Real Names

Andrew Boon posted 15th of September 2009 in . 153 comments.

Real names is a hot topic at Unity forum now and quite expectedly there's no shortage of opinions. So, I figured we all need a bit more details about BoonEx' position about using real names in Unity.

One of the latest "scoops" read:

9. Real names soon.

Unity is planned to request everyone to show their Real names instead of their usernames. If you absolutely have to stay anonymous, no problem, but you're likely to have your Unity experience limited.

First, note that it's "request", not "require".


Second, we won't show your real names, unless/until you approve it.

Third, the ideas is to "add to" not to break anything that Unity already is.

We will NOT take away any of your current rights or features. Real names display may add new options that'd be available IF you display real names. Such options are "certified real name" badge or, maybe, doubled weight of vote count, etc.

Personally, I think that privacy is over-rated. We have Facebook, LinkedIn, phonebooks, PeopleSearch, GoogleMaps, etc, etc. It doesn't take a degree to locate a specific person. I bet you can pinpoint home address of at least 50% Americans using Internet. Web anonymity is a cool feature, but is a feature of the past, that's slowly dying, like it or not. That's just my opinion, anyway. Quote me if you like, but it has nothing to do with what we plan to do at Unity.

The idea is to ask for a real name at registration page (or profile edit) and display it somewhere, prominently. however....

One should be able to specifically state that they want to remain anonymous. In that case we'd display something like "Unoboonex (anon)".

One could also use a fake name and display something like "Mickey Mouse". I see no problem with that - if you feel like presenting yourself as somebody with "Mickey Mouse" being your real name - so be it. I for one, changed my first name and surname some time ago.

... so, why do we need those Real Names anyway? That's for the people who have no problems revealing their names and using this as a reinforcement of their claims, self-promotion or whatever they need it for. It's an extra feature, basically. Real Name could be a company name for example - cool for those running a Unity Store. At a later stage we plan to start "verifying" names/company names and issuing some sort of notice about verification (here's where the "limited experience" word may substantiate). Consider difference beween products bought from "SegaMega (anon)" and "James Tadeo (verified)".

BoonEx Unity is a business network, and we have all sorts of people here. Professionals looking for jobs, groups selling mods, freelancers and consultants may actually WANT to display their Real Name, but now we suggest Username as a default option and encourage the spirit of anonymity. There're buyers who actually WANT to know real names of sellers, without asking.

How would you feel if I were hiding my real name (which is Andrew Boon, formerly Andrey Sivtsov)? I am happy to have the opportunity to tell you my name and our company name and the ABN (Australian Business Number).

... and again, personally, at the age of dying privacy I feel so much more secure, because I'm one of millions again, and not just one of the few [...nerds who tell their real names online].

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Sorry Andrew, but I don't share your experience, not at all...

If Avatars and Daily Quotes are dead since a long long time ;-) this is now the age of reinforcement of Internet Privacy and Security, at least here in Europe.

Michel Bondallaz (verified)
Dear Andrew, I am personally against realnames, but if you are gonna do it In my opinion you should register the realnames behind the scene and verify the names.. People could have a verified icon or something behind there nickname but the realname should not be open for everyone only your main team.. Thats my opinion
Andrew Boon
Why would we need real names if we can't reveal them? We already know what we need if we go into a financial transaction with a customer. Unity is different place - we can't reveal your name to another person, so there's no use having it.
I support the verification but not the real name display. Think of ebay. You use your nickname but you can verify.
Wow! People are still holding onto this desire to not allow the displaying of real names, so maybe I can add some confustion to the subject. And I get to make a shiny list like Andrew did.

1. Andrew stated: "First, note that it's "request", not "require"." That means you don't have to provide it, you can just say you want to be anon and you are anon. You can say your name is "nottellingyoumyname" and it will be accepted. Of course, that one will see more be very easy to verify.

2. Andrew state: "Second, we won't show your real names, unless/until you approve it." What? We have to give you permission to show our real name? How dare you Andrew make it so we have to decide if our names will be shown. That is so like... "Facebook" & "Myspace" Note that you get to choose whether your name is show or not shown.

3. Andrew stated: "One could also use a fake name and display something like "Mickey Mouse"." That means that I could lie and give you the name "Minnie Mighty Mouse" and you would never know it was really me, Mickey Mouse. I hope people are starting to see the point here. You still get to remain just as anonymous as ever.

Now, moving on into my own little tirade. If you have taken the time to get to know me, then you have more than likely talked to me on Yahoo or in off-site e-mail. The most amazing part of that is, if you have, you have my full name, minus the middle names (mother was a very cruel woman, I'm still going through Jose Cuervo counseling for those middle names) and I don't attempt to hide it.

The internet in the end is a tool, a tool that was originally designed to provide open access to information in a quick and efficient manner. Today it has evolved into a communications tool. By far the most powerful communications tool ever designed. It is this tool that the vast majority of Unity members here are building their businesses and futures on, this includes the love spammers that Unity gets in all the time. Gotta love those girls and their due diligence to tell us how much they love each of us.

As a business owner, I take pride in what I bring to the market, the services that I provide and the solutions I come up with to meet the needs of my customers. I believe that each person here has that same sense of pride. Whether you are here as code/programmer, site owner/webmaster, hobbyist or just trying to learn how php works (yes, we have some of those) you take pride in what you do.

Further, I truly believe that you take pride in who you are and in your word. You take pride in those things that you have created and there is not a single person here who is going to say they haven't done a great job on building what they have. (Okay, maybe those who title threads: Help! Urgent! Emergency!, but we'll leave them out of this for now)

Someone said in one of the threads, blogs, that if they own a business they have right to be anonymous. The truth is that if you own a business in the United States or Canada (I can't speak for the rest of the world) you are not anonymous. Your business license is public knowlede and available to anyone who wants to look it up. If your incorporated and an officer of the corporation then your incorporation papers are public available to be reviewed. If your a property owner it's out there, if your divorced it's out there, if you've ever been arrested for peeing in your neighbors bushes it's out there and it's public knowledge. If you have a phone number it is out there unless you have paid the phone company to make it private and not publish it (imagine that, the phone company charges to not print your name. Maybe Boonex can charge to not post your name... Just a joke guys.)

In the end, everything you do off-line is public information available to anyone who wants to look, with or without a computer. The phone company actually delivers the phone books to everyone's house. The business/property records are availabe at any courthouse/supervising government agency. Heck, even the IRS will turn over your tax returns to those who ask for them. Did you know if you do any job for a government agency in the US, your pay information is all public record.

At least Boonex is giving you the choice to decide if you want to provide your information or not, at least Boonex is giving you the choice if you want to provide it, if you want to display it or not. It's time to get beyond all the excuses that are out there to complain about this topic and realize that the bases have been covered, if you want to be anonymous you can, if you want to use a pseudonym you can, if you want to post a picture of your dogs behind to represent yourself you may (Please don't shave the dog, Fido really doesn't enjoy doing those photo ops).

Now if you should choose to remain anonymous and you are a vendor on Unity looking to sell your mods, upgrade sites, provide hosting services and so on, then you will be competing with those who have chosen to be public and in that end, people will use it to make a decision. I know that I would prefer to work with the person I can see than the wizard behind the curtain.

And for those who have been stating I'm all gung ho for names and hiding... Remember, that is my real picture up on Unity and my sites are posted with my real information. I am public because I want people to know I am reputable.

