when GD library for image processing box was checked and saved:

Warning: fopen(/home/community/public_html/inc/ [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/community/public_html/inc/ on line 1213

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/community/public_html/inc/ on line 1216

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/community/public_html/inc/ see more on line 1216

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/community/public_html/inc/ on line 1216

The permission for inc/admin/inc.php is 666. Don't know what's going on.
I have installed ImageMagic and GD libreries but appear this error, when a new user go to register.

Please can someone help me?

thank you, regards,
I have tried all the suggestions here and I am hving the same issue still. Is there a solution for this. Basically we cannot launch, no one can register without this...... hmmm Now What?
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