Reminder: Please keep blog post relevant to BoonEx

jtadeo posted 1st of July 2009 in Community Voice. 10 comments.

Hi Everyone,

Just another reminder about our Unity rules.

If you post a blog please keep it relevant to BoonEx and/or related products. If you consistently fail to follow the rule(s) of this site your account will be suspended or you will be banned.

If you don't agree, please take it up with BoonEx. If you PM with me jibberish I will suspend you and leave it to BoonEx to reactivate your account.

It's a simple rule, please follow it.

Thank you.

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About time. =) There seriously should be a bit more Unity in the forums. Glad to see there's at least one moderator up and running.
aye aye captain.

I hope that doesn't include a little bit of humor about Boonex etc... Please review my latest blog post meant to relieve a bit of tension concerning the upcoming Beta release... :-) I figure you can appreciate it James.

Otherwise, I am fully in support of your statements here... I come here to get relevant information about fixes, patches, hacks and other problems/issues w/Dolphin..... NOT to read the blathering name calling and gossip that seems to have plagued this site in the past.
MNNN my inbox is FULL of gibberish.

Have a sneaky suspicion I know who you are talking about.

100% agree with this..
The gibberish I am subjected to here is repeated dating bot spam of primarily Russian origin. Either I'm so hot all these ladies just become mesmerized and start saying the same things, or Boonex Unity is being targeted by dating spammers.
Thanks James. Unity is peaceful & meaningful now.

Warm Regards.
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