What a shiny list. I love my lists, they are so neat!!
im not sure why this post as got so much negative votes because its valid in its points, if you a real business dealing with real people and money is changing hands, then real names or business names and addresses are a good thing,but most of us dont deal like that, and there shouldn't be a penalty if you want to stay annon. when i have sold stuff in my stores online, people who buy from me get my details from places like paypal and thats fine, but its still private from the casual on looker, and see more that has to be the priority, detail should only be given to genuine parties who are dealing with you on a professional level, but there still has to be protection from all those people and bots collecting information about you, its a fine balance but it has to be kept.
I would like to say i dont go against stating my business name. However my opinion is because i am not offering a "service" directly on boonex, i personally would not want to give out my real information.
A good example of what has happened to me in the past was on yahoo years ago i had a screen name that had my name plus numbers something like johnsmith2009, anyway some psycho looking at my profile figured out where i lived and decided to prank call my job. At the time i was working see more for the post office. Luckily she was wrong, still I just am very paranoid when it comes to giving real information online. Again real information being my real first and last name.
Like someone else said ebay verifies people without you having to give out your real first and last name. I dont mind boonex having my real information, and of course people i do business with. I just wouldnt want my real name just being out in the open for everyone to see. I am one of those people that have a unlisted phone number as well.. so i value privacy very much. Again this is just my opinion, and i do at least feel better knowing i will have the option to allow my real name to be shown or not
Andrew Boon
All valid points.

It's a little annoying how people shear the word "real names" and simply jump into hate bandwagon. Should've just added the real names display option without even telling about it. Nobody would care.
I am not sure why you would want people to do this. i for one will not have my real name displayed don't care what you limit on me, why not tell every one to post their SS# as well and drivers license photo so identity theft can grow higher in this world. I think your product is great but your thinking on this is retarded.
Andrew Boon
Thinking, by definition, can not be retarded. Conclusions, actions, products maybe. Thinking is a thing in action.

Now here I am telling about the plan of OPTIONAL display of real names. It's only natural that if you use an OPTION you gain something, and if you don't use it, you don't gain anything. If you have problem with this option - fine, don't use it. See, some people print their names on mailboxes, some don't. Some print their names on doorbells, some don't. Some add their names to phonebooks, see more some choose to remain private. If you add your name to mailbox, doorbell and phonebook - you basically gain some extra benefits - like old friends can find you, or postman is more likely to put letters into your box, etc. This may or may not come with disadvantages or risks - so it's up to you to decide which way to go.
Well in Europe there is a very strong law about privacy on online media. yes its correct that in fact the webmaster has to know who are their users. But all the data may not longer saved then for 6 months.
Its really confused sometimes here.

real names checking like what was needed for a pundit is not a problem and yes needed, but realnames online don't do that.
Andrew Boon
Europe, ok, but do you use LinkedIn at all? Last time I was in London I connected with dozen of European executives via linked, , all with real names displayed. Doesn't look like an unheard-of move to me.

Oh, and again, it's definitely going to be an OPTIONAL field.
That's simply a sales job for your own personal bias on the subject. Which is fine. If real names are going to be an option, then you should also verify people who only use a nic name. You can easily verify people who want to only use a nic name by requesting certain information and NOT making it public.

As I've said before, if I'm buying something from someone I like to know a little bit more about that person than just "Nic1955" or something like that. But that's up to me if I care see more to deal with someone who isn't a little more transparent.

In the end it doesn't matter to me either way since I'm not selling any mods or services here. Wish I knew enough about coding to do so but that's another story.... lol
Let's look at this. You said if your buying some thing here you would like to know more than a nic name. That is what this is doing for everyone.

If your paying money, you can ask the person for their name, but how do you know it's their real name? By requesting real names and then doing a verification of them, Boonex is simply paving the road for the buyers and sellers. In this instance sellers will not have to provide this information every time someone new comes along as it's been done see more by Boonex and buyers will feel more comfortable know who they are doing business with.
For "Boonex Certified Seller" type thing then fine... But to say someone who doesn't do this will have a limited experience leaves alot of questions as to what that means. I can interpret it a number of different ways.
Andrew Boon
What's there to verify if we don't have real nome and can not display it.
I can't request you to show me your "Footman's" ID.

Ok, I can verify that Footman is, say, John Smith, and just keep the name private in our system without displaying it to others. What's the use then? HOw does it help people that do transactions with you. IF things go hairy we wouldn't be bale to tell'em your name anyway, right? Right.
I refuse to give you my real name, this is the Internet and I have a right to use a nick name on here or anywhere for this matter.

How hard is that to understand Andrew, you can NOT force or require this from anyone so now your going to ignore me and I wont get the help needed.... explain to me what what your referring to the help I need?

Your just going to roll over and say not helping you if your real name is not there ?
Its not required but request, so if you don't want it then don't do it. Its so easy. :)
No, you don't have "a right" - this is not your site, the owners can manage it as they wish.
coltrade makes a valid point, but heres another valid point, if people are forced to have their real names displayed on here, in profiles or whatever, then they can also leave the site, on principle, this is indeed what i will do,there are plenty of good dolphin support sites that dont make you display your real names, and on principle its wrong under our data protection act, we should have the choice without penalty.
I do feel very strongly about this, ive been buzzing around the internet for over see more a decade so i know how it all works. Im verified myself so im not hiding anything, but having my private details displayed is my choice, and i will vote with my feet (by walking away) if i am forced to display my real name.
I know I will probably get some slack for this but here it goes anyway:

If I read this right, I believe this is an "option" NOT a "requirement". I would assume that means that if you don't want you real name displayed, fine, choose the option for it NOT to display.

So what is the big deal? If anyone who has purchased something online, you had to enter you "real" name for billing purposes. And for anyone who thinks it's impossible to find out information about yourself, see more is completely clueless to just what information is available on the internet (IP traces, Whois, Email reverse lookups, etc.)

In the end, I think that its a good idea that you have at least given the option to opt out of this if the member chooses to.
Andrew Boon
Exactly. That's only one of 12 scoops. Not a big deal. A little option. Got to get over it. etc, etc, etc.

Some people just tend to overreact when they hear some "anchor" words, like "privacy".
I myself have no problem using my real name, but certainly wouldn't think anybody should be encouraged to for no apparent reason.
How will you be verifying real names? ebay doesn't verify my name. paypal doesn't verify my name. they verify my access to an email address and bank account.

I'm Patrick Kennedy. Am I a 40 year old network engineer in Vermont, or a congressman from Rhode Island? And once you verify one of the above, how am I to trust that verification?
Paypal does verify your name, through the bank account. If you attempt to use an account that has someone else's name on it then it gets kicked back as not being a legitimate account and the verification fails.

Ebay does the same thing. You have to verify who you are with a bank card/checking account and if the names don't match then your out of them.

The difference here is, to use all features of Paypal you have to be verified. Yes, you can have people send you money and paypal will send see more you a check for those funds. But if you want to buy stuff with funds that are in your paypal account, you must be verified. Realized that the other day when the card I had on Paypal had expired and they forced me to update the information or I could not pay an invoice via Paypal.

In the end, Boonex isn't asking for bank card information, no Social Security Numbers, No addresses and so on. They are inviting you to share your name, if you choose to not do that then they feel certain parts of the site should not be open to you. After all, if your not open with Boonex why should Boonex be open with you.

As far as trust goes, a few months ago Boonex gave everyone free licesenses in hopes they would contribute something to Boonex. There was no, make the contribution and get the license, it was done with an understanding of trust. If you did not donate they did not rip the licenses from you, they understood.

Now I don't know of anyone who told Boonex they didn't want the licenses, but I know all did not contribute as some just could not afford to. But I do know that all are using those licenses instead of running ads on their sites.

In the end, people need to just get over it. This is an evolution of the Boonex Software you have chosen to run. If you don't like it, then don't participate in that part of the sites functions. However, everyone is great at complaining/whining/screaming about what goes on at Expertzzz, this is a way of correcting that issue...

