Removing Actions from...ermm..Actions
Hi everyone,
I'm not going to use Music Profiles in my members profiles. So I removed music from the navigation menus and also under profiles. So there's no way anyone can hear or upload any music. However, whenever a member logs in and browses other members profiles, they would see the "Actions" panel. In the actions panel, there are options like "Send Letter", "Profile Photos" and "Profile Music". How do I remove this "Profile Music" option? I've looked everywhere and I can't find it.
I'm using Dolphin 6.1.1.
$ret = '<div class="menuBlock">';
$ret .= '<div class="menu_item_block">';
$ret .= '<div class="menu_item_block_left">';
$ret .= $oTemplMenu -> getActionsMenuItem( 'action_send.gif', _t('_SendLetter'), "compose.php?ID=$profileID" );
$ret .= $oTemplMenu -> getActionsMenuItem( 'action_fave.gif', _t('_Fave'), "javascript:void(0);", '', '', see more
This was useful - but how to add ex guestbook and blog