Ray 3.5 RMS not starting

Herbert posted 21st of July 2008 in Community Voice. 8 comments.



I tried to upgrade to ray 3.5 but I am not able to start RMS in ssh.

I get error:


Error occurred during initialization of VM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap


Has anyone a solution or hint?

Has anyone info about server memory requirements to start RMS and to work stable?


Regards, Herbert

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that sounds like you are using the JRE 5 and the RMS 3.5 needs the JRE 6 to work.

you really need to stop posting your support questions twice, the forums are the place for support questions not the blogs.

there is no need to be posting them in both
Forum is no help. I asked already support question in june - no help in forum. Only Blog could be helpful for customers.
I have JRE 6 for my smertpro and upgraded using install info. Now the new RMS do not start.
Yes, no need spam here,

'Could not reserve enough space for object heap'
are you read this carefully? .. need translate from english to english? :)
Ok, this mean one - that you haven`t memory to start RMS, extend your memory size, set here at least 8MB
Forum is no help. I asked already support question in june - no help in forum. No or late help by Email support for smartpro customers too. Only Blog could be helpful for boonex customers. Everyone knows.

Now RMS. I upgraded SmartPro using the install info. I read carefully and server fits all written requirements but RMS do not start:

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

I tried already the see more following recommendationt in ray.sh (set memory size to 8MB) without success:

exec $JAVA –Xint –Xms8M –Xmx16M -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=conf/red5.policy -cp red5.jar:conf:$CLASSPATH org.red5.server.Standalone

Server fits all written technical requirements, sir.
Old smartpro worked without problems.

Regards, Herbert


exec $JAVA -Xint –Xms8M –Xmx16M -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=conf/red5.policy -cp red5.jar:conf:$CLASSPATH org.red5.server.Standalone

try to change both
–Xms8M –Xmx16M to –Xms2M –Xmx4M
for example, re-save and restart RMS
We make changes that RMS used more low memory
can rms be installed on clustered servers ? servage.net
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