Oh yeah, it's great to whine about others just as long as the door doesn't open to reveal who you are... Right...
Please do not take this to a personal level and accuse people of whining, when they are merely expressing their opinion. Yours is valid and I respect it.

I wasn't as clear as I wanted to be with the paypal/ebay examples. They do verify that the names submitted are indeed the proper ones with the authority to authorize transaactions on given accounts. They do not require my name to be visible in order to use the sites to their fullest.

I have no problem with requiring a first name and see more last name on a site, it is completely at the whim of the person running the site and I can choose to be a part of it, not be a part of it, or submit an anonymous name. I am not whining, nor should I be accused of it.

My point is, how does Unity plan on verifying somebody's name, and what is the reasoning behind it? If I'm not mistaken, the method of completing transactions are handled by a third party, where proper verification has been made.
You said:

"I wasn't as clear as I wanted to be with the paypal/ebay examples. They do verify that the names submitted are indeed the proper ones with the authority to authorize transaactions on given accounts. They do not require my name to be visible in order to use the sites to their fullest."

That is where you are wrong. You can use paypal to purchase something with a credit card without signing up, you can receive funds to your paypal account without verifying and paypal will see more mail you a check for that. But, you can not use funds in your paypal account to send money to others unless you are verified. Don't believe me? Try it. Open an unverified paypal account and send money to it from your verified account, then try to send that money to someone else. It will not allow it, it will only allow you to receive a check mailed to you (which means you have to provide name, address, phone number and so on even though your not verified).

Next up, on E-Bay, if you are not a verified member you can bid and purchase, but you can not sell anything unless you place a bank card/checking account onto your e-bay account which in turn means they have to verify you before you get to sell.

Doesn't sound like your getting use of the full site options if your not verified.
Because store function and that I think the whole time about having a great verifying option - verified real name or verified nickname behind the user name for Dolphin - and for an Unity pro level for sellers in anyway it will help.
great idea - and maybe the store can be set optional only for verified members?
The man's going to do what the man's going to do - I'm powerless over his decisions, but I am not powerless over my own. The idea of 'limiting' us for not giving our "real name" - is like saying "I'll punish you if you feel sad." - Threats are not well taken by some, and many tend to either "fight or flight" - and buck that system, or run from it. Trying to control people to do what they don't want to do is like eating a box of exlax and having "control". Try see more it - and you'll probably end up with nothing but a bunch of 'crap' on your hands. It's not good business practice, to say the least. I never gained a friend by trying to force someone to be a friend - have you? People give personal information because they trust and choose to - not because you tell them they have to. I'm a Counselor, and I don't force anyone to share personal information - funny thing is, they do more so when I don't push it.
When a member comes onto your site, you have fields that are voluntary and fields that are mandatory. If a member chooses to not fill out a mandatory field (such as e-mail) then they don't get to join the site.

In the end, this is no different, except that Boonex is still allowing you to join. They are just saying, you will have limited abilities until you do the verification process.
Well im totally gob smacked, internet privacy is not a dying thing at all, in fact we will all become more internet security conscience in the future not less. While this is going to be voluntary to give your real name, it isnt really, because if you dont then you will have your usage of boonex somehow limited.
Now lets get one thing clear here, its great if you are in business, with a business name, and maybe a business address to go with it,All your internet dealing are aimed at that, but most see more of us dont, and i for one go to great lengths to protect my privacy, even with a user name, i have tyke here, but for my other established sites, my user name isnt tyke, and i do that so if anybody gets a grievance with me, they cant google my username and come and get me outside my dolphin site, and it does happen (mentioning no names) and people having paddy fits.

This is going to sound awful, but im going to say it, for a company (boonex) to be playing around like this with peoples privacy isnt really nice, especially one that doesn't really have a working product its almost as if Boonex are trying to alienate its clients before it begins. D7 isnt that good, in fact its common knowledge (in private) that D7 is a big let down, and i for one will be sticking with 6.1.4, so this isnt a smart move..


100% anonymity while doing business on-line or off-line is never good. I think if money transactions are being made the customer deserves to at least know the seller has been verified.

This may not stop the seller from being malicious, crap may still happen if people used real names, or are verified, but a lot less of it would. Real names isn’t a cure-all, but it’s a big step, at least, for the customers of BoonEx to feel secure, and sellers who care about building and maintaining a reputation see more here.

As Andrew stated it's not mandatory, but members doing business on BoonEx should consider getting verified.
I am for real names BUT not showed in a public way, the real names should be provided ONLY if the user wants to have a "verified" account type (mostly for those who will sell things on boonex), so the user sends a passport scan to boonex (just in the same way you send to become a pundit), and boonex puts the "verified" label to a user account, the real name will not be shown in public, it will be available only for admins (or even moderators)..
We need a little more security see more for buyers.. I think that is reasonable and mostly needed to get the scammers out..
I agree with this type of verification. Again I dont think people mind boonex verifying them, but why would someone not selling boonex products want to be verified and have their public information displayed. Its a matter of privacy, as well as security risks whenever you display your real names online. It only takes one person to get killed or raped on here for it to look like a bad idea. And hopefully it doesnt come to that.
Yes verified is good but do not display real names in anyway shape or form on the site, thats not good.
I don't think its that big of a deal. If Boonex wants to change something with their website, then that's their decision. I think its funny that this is even open for discussion. At least Boonex is letting its users know what they are planning to do. Real names is something I require on the Dolphin social network that I run. It makes it more professional... its not a dating site.
The community IS Boonex also.. and Andrew is not some kind of dictator, that's why we appreciate him so much.. He always listens our simple member opinions, and so far it worked quite well..
do you know what the biggest mistake i think boonex makes, and its very nieve, even if good intentioned. Boonex is a sort of both worlds business, internet and real world, with it seminars and meetings of real people in far off glamorous places, thats all great stuff, but the net doesn't work like that. Lets put it this way, if in the real world when you went to do your meetings are seminars, there was this shady character in your midst, trying to get all the details it could on you, your photo,your see more name, your date of birth, like the internet, this shady person collects all it can find on anybody and everybody, to sell on to advertising companies, email scammers, fake profile makers and so on, are you then going to walk up to this person and deliberately give him your name, and force everybody else to do the same.
this is not the real world, this is the internet, so verify people by all means but dont display real names on the site, along with dates of birth.. This isnt face book, and even they cant get that right with all the muscle they have, on here we cant even stop spammers emailing us every five minutes, the site will just become an open address book...
I've had my real name voluntarily visible in my BoonEx profile for quite some time now. In any case, it's already available at a number of places with my photo, e-mail address and whatnot, as you kinda need a "real person" level credibility if you intend to do business online beyond selling warezzz in the peanut gallery.

I've found that using real names makes a dramatic cut in the amount of "up yours" posting online, because it's one notch closer to a real life encounter that see more may have repercussions. No identity means no repercussions.

I tend to take more seriously the writings of a person who lets his real-life persona be associated with his writings. It brings a whole new sense of responsibility into what you say and do online.

We've grown accustomed to the notion that internet is some sort of FOFFA (F**k Off Free For All) you can go vent at whenever you like and get off with it, whereas you'd probably get your face remodeled if you were to use the same rhetoric with the guys at the pub next door...

Be that as it may, of course I do understand why some people may wish to keep their real names secret, for any number of reasons, and that should always be an option as long as no commercial transactions are involved.
100% Agree CoseSatori..

"I tend to take more seriously the writings of a person who lets his real-life persona be associated with his writings. It brings a whole new sense of responsibility into what you say and do online."

