Reason for the posting change

mydatery posted 22nd of July 2009 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Many of you have noticed by now, the unique change in my posting style in the forums.  I wish I could say that this has been brought about by a choice of my own making, but that is the furthest thing from the truth.  It has been brought to my attention that certain individuals who make themselves blatantly obvious have chosen to attempt to draw me out for the purpose banning me from this site permanently. 

It appears that the reason for their actions is due to their inability to comprehend the use of sarcasm in lightening the mood on some posts, and to drive the point home for those who choose to insult the volunteers who spend their time assisting others in the Unity Forums.  While I don't agree or personally like all of these individuals, they all spend time helping out and have their own specific reasons for doing it.  I'm not going to judge them here for those reasons that they choose to help out others.  None of them has in anyway injured the reputation of the Unity Forums.  Those I disagree with I have done so in private e-mail, I respect those who have responded to me in e-mail and I respond to all who e-mail me.  We mutually agree and leave each other alone recognizing the issue at hand.  Here is a list of those people who truly contribute to the Unity Forums and do so in a manner that I respect.  Don't take offense to this list guys, it is all meant as a compliment to you if your name is in this Blog post:






Sammie (Though I haven't seen her in a long time)

Killerhaii (Sorry if I misspelled it Killer)

Victor (Very rarely in, but always helps when he has the time to stop in)


sbcjr (You seem like a new member to me, but your posts are helpful)


There are others, and I apologize if I have missed you.  As I said, I don't agree with all of them, but I do tend to respect them.  Even those I have been incredibly rude with.  Heck, a couple I've told to never message me again.  

Now, on to the reason for the change.  It would appear that someone, who I don't have to name as they have made themselves known quite well, feels that I need to be censored and would prefer if I protect their virgin eyes and mind from my sarcastic posts and rants at those who choose to insult the volunteers who make this support forum possible. 

These people thought they won when they got a moderator to suspend me on Sunday Night, it was a pretty good move.  I was locked out of my e-mail, my blogs, my extensions that I have purchased (nice that I couldn't even download the very items I have paid for) and of course the forums.  They figured I was gone for good and even took the opportunity to post a thread about me, using my screenname in the title.  That was a pretty good move on their part.  To bad they can't delete an entire thread, only edit the original post. 

Now, the Ban/Suspension lasted an entire 24 Hours and as you can all see, I am back.  It was not at the decision of the mod, this decision to allow me back in was brought about from those higher up the chain.  Again, I will not say who, only that it happened swiftly.  My being here is an in your face to the individual who moved to have me permanently suspended/banned from Unity. The funniest part of all, that individual has 2 accounts and I have the screennames of both.  You have to love those low flying IP's, they are so great.  Of course I did not need the IP's, the posting style is so unique of this user that it's impossible to not know who it is.  I'm guessing they believe they are invincible.  I personally am betting they are not and time will answer the question as to whether they are or not.

Moving on though, I did not have to ask Unity to allow me back in.  For you see, I could of simply asked for access to the items I purchased, my licenses and so on and moved on.  For the most part I do not need the Unity Forum, and yes I'm saying I don't need it.  Instead, I like those I listed above who also don't need it, come in here and choose to participate for the purpose of helping others.  This is not paid help we give, this is FREE!

We devote our time on a regular basis to come in here and help those who are to lazy to figure out how to use a simple search function that this site has built into it.  We all have test servers set up and for no other reason, go into them and try to replicate the problems that the users have created on their sites so we can guide you towards an answer that will make the site work.  Notice, we run test sites for the purpose of fixing problems that other site owners create.

Now, anyone who has a site knows that it is not free to run that site.  Even if we choose to set it up in a subdomain, it still takes up server space, bandwidth, memory and our time to do this.  Boonex does not pay us to do this, the hosting companies do not pay us to do this and the internet providers do not pay us for this.  So what is our reason?  Just because we want to help and it allows us to find different ways sites can be broken and hopefully allow Boonex to rewrite the code to avoid this. 

