Ray Video Upload Boonex Links

gameutopia posted 17th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.
Anyone know if they removed the links to boonex.com in the ray upload video for adfree yet?

They fixed most of them for adfree but missed this one. Just wondering if I missed any update or download for this one.

And on a side note I am wondering if anyone has got the im to work? Everytime I test im with 2 valid online users it says offline your message will be delivered when they are online. Both members are online, and it's like the im don't recognize this for some reason. So they never can im one another, and right now pretty much totally useless. I have adjusted, changed and tried just about everything, with no luck. Frown
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Im not sure for Im, but my upload video is OK no links to boonex...on any player and on dolphin..
Try downloading ray 3.5 ( whatever widget you paid for) and use your licence...
I downloaded and installed smartpro back yesterday. Link to boonex is not removed in video uploader. Beside this there are Boonex Links in the chat (help / about). I do not trust them - further boonex links and ads could be placed or could be go visible somewhere in ray, dolphin and orca. So I am using old ray and dolphin versions - there are no links but bugs we try to handle somehow.
i have installed the patch for 6.1 to 6.1.1 and all the boonies as i have seen them referred to have been removed with the patch.

good luck to all,
I thought at first they were all gone, but after looking around a little more I noticed 1 they missed when you go to upload video in the browse for file, title, description etc form area there is still one. The video player was removed, but not the video uploader. I missed it at first but it is definately there. As far as I can tell I think all the others are gone.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.