-well said
I for one would like to know what part of the site will be limited if we use fake names. I will NOT place my real name on here for all to see, but have no issues giving Boonex my real name, as long as the public does NOT have access to it. I do believe real names for people selling products is a good idea but only for Boonex to see if there ever is a dispute from a customer. I have had my share of bad people that wont leave me alone on here, and if they have my real name it could get scary. Not going see more to happen! There is NO reason for members to see our real names unoboonex.
Exactly, i could emagine internet stalkers turning into some sort of rapists or worse. I am not a female but this is the exact reason why real names should NOT be displayed. Again i dont think its wrong for boonex to have it. But why should you have to let some psycho on here have your real information?
LightWolf, Do you think that they would have acted in this manner if they had to provide their real name?
Can Boonex verify that is their real name? Did they find away around this? Some would use a fake name and disregard the rules. Some would not, like me and just move on. I am NOT willing to take this chance. I will just have to find a way to purchase another community software in the near future and remove myself from here. Yes I will lose out on a great software,and yes this will cost me dearly even though right now what I have is free, but that is the price I will have to pay.
all this is just unnecessary drama in my opinion and will evoke some strong reactions from people who know the score, and in the end nobody will be any safer from being scammed, all they need is a site like this

So really whats the point. Best just to leave well alone, verify like you do for pundits, but displaying names will just cause unnecessary bad feeling. IMHO
I have a bigger problem with Item 4 on that list of scoops.

If anybody on the internet wants to find me, it shouldn't take them too long. The only time it got a bit creepy is when someone posted a google map of my home address in a public forum. As I said elsewhere, I'm not too worried about people paying me visits... my house is protected by a Glock, Model 17L, security system. But..... that's me.... others may feel differently.

You can verify people's identity with a third party verification see more service and give them a 'Verified' badge, rather than displaying their name and address. As I said in the forums, there just might be a few women on this site that do not want to disclose their name and address. Yes I know, nobody mentioned addresses, but once you have the full name and city, the rest is easy.

Andrew Boon said:

Personally, I think that privacy is over-rated. Web anonymity is a cool feature, but is a feature of the past, that's slowly dying, like it or not.


Andrew, I don't know what internet you've been watching, but it must be a different one than I'm watching. Issues involving internet privacy, and identity theft, are some of the hottest topics of the day.

You can't compare sites like Facebook and Linkedin, to sites built using the Dolphin platform. When somebody has a Dolphin site with 100 million members, maybe.... but until then, you can't compare yourself with sites that have huge support staffs to monitor every single thing that goes on.

Your average Dolphin site is probably going to have a few sickos, and that includes this one, so I understand why some people might not want their name and address made public. For one thing, once you do that, you'll have every siteripper on the planet on, harvesting all that information.

Boonex already has my name and address, along with a photocopy of my drivers license, so you know who I am. There's no reason why Boonex shouldn't be able to do the thing that will cause the least amount of hard feelings. As I have already said in the forums, verify the identity of those you can, but keep the info to yourself. Verify sellers 100% and all make all others voluntary. Give a 'Verified' badge to those with verified identities. Keep in mind, that you actually have to verify their identities, and that's more involved than just filling out two profile fields. Two people need only to know the others identities if they are involved in a financial transaction.


Hey LightWolf.... my uncle Charles would like to know your real name.


Joe Manson
Okay if I must it's "Joan Of Arc"
Andrew Boon
re: P.S.

SO let it be so... let those who's prepared to accept money form anyone at Unity display their real names, if they want to.
Well I Reginal Kno..Or is it Tallyplayer, no...must be Don Tally, no that's not it either. Oh heck I just figured out why everyone is so worked up. We have been living in our psuedo names so long we can none of us remember our real ones.....hmmm, guess I better look on my license.
This is just a article i googled, this is 2 years old and this is just for those that think internet privacy/security is overrated.

Recent identity theft statistics released by the FBI claims that 9.91 million Americans were identity theft victims and have experienced losses totaling $52.6 billion.

More than half of identity theft victims had their current credit cards taken over by identity theft criminals. While new account frauds were estimated to have victimized 3.23 million people and see more to have caused losses of $36.7 billion.

Identity theft, and syber crimes are passing up alot of conventional crimes these days. With the criminal now being a 17 - 34 year old male doing it from behind a desk, instead of a long trench coat robbing a convenient store. Not to mention pedofiles, rapists, murderers, that are told they cannot even use a computer however what is to stop them from getting your personal information once they see your name online? Dont be naive and think just because nothing has happened to you online, that it never will. Or that it may not happen to your children or wife.
Andrew Boon
I am not naive, at least when we talk about Cyberspace. I actually think that hiding your real name, somehow expecting that this helps you against identity theft is just that - naive.

If you had more detailed info, you'd be surprised to know that it is a lot more likely that you can become a victim if nobody knows you.

If you go to Seattle you can actually buy a plane trip to see Bill Gates' house. So here you got it:

Name: BIll Gates
Address: 1835 73rd Ave NE, Medina, WA‎
Passport see more Photo:

now... with that information, I guess, Identity theft mafia can steal yet another $50 billion in one hit, huh?

It's like sitting at home forever as precaution against getting into a car accident. Maybe it helps, maybe it's needed for some at unity. But you have to get out to have ride.
Just something else i found googling to let you know that cyber crimes are on the rise, and need to be taken seriously.

Data breaches have reached pandemic proportions as criminals discover that Internet crime is easy to commit, highly lucrative, and largely under-policed. With a few hundred dollars, a cyber criminal can begin a career of breaking into computers to steal identity and confidential data for sale to the highest bidder. The cyber crime economy is so robust that there is a vibrant see more market for professional malware toolkits available for $500 to $1,000 that come pre-configured with a range of attack modules.

I guess by giving out peoples names we at least make it easier for the syber criminal. They wont even have to have access to your computer this way.
Andrew Boon
C'mon now... we can quote bazillions of horror stats about almost anything, even potato peeling. I love telling my name to people, I know other who promote their names. Name, per se, is not an identity, it's a brand.

I could easily argue that all those crimes are committed because of victims NOT telling their names more often in more places.
I like the idea of the first name feature being applied here.
With professional mod developers or other members who work for companies that develop features for Dolphin it shows clients a great deal of who they realy are.
There shouldn't be a issue with having your first name displayed as there are thousands of people in the world with the same name.
We create profiles to show people who we realy's just personal information such as address, phone number etc. that shouldn't be displayed see more (I know it's not, but you know).
LOL - and I though that dropping IE6 support was a can of worms.

I find it really amusing to read of the paranoia associated with giving your name out on a public forum, as that's all it really amounts to - paranoia. Identity theft is far more easily achieved by other means, trawling forums for names is not going to earn you any money as a cyber criminal. Most online thefts occur as a result of phishing scams, these in turn are targeted at those who are naive in web usage and do not have adequate see more antiviral / malware protection. It is not going to happen as a result of your name being published on Boonex.

What is most amusing to me is that it seems to be very clearly stated that giving your name is completely optional, and that not giving your name is a valid choice. It's also pretty clearly stated that no real name means no verification can be carried out which will simply effect how you are perceived. It even gives an example to clarify the difference in perception between a vendor who is verified and one that isn't.

What it doesn't say is that, not giving your real name means that you will have your toys taken away from you and you will be sent to bed early, that you will be somehow inferior and site usage will be limited to the kindergarten area.

It is literally scary how so many of you feel chastised by the thought of having to give your name, (even though it is optional), and that some even consider Andrew as some kind of evil dictator. Additionally the suggestion that Boonex should not be allowed to do what they please with their own site is ridiculous.