I personally, and there are those out there that can attest to this, have been contacted by site owners on here with broken sites throwing error after error that would take forever to track them all down, and gone in to those sites, sometimes doing a complete re-install and then placing all the mods back into the site in a manner that allows it to work.  I am able to do this for one reason and one reason only, I have broken the sites in almost every manner you can imagine myself and had to fix them.

In the end, it is my choice to post on the Unity Forums or not post on the Unity Forums.  In this instance, I actually fought for the right to post on them against someone who simply cannot accept the fact that I am a sarcastic person.  I have one of the highest post counts on Unity, not the highest, and I have never asked anotehr member to give me a point.  I don't care about the points system, take them all away as far as I'm concerned.  I have been accused of being sarcastic and rude in a self serving attempt to make myself look better.  Guess what, your not even close in that analysis, I'll tell you why I do it:

Because I can and it's the way I am.  It has nothing to do with being an internet bully, it has nothing to do with needing to feel superior and it has nothing to do with blowing my own horn.  I just started on a domain Friday that was in shambles and alleged Dolphin Experts had done the work on for a newbie that was blowing 600 errors a day.  This site had no members yet, it was just a site in build phase.  A week later this same site will blow most dolphin sites away, throws no errors (okay, it has one but I'll fix that after I post this, has to do with comments) and is something the owner is now going to be proud to put into production.  All of it has been done in a matter of 6 Days.  Count them folks, 6 whole days, it will even record video, has the RMS fully working, every toy in perfect condition, except the comments and I'll get to it.  I'm not saying this to blow my own horn, I'm saying it because it's the truth and I'm tired of the attitude.

At this moment, I have a choice to make.  I can easily pull up all 702 posts that I have made to the Unity Forums and begin deleting them and all record of my being here, hide my profile and simply take the items I have bought and my knowledge and leave.  That will leave a lot of threads without answers in them.  I did delete out the screenshots I had up on threads Sunday night.  I know, childish but they were on my servers and I don't have to host items that help a community that was blocking me from coming in.  What can I say, I am childish, immature, ascanine (sp), jerk.  But it's my right to be that way.

Now, I did notice a member posted a thread telling me thank you.  I have chosen to stay out of that thread because an individual with a fake profile has chosen to hop into it and attempt to defamate my character.  That was totally uncalled for and I will not tolerate it all.  I find it amazing that this little (I mean that in more than one way) can think he/she is proving/demonstrating anything by running around attempting to draw me out for an argument when it serves no purpose for the Unity Community. 

I am establishing this rule from here on out for my posts: 

If you come into the Unity Forums and ask for help, then expect it in whatever manner it comes.  It may not be the most polite answer your get, but it will be an answer.  I hold a great deal of respect for the members who spend their time in this forum day after day, answering questions that they don't need to answer and I will not standby while those who are asking questions abuse them.  If I find someone abusing a respected member of this forum, then I'm going to get out my stick and beat you into the ground, it is that simple.  Don't expect me to ever again post a link to a thread that has the answers for you, if people have a problem with me telling you to search next time when I post the link, you will only be told to search from now on.  My time is to valuable to waste on those who don't appreciate it. 

From here forward, I will leave my posts up for a short period of time and then remove them if it contains items that others will attempt to use to sell in the future.  I am tired of watching people rip others off.  Further, I reserve the right to move a discussion on a subject to private e-mail and deliver the answer there to a newbie.  It is my right to do that and if I think it's an item someone will re-sell as some have done then I will do it. 

I have never cussed outright in a post but I have been accused of it.  Please someone, show me a post on Unity where I have cussed/sworn outright.  Sorry, but misspelling it does not count. 

I could play like one child seems to have done and hide my profile, but I won't do that.  I will keep it public so that those who need help can continue to ask for  it.  I believe that there are people here who helped me out when I first joined Unity and I am returning that favor by paying it forward. 

In the end, I apologize to the majority of you here, as this is not directed at you, rather it is directed at a very select few who seem to feel that I am disrupting their lives by posting in this forum.  In the end, if they don't like my posts they don't have to read them.  I guess that is to hard a concept for small minded people to grasp.

