Ray Chat 3.5 allways on Loading - For Ray experts
It seems this is a server side issue on server end:
[RAY notification - Board.init] Board application was started
[INFO] 2008-05-11 14:22:40,895 main:( org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader.initWebApplicationContext ) Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 33 ms
[INFO] 2008-05-11 14:22:40,898 main:( org.mortbay.log.invoke ) Started SelectChannelConnector@
[INFO] 2008-05-11 14:22:40,898 main:( org.red5.server.Standalone.main ) Startup done in: 4248 ms
[RAY notification - Chat.connect] User(1) connected to chat on hwbbc.com .
[RAY notification - Chat.getUsers] Requested users' list from hwbbc.com domain.
[RAY notification - Chat.getRooms] Requested rooms' list from hwbbc.com domain.
[RAY notification - Global.connect] Connection to Global opened from domain.
[RAY notification - Global.leave] Connection to Global closed.
[RAY notification - Global.connect] Connection to Global opened from domain.
[RAY notification - Global.leave] Connection to Global closed.
When we login into admin and access the plugins, it is requesting the information from the RMS and CyberXing RMS servers are fully functional.
What is Global and what is problem.
You have made extensive changes to your site, and without someone knowing or going thru what you have done, this will be a fairly difficult process.
Your response to us was:
It worked until a few days ago, and you were doing changes to your template system , etc.
Your question above of "What is Global and what is problem" :
The gobal connection is from the Admin of the Ray suite making its initial connection when the plug-in pages are see more
i turned off RMS on 6.1 Ray and was able to use the chat room, but not the video and audio feature. i have seen many complaints about this, and am just waiting patiently for Rayz to come up with a plan.
i went further, thinking something may have happened to my RMS install, i try to connect to rms.boonex.com see more