All in all, this stuff is waaaaaaay more scary than the thought of someone filtering some cash out of my bank account, these kind of view border on psychotic, some of you really do need to turn off the PC and go and integrate in the real world a little more.

Andrew - I feel your pain mate.

Keep up the good work.

Just because people are paranoid, doesn't mean everybody's NOT out to get them.
Andrew Boon
ROFL... yeah... I feel paranoid at moments like that, want to scream my name out loud at the street and making photos of people not giving a rat ass about it.

Anonymity is the source of 99,99% of Internet-related crimes.
Anonymity != freedom.

I say, everyone should stick their fingerprint to their IP.

God Made Man. Colt Made Men Equal. Web Anonymity Made Men Irresponsible.
"Anonymity is the source of 99,99% of Internet-related crimes.
Anonymity != freedom."

"God Made Man. Colt Made Men Equal. Web Anonymity Made Men Irresponsible."

Solid Stuff.
C'mon guys, first there was this big discussion on the 'Green' thing and now the 'Real Names' ...

I think all these are secondary things and we should not spend much time or resources on these kind of topics. Our main aim is to get a 100% bug-free dolphin and each one of us is eagerly waiting for it and we are running well behind schedule. I understand it's a community and everyone's opinion matters. But personally I think we should not be spending so much time discussing this topic.

Anyways, see more getting back to the topic of this blog,I would suggest one of the following -

1. Like paypal or ebay just verify the users by using an automated code/call thing and don't worry about real names.

2.If you still like the idea of 'Real Names' just impose it on the users and then anybody who is not comfortable will use fake names....simple

Just my 2 cents !!!
Get it right. First the was the Green thing, then came the beef thing, THEN there came the real names thing. Pay attention.
Andrew Boon
Yeah, it's a war against anonymous, gas-guzzling carnivores.

(disclaimer: that line above is a joke)
Everyone has made really good statements here.

I teach internet safety on my site, and amongst my favorite quotes I used is "It Only Takes One".

I have no issue giving my name to boonex, but how good would the security be seeing as how at&t got hacked a few years ago?
Andrew Boon
Right, we can get hacked. So, we won't take your name. Either make it public, or keep it to yourself.

well yes this is a touchie subject, and one that should be considered by boonex, because what they are asking and what they are saying they are going to utilize the real names for are two different things. first off, there is absolutely no reason to display a real name in order to instantiate verification, just not needed, the real name can be provided to boonex, but not publically displayed.

there is no reason, repeat no reason to force people to display their real name, the username is just see more that a username, now in the event they wish to do business on this site and partake in transactions, their real name and location would and should be revealed to the person they are doing business with on both ends.

i see there is heavy mention of facebook and myspace, well Andrew, in case you didnt know, lets look at some of the problems with myspace and what a nesting place it is for child predators and stalkers, both male and female stalkers. Andrew, this may not be a problem where you are in Austrailia, but rest assured this is a huge problem in the US and Europe, and this needs to be taken into consideration.

The possibility to verify a user should not hinge on whether or not they have opted to publically display their real name. you make reference to "mickey mouse" let me fill you in on that one, i know it was just an idea, and a conversation piece, however, you just subjected yourself to litigation for copyright infringement from Walt Disney. wow, never thought about it like that eh.

Andrew, there are so many drawbacks in forcing people to publically display their name, if Boonex needs to have the real name as part of the profile for full featured access to the site, then by all means, create the fields on your database for that storage, but by all means, look at what you are saying in regards to limiting access to the site, not because they dont want to give you their real name, but because they would opt for their real name not to be publically displayed.

Identity theft is a huge deal, Andrew, can you assure us that your HostForWeb server is secure enough to keep hackers out and all of these users information safe and secure?

Consider the security factors involved in this, its not about your personal opinion, its about what is reality, and your beliefs are not everyone's beliefs. If you want your name publically displayed, that is your choice and your option. there is no Unity in making a statement that if you choose to use a username, that you will be limited access to the site. the two are not even remotely related. real name, provided to boonex for verification purposes, though not needed, real name kept secure and not pubiclically displayed because there is no need to publically display the persons real name. you can verify from so many different factions, and you should consider these other avenues, because the one you are choosing now is going to push so many people away from this site.

so if i login and say my name is Ralph DeWitt, how do you plan on verifiying that, and dont even tell me by me sending a $1.00 on my credit card, again, i dont know about Aus, but in the US, you can purchase a credit card from the convenience store. real verification requires proof positive ID, and quite frankly Andrew, i dont see you getting that involved as you dont have that kind of time that is free.

there are avenues, that allow for person to person verifications. i will look up that method as i have been verified on several different occasions using that method, show up in person, meet one on one with an approved verifier. i do not share my personal documents, nor is my real name required to be displayed on the internet.

think this one over, real name for verifying the user, totally agree with, forced public display totally disagree with this approach.

You use Myspace as an example as "nesting place it is for child predators and stalkers" - but Myspace is a fake name site - so that didn't help make your case.
Andrew Boon
"forced public display totally disagree with this approach." ...and so do I, that's why it's not so.

Thanks for your arguments.
DeeEmm, well,what can i say to that,ok. then answer this then, if there is no real danger from putting up your details for all to see, then why is there a whole industry dedicated to trawling websites and forums simply looking for peoples identities, why is it then that most countries have some form of data protection act to stop site owners from being sloopy with your private details.
giving your name is not optional, if you dont then it seems that your experience on here is going to lessened in see more some way. Maybe its fine for some, but its not for others and it should be our choice, our private detail belong to us, and so its up to us what we do with them and there should be no penalty if we choose to not want them displaying. Being called psycotic for wanting to protect your own private details is a little OTT dont you think, some would also argue that this is the thin edge of the wedge not knowing where this will end. For those who do live in the real world, we know how easy it is for people to use your details for all sorts of things.
there is also something else that people dont really think about if you post under your real name.
Google never forgets, so say something online that you may regret,say you get involved with an argument with someone who is attacking you online, or you have a bad moment, then somebody wants to do business with you, or you apply for a job and somebody googles your name and comes up with your misjudgements, you then get unfairly penalised. just say i want to hire you now, i google DeeEmm and i find your comments calling people psychotic for wanting to protect their privacy,how does that make you look to a future employer, one that may want to put you in a position of trust with other people private details.

all this does have a back lash, even in the business world, more so under the example ive just given.


Tyke - thanks for the perfect example of someone who does not READ the post, which is the main theme of my rant. My comment is not OTT if you understand the context.

Considering Andrew as some kind of evil dictator IS by definition a psychotic tendency - psychotic, literally means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality".

Andrew is not an evil dictator, he is simply someone running see more a business trying to do his best.

Please try to read and understand the post before replying - it can save a lot of embarrassment later on.


Perhaps you should also re-read and try to understand the OP.

Shucks - let me do it for you...


Also to play devils advocate to your argument that 'Google never forgets' - do you not consider that this would encourage people to communicate in a more respectful manner - this has already been suggested by CodeSatori earlier in the thread. Perhaps you didn't read that either.

I find it a shame that Boonex are trying to protect it's members best interests by addressing issues that have been raised such as the scammers on expertzzz and the tone of communication, and all they get is flamed for trying.

I wonder of there would be as many flamings if people were known by your real names??

There are many real name sites out there, none of which pose any issues to privacy, and none of which contribute to identity theft. You need a little more info than this to have a usable identity. Trawling forums for names and addresses will not help you steal someones identity, if this were true, why would you simply not go out and get a phone book or use the whitepages.

Seriously - if you truly believe that someone will empty your bank account, by posting your name and address on the internet - then you really are paranoid.