Now I expect the troll to stop in on this blog post and start crying about it.  Again, thanks to all who participate in the Unity Forums and make them  a great place.  To the troll or two with the fake profile, I believe your minutes on Unity are numbered. 

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I am very sorry to hear you were suspended. One of the moderators, who is also a newbie, had one of my blog posts censored - but only after he posted a personal attack against me there. I have many of your forum posts extremely useful.
Andrew Boon
There's always a fine line between being sarcastic and offensive. It mostly depends on your listeners and just like with any other community we should set "boundaries" to how far one can go until he starts to scare off more touchy members. You have to understand and deal with it either.

If being nice doesn't tick with your ego, maybe being just a little nicER would work? I can stand a good deal of sarcasm myself but I also know about people who literally jumped out of the window just see more because of a harsh phrase. This is especially true for newbies, youngsters, women and people with hyper-sensitivity.

So, with that said, I really appreciate your participation in the community, your help and involvement. I would also be happy to see you around and hope we can all get over this incident.

I have to admit, however, that I agree with moderators' actions and request a nicER approach from you, if possible. Now I asked moderators to stay away from this particular case for a while and let BoonEx team watch it and make further decisions.

p.s. I believe it takes a strong man to be knowledgeable and helpful, and it takes a stronger man to be gentle and considerate.
He Mydatery,

welcome back and are the man who you are and nothing more then that.
I have to say that i think its shameful that you got suspended, ok yeah sure, your post can be a bit sharp if you are a delicate daisy,with no sense of humour who dont get the double edge sword that is sarcasm. You are one of the small group of people on here who truly help other members with proper solutions and if i got help from you, i would expect sarcasm,(we all need a trade mark after all :-)) and i wouldn't much care so long as i got my problem sorted.
People are so politically correct these see more days, there just doesn't seem to be any room for individualism at all anymore. People just whine and complain and want Jam on top

I guess Andrew is right with his comments about youngsters, women and people with hyper-sensitivity not getting it, it just strikes me that these days everybody seems so sensitive. I blame youtube you know "planetX,2012,contrails,the lizard people" its knocked the fun out of life i say (joking)...teehee

Glad youre back anyway as a lot of people appreciate your help im sure.


I say this is just software, cool software or script no doubt but there is more to life than it. I have yet to see almost any dolphin sites that actually make squat off adds or services. There are a few that get some decent traffic but highly doubt they are striking it rich.

To me it's all for fun, and to help others. I just don't have as much free time as what I would like these days. My spare time is very limited and used for more important things besides testing some alpha's and beta's that see more are really a waste of my time and buggy. Someone has to though. I look at them, but don't spend much time on them, it's just not practical for most.

If you delete your forum posts, that is up to you. Even if they don't exist anymore people always ask over, and over, and over again. So someone undoubtably will ask and answer again. Why delete them. You will not only do away with all your original time to post them, but even more time to delete them. I know people get pissed off, if you disappear and erase/delete them to boot nobody will ever know anyway.

We all gather input, tips, and suggestions whether nice and friendly or put that in your pipe and smoke it jerk off! As long as it works most don't really care. Although most do prefer the friendlier attitude, but they will take what they can get if it fixes their problem. As long as they get the fix they are after they don't give a squat about you. Many don't give a $hit about you or me. If you fix the problem, save them time or prevent them from paying $50+ who...whoo...they are happy!

Bottom line this is just software, most of us do not rely on this or dolphin as a means of living. There is much more to life than this, and it is more of a hobby or spare time type of thing.

Just don't delete a ton of work you did and wake up the next day and I wish I wouldn't have done that. Let it sit on you a bit before you go that route.

I am a little tired of hearing someone or some company said $40 to fix something simple. Often it's a 2 second fix. Go figure I guess!

Best of Luck!
I love how you talk man! "too lazy".....this makes my day... relaxing with a tea over this and a darn good read.
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