Perhaps you should also consider that people can covertly view your webcam, listen to your microphone, listen to you mobile phone, even use it to track your location, they can also read a newspaper from out of space, in fact tyke - they are looking at you right now - big brother is watching you lol



It's ironic that you should site an example using a google search to display my OTT comments. If you've never viewed my profile you probably wouldn't know that it says "I am DeeEmm - Google me".

My name and address is freely available on the internet to those who know where to look (a google search is a good starting point), I don't hide behind anything when I post here - there is no alter ego, or online persona - these are my views and opinions, and I stand by them. But then I realise and appreciate that the web is an extension of the real world and treat it as such.
As a trained councillor, i am very aware of what psychotic means thank you and I certainly did read all the posts before i commented,and i still stand by every word i said, no embarrassment here, sorry.
As far as people using their real names would instil better behaviour is debatable. The debate isnt really about verification but forced displaying of details,giving your name is not optional if you want to get the full benefit of the site, that is clearly stated by Andrew, perhaps you need to re-read see more that bit again. Boonex is trying to protect its members from the farse of expertzzz, yes i agree with that, but verification will do that, displaying names will not.
It all very well you putting yourself in a position in a business sense of google me, ive got nothing to hide,but why must everybody be forced into that situation if they dont want it, that is my debate. im a pundit remember so im already verified, ive nothing to hide, but this site is meant to be a community, and most of the community simply dont want this forcing on them, and i 100% agree with that.
See i managed to respond with out silly comments of big brother and so on. i know how to behave too, and my real name isnt Tyke (go figure~)
Tyke - "giving your name is not optional if you want to get the full benefit of the site"

The only effect not using your real name / getting verified will have is to change how you are perceived - There is no reduced functionality mentioned as many are saying...

No need to re-read as i will quote it here: "At a later stage we plan to start "verifying" names/company names and issuing some sort of notice about verification (here's where the "limited experience" see more word may substantiate). Consider difference beween products bought from "SegaMega (anon)" and "James Tadeo (verified)"."

Like I said - I simply find the whole thing amusing - it's pretty funny how the concept of Chinese whispers manifests itself here - it's almost like you cannot see any post but the previous one until you have posted (I use the term 'you' in it's wider context here - meaning site users - not necessarily you tyke). By the time the thread is X posts long it's changed from voluntarily giving your name to fascist communism where you are punished for not giving your name and banned from using the best bits of the site.

It's just comical - that's all I'm saying.

BTW - if you have no issue with using your real name for verification, why such strong views over the voluntary usage of real names? It's a little like making noise for the sake of it.
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GeoIP - Geolocation Technology minFraud - Credit Card Fraud Detection
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MaxMind provides its geolocation technology through the GeoIP brand. By accurately pinpointing the location of Internet customers and visitors by country, geographic region, down to the granular detail of city in real-time, MaxMind enables online businesses to have a valuable marketing tool as well as the ability to customize their websites to better serve clients. There are currently more than 2,000 clients using GeoIP.

MaxMind's industry-leading minFraud service is aimed at helping merchants prevent fraud from online card not present transactions. Through its comprehensive fraud screening system, merchants can accurately detect and automatically flag attempted fraud from card not present transactions. Currently, more than 6,000 e-commerce businesses benefit from the minFraud service through our client and partner networks.

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What does this have to do with the price of gold in Singapore? Just not making the connection here DD.
guess you didnt read it ol long posting friend. the premier verification authority for internet usage. badah bing. read it cat daddy.

Australian online privacy laws are well-documented and available categorized for example from EFA's site:

I'm looking at a document called "Information Sheet (Private Sector) 1A: National Privacy Principles". The following clause is binding to BoonEx as an Australian private sector organization.

"8. Anonymity
Wherever it is lawful and practicable, individuals must have the option of not identifying themselves when entering transactions with an see more organisation."

The next section, "9. Transborder data flows", is also relevant, as BoonEx is the holder and transmitter of a personal information data registry (Unity member database):

"An organisation in Australia or an external Territory may transfer personal information about an individual to someone (other than the organisation or the individual) who is in a foreign country only if: ..."

("Personal information" being in particular "real name", and "third party" the whole of the Internet public to whom the data is freely transmitted by and through a BoonEx service.)

The complete document on Australian National Privacy Principles, of which the above two were excerpts, is available under the following URL:

Should be more solid for a starting point than the ongoing opinion rally.
1. Boonex has given the opt out option by stating that you can choose to remain anonymous. Hmmm, seems to take care of that.

2. Boonex has not stated they will share your information with third parties. They are only stating that if you choose to, you can have your full name appear on your profile.

In the end, that is not solid as Boonex has stayed in compliance from what we can see so far.

Nice try, but suggesting you not attempt to go into court with them. You do go a point though see more for at least looking at the laws in the correct country and not in Canada.
I have no interest "trying" anything, much less taking any action. I just gave you all the groundwork for a meaningful legal discussion on the issue, just because reading aimless debates hurts my brain.

You don't have to try and attack and tackle everything that moves, it's not like the whole world's out to challenge you in particular, even if you may feel like that.
Another point which goes along with dosdawg, how can you 100% verify who i am. Like he stated anyone can get a prepaid credit card and deposit 1 dollar. Do you plan for people to fax you there ids and drivers licenses or ss cards? This may prevent people from getting scammed ( I have absolutely no idea how) but it opens the door for people to get hurt, that is no kind of trade off.
Another pretty alarming statistic that thinks online privacy and security are overrated..

The most common means by which sexual predators contact children over the Internet is through chat rooms, instant messages and email. In fact, 89% of sexual solicitations were made in either chat rooms, "social sites" or instant messages and 1 in 5 youth (ages 10-17 years) has been sexually solicited online (JAMA, 2001). Considering that 25% of kids online participate in real time chat and 13 million see more use instant messaging, the risks of such children, either knowingly or unknowingly, interacting with a predator is alarming.

How hard will it be for a sexual predator to get your information and harm your children or your family? Not much you can do to stop that if a predator has his mind set on harming you and you dont even realize it.
Well if my unity will be limited, I thank god I held on to my money. The software is great and all. But I would just assume shut down my community and find another vendor before I get limited on a site I was ready to dump a $1000 into. I guess I'll spend that money and pay a developer to work on modifying the osDate script or just shut down my community if I don't have the funds. I really like the dolphin script, but not so far as to stick around and receive a lack of support should I have an issue see more with my site. The sad thing is my site that I based dolphin on is the only one I ever really got serious about and spent my entire summer working with it every waking moment just to have to tear it down and walk away. I'll keep it for the time being till all this gets sorted out, but an irresponsible statement of limiting access tarnishes my trust in your company.
Just because something is no big deal to you dee emm why do you feel a need to make everyone just to jump on your bandwagon and agree with your views. Noone is leaving snide remarks in regards to your opinions so it would be nice if you showed others the same respect. Do you think by you cheerleading for everything Andrew says you will somehow get a free license? I think it is you that needs to maybe step away from your computer and world of warcraft and take a look at what is happening in the see more REAL WORLD.
Andrew Boon
I aplolagize for any misunderstandings...
Can you make it bigger? some will still not be able to see it :D
I have owned a dating company for 15 years and have not "ONCE" had anybody ask if they could use a fake "username". Now I am having a problem with a soft ware that I bought that is based there whole system on "username". If you don't want your real name just put a fake name ..what is so hard about that. Everyone has a user Id so if you don't want your name displayed hide it and use your member number.......nobody remembers someones fake name anyways
Also...trying to log in with a user name and password is really hard to remember......log in should have three options.....
3 Ways to log in ........ name and password
Option 2 email and password
Option 3 Phone number and password

of course you would have to make an advanced log in page so you could put the three options......
ROFLMFAOPIP....(PIP = pissing in pants..haha)

I read this and really cannot believe some of these responses. Out of all the quotes on "Identity Theft" in this blog, someone thinks that just by having their name, they're doomed. It takes more than just your name to steal your identity. If I am not mistaken, it takes at least Name, address, AND phone number. Take a brief look at the most common ways identity theft is done:

1. Going through your trash. They look through trash looking see more for bills or other paper with your personal information on it. You should shred all your important documents.
2. Phishing. ID thieves will send you offers via email or on the Web, and get your to fill out forms to reveal your personal information. They will often pose as banks and financial institutions.
3. Skimming. Thieves obtain your numbers by using a special storage device when processing your card.
4. Changing Your Address. They might pose as you and send your documents to another location by completing a change of address form.
5. Pretexting. They use false pretenses to obtain your personal information from financial institutions, telephone companies, and other sources.
6. Physical theft. Like common thieves, ID thieves steal wallets and purses; mail, including bank and credit card statements; pre-approved credit offers; and new checks or tax information. They steal personnel records, or bribe employees who have access.

I hope this calms a few people regarding identity theft, cause I do not see anything about just giving a name.

Chris Lillard (verified)
Well it is not just the identity theft it is also about our safety, but then if you have never been stalked I would not expect you to understand us that have and why we protest so much. Why not let your mom or sister come on here and place their real names on here. You men may feel safe online, but for us women we don't. Sorry we are not as big and bad as you men.
LW, you are correct when you say that I have never been stalked, at least not yet :). I understand your opinion regarding that maybe women are not as "big and bad" as men, but I was just pointing out that your name is far from being the only information that someone needs to steal identities.

To answer your question about my mom and sister, well, to be honest, GOD only knows what information they may have floating out here in cyberworld. Haha (my mom is about the most gullible person see more around).

As for stalking, Im sorry if you have encountered such a event. This would be something that would make any man or women feel unsafe.

I am not meaning to cause a argument by no means, I am just pointing out that if someone really wants to know a person's information bad enough, there are much easier ways to find it out then on some forum. Just check the Public Records.
My point being is that by lets say Light Wolf posting her name, and if I Was her stalker. It would be as simple as my doing search on her profile, finding out her location. (city, state,) Then going to one of numerous sites and it LISTS their address, previous adress, phone numbers, i can do a full background check alot with JUST a name for maybe 15 dollars and a paypal account. That may seem like alot of work to you or to others, but those sites are their for a reason. And the sad truth is they see more can be manipulated to do more harm then good more times then not.
With all this being said, with it being optional, the only question would be how can you possibly verify a persons true identity by someone listing their name? The only people I suppose that would have to think about posting their real names are the ones offering services.
Fantastic: Sorry we are not as big and bad as you men.

What a great comment. I think your mom and sister will be proud of you for that! Hopefully YOU are not a stalker....

Btw., have you ever read unoboonex post - and maybe his update for clarification? If so, why couldn't you understand what he say?
LOL.. No, I am not a stalker. I wouldn't have time to fit that in my busy schedule.

My mom and sister would unfortunately agree with me. Thank God, I got into the IT business about 15 years ago. I cant tell you how many times my mom thought she should send her information to an unknown email address because they said she won the lottery in a state she doesn't live in.

And btw, I did read his update and understand it very well. He is giving the members of this site a "Choice" to become see more "verified" if the display their real name. Its kinda like when guests visit your site, they can roam a little bit, but without providing the required details to sign up, they will not get the advantages that "registered members" do. Same applies to what he is suggesting. Become verified and get extras OR remain the way you are and receive what you currently are getting.

And please, this is has nothing to do with who is bigger or badder.
Zarcon, sorry, but I referred to Lightwolf. Sorry for pointing that out only by copying in from her. As well other comments comes in between, so it was maybe confusing. Sorry. This was her comment I referred too:

Well it is not just the identity theft it is also about our safety, but then if you have never been stalked I would not expect you to understand us that have and why we protest so much. Why not let your mom or sister come on here and place their real names on here. You men see more may feel safe online, but for us women we don't. Sorry we are not as big and bad as you men.
Maybe you should read my posts again hon, I am not talking identity theft and i have been staked that's what i was talking about.
To let you in on a little about me, and i have never placed this type of info on here before, but this needs to be said. I have worked for years in a very dangerous job for women. I worked as a convince store clerk for years and work nights alone tell midnight. I was walking home alone at night as I have no car. I dealt with robbers,druggies,and simple put mentally challenged gang members.We have been robbed at gun point 2 times last year and I caught a third in the process of loading his pistol see more and called 911 before he could get out of his vehicle and rob me again. Then I had a man in a black truck with tinted windows case the store each night watching me, pointing his truck towards the front door of the store. As it turned out he was wanted and police were looking for him, he was a kidnapper and robber. I also was followed home on night and the man stood in the middle of the road watching what house i went into. I had a escort after work to my home for the first time in over 25 years each night for about 2 weeks. I will never put myself in this position again even if I have to pick up pop cans along roadside. By they way after the 2 men robbed us the first time, they also robbed the store a few blocks down and they shot the female clerk before the even asked for money. I was lucky and my Guardian Angel watched out for me those nights. That could have been me that was shot.
Lightwolf, I'm very sad to read this - and it looks like that you definitely live in a "different" world when I'm here on my paradise island. I'm very sorry for you that you have to work/live in such area and have to deal with such kind of people.
I wish you luck and hope you are careful as possible. At least I can understand why you are in a "mood" to mix up boonex unity rules with your so sad real world experience.
Good grief people what part of optional is not understood here? If you don't want your real name displayed then fine don't display this discussion is so out of control.
Sorry i have re-read your post and see you were quoting me. I am more worried about safety then identity. And yes I did read the post. Unoboonex has added to it and made it clear what they are going to or want to do.
Fine - if you like, please see my answer to your comment above
OK so i read every thing and think this is crazy show our real names for a little icon picture and more vote counts? I am new to boon ex and the dolphin design but NO. make us show our real names for a little picture i can design my self. So how much this going to cost us? Im sure its up there
Can we argue about Item # 4 on that list of scoops now?
LOL - HL you can just disable it in the admin panel.
I know that, but I don't want to disable it. I'd like another option.... one that doesn't view photos through some other web site. I can't for the life of me, understand why anyone would want their memebers viewing photos via some other web site.

Maybe if someone explained to me why this makes sense, I'd shut up about it.
HL. Do not worry yourself. I am sure a boonex staff member will post a suitable mod once D7 is released ;)
Actually, I think ther already is a mod.
A very hot topic this. 2 days and it has already made it onto the first page of most commented topic of all time.
ok, so basically cause of expertzz site and so many people getting ripped off it now seems the members are paying the price for this ???????

Andrew why dont you close the site , is it that hard to do or you have something to hide and where you are now saying we got to use our real names /// whats the joke andrew ?

Look Andrew you are responsiable for not us and so since people have got ripped off were all paying the flipping price for this ... comon lets get on the see more right planet here ... wake up andrew this is your fault for allowing to contiue and now your asking us after 3 years to have real names ... espeically after all the flipping BS on here ?

No thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrey another question about using real names ?

Is this Boonex or Facebook ?

"Facebook is for friends and family"

"Boonex is a software site"

How can you even compare the 2 ?

Stop trying to be like others lets continue where we left off with 7.0 ?
Real names work for social networks. It's highly unlikely that users will find people they know here though. Using real names on a developers site is a hackers heaven. It's one more tool that they need to find sites associated with the Dolphin users here. Hackers usually find vulnerabilities before the crew can fix them. Real names is like shooting fish in a barrel when this happens.
I have no problem display my real name on my Boonex Unity account as long as I have the option to choose who can see my account.

For a variety of reasons I do not want my account (with my real name) displayed to the entire community; however, if I do want to speak with a vendor or consultant, I would have no problem display my real name to that person since that is a part of doing business.

I do not want the members looking for a mate, the female brides looking for a sugar daddy, or anyone see more else I choose to have access to my real name. Despite what you may think or your experience may be... your real name still holds power in our society and it is a personal choice whom we share it with.

So if displaying my real names means that I would have no control over who can view it... then I won't allow my real name to be displayed at all. And please don't come back and tell me that this is a feature that would be too difficult to control.
I have no problem displaying my real name on my Boonex Unity account as long as I have the option to choose who can see my account.

For a variety of reasons I do not want my account (with my real name) displayed to the entire community; however, if I do want to speak with a vendor or consultant, I would have no problem display my real name to that person since that is a part of doing business.

I do not want the members looking for a mate, the female brides looking for a sugar daddy, or anyone see more else I choose to have access to my real name. Despite what you may think or your experience may be... your real name still holds power in our society and it is a personal choice whom we share it with.

So if displaying my real names means that I would have no control over who can view it... then I won't allow my real name to be displayed at all. And please don't come back and tell me that this is a feature that would be too difficult to control.
I have no problem displaying my real name on my Boonex Unity account as long as I have the option to choose who can see my account.

For a variety of reasons I do not want my account (with my real name) displayed to the entire community; however, if I do want to speak with a vendor or consultant, I would have no problem displaying my real name to that person since that is a part of doing business.

I do not want the members looking for a mate, the female brides looking for a sugar daddy, or anyone see more else I choose, to have access to my real name. Despite what you may think or your experience may be... your real name still holds power in our society and it is a personal choice whom we share it with.

So if displaying my real names means that I would have no control over who can view it... then I won't allow my real name to be displayed at all. And please don't come back and tell me that this is a feature that would be too difficult to control.
happy birthday ugly (laîd) to all Muslims of the world. May God protect all the world, all religions, to one god.

Bonne fete de laîd a toute les musulmans du mondes.
Que dieu protège tous le monde sans exception, toute les religions, pour un seul dieu unique, créateur de l'univers.

Me, I put my nickname, which dates to 2005, copyright protection, experienced legal administrative services, I pay taxes for shopping ect .. . From this, people know me .. I change my nickname ever, my rather, avatrd.

I have a message for BoonEx.

I am preparing a site for the French, can give me your support in return? as a relay?

because with my mods, I'm seeking, but not likely during long, on account of the language barrier.

best regards,
DeeEmm, just wanted to touch on this, not in a negative way, but just to shed some light on what you have to say here.

The sooner that people start actually believing that we are all equal, instead of just paying lip service to it, the sooner the world will start to become a better place.

First of all, equal in what status of reality. No that is a falsehood, we are not all equal in presence or in being, mental capacity, physical capacity, (deserving of equal treatment absolutely), but definitely see more not equal in the presentation you are trying to portray here.

Just a scenario, say your 98 year old grandmother goes to the store, and is trying to purchase a case of her favorite adult beverage, should the clerk assist with the burden, of course out of equality absolutely not, let the old hag carry her own drinks.

now same situation, fella on crutches comes in a clear amputee, should the clerk assist in helping with the burden?

same scenario, 23 yo smoking hot blonde makes the same purchase, should the clerk be bothered with assistance?

construction worker getting off for the evening, soiled uniform, makes the same purchase should the clerk be bothered with assistance, as its very clear this guy has had a hard days work?

each case is distinct and different as we are as people. each persons life and life surroundings are different. so your perception of equal is a basic waste or words. but to dwell on that just a tick further,

a man has two children, one daughter, one son, both apply for a job at the local department store. position requirements state that you must be capable of lifting 60 pounds. of course out of desire for the position, both check off that they can lift the required weight. the daughter is hired, and one day called up on to perform her assigned duties of lifting a received shipment of 59.7 lbs, not even the max limit that was agreed that she would be able to lift as part of the positions requirement, and fails unmercifully to lift the package, and is ultimately released from her responsibilities. now you say, well the understanding was that she would lift or be able to lift 60 pounds, yes, but given the girls physical complexities, one with common sense could derive at a conclusion if this were a farce to believe that say a 85lb'r could lift 60 lbs. equal i would revisit that one ol fly, becuase i think that is just a twist on words that have been demeaned over a period of time.

also, you used two words that i can assure you, you have no idea what you even wrote:

sexism and racism.

something simple for you to do with this one, no long drawn out process of reading my blurbs. define ISM as the suffix, then come back and let us know what these two words mean to you.

Agree with all

I have 15 years using the internet and i never share my real information on the internet people dont want to use the real name because they get hacked and rip so the best is keep your personal information personal and keep using nick name

I'm in business, I use my real name, it's printed on my business cards. My personal domain name's My life partner's in business, her business name is "Sweet Expectations" so the domain name is and that's embroidered on her work-wear but her own name is on every page on the site. If I want someone to take me seriously in business I'd better be prepared to say who I am.

I have places I hang out on the net, where I may be a bit more relaxed see more but I'm interested in dolphin for business and any deployment of it I make is getting my name plastered on it so I can't see any issue with switching to using my real name here instead of my user-name ... I think it's just a matter of an extra space :)


Hello, this is your bank. We've lost your account number and password as well as locking ourselves out of our website ... please go to and enter your details.
"Anonymity" and "Overestimated" are 2 words that used together without a "NOT" in the middle, lead to an oxymoron schema.
All right, I'm fine with "optional" myself ;) And yes, there are several reasons for not giving your real name, not necessarily here at Boonex, but on other sites. The closest comparison I can come up with is that you don't tell everybody in the world what restaurants, bars, and clubs you go to, but just to your close friends that happen to have the same tastes. Imagine you got a job where your boss is a strict vegetarian; would you like him to be informed every day you eat a Big Mac? Of see more course not — but in real life, MacDonalds doesn't track you down by name and posts it publicly for everybody to see. When you buy at MacDonalds you're pretty much anonymous, even if, of course, they get your credit/debit card data to process the transaction.

Anonymity is not really about "deceiving others" about what you're doing. It's about your right to reveal as much about yourself as you're willing to share with others. You might tweet about that Big Mac you've eaten, but probably you're not interested to send a corporate email to all your colleagues about it. This is your choice — to share or not to share what you do, where you go, what your tastes are.

On the Internet things are similar. It's already far too easy to figure out where people are located and what they do, by cross-relating information using Google... the ability to have the choice of what information you reveal about yourself on a site is what gives you security, not the reverse: taking away the freedom to reveal your private information, and making it mandatory.

I'm glad you've gone back on your original decision. Speaking for myself, yes, I was stalked through the Internet, pretty accurately too, over five years ago, by a group of crooks who wanted to blackmail and extort money from me, and I started to be more careful about who gets my private data since then. Better late than never! But I suppose that if you never went through such a situation you cannot really empathise with the ones that did, and typical comments like "security is more important than privacy" pop over all over the place. I have to admit that I used to think a bit like that. Now I see how dangerous it actually is...
Looks like this thread died out. I'd like to know if Dolphin has a way to enable Real Names being enabled to be viewed instead of the nickname? Personally as a community site and adventure group, I would prefer to keep the nickname as the login ID and then everywhere display their real name. I haven't found a module to do that, so perhaps it's embedded deep in the dolphin code base.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.