
deansyme posted 1st of March 2010 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

I am posting this on here since these days the forum seems to be overrun by complete idiots that have nothing better to do with there time except slag each other of.

i spent 3 full days trying to get these questions answered while there was 60 posts made by 7 members calling each other names and insulting each other so my posts were not seen, even though I 'Bumped' them a few times. This childish behavour shows that the members involved are not by any scense worthy of being called webmasters or anything business related and should have no place on this community.

i can only imagine how many 'new' or potential boonex customers would be instantly put off by this, I know i would.

Dolphin 6.1.6 question:


I want to have Guestbook in actions menu instead of a submenu item.

How can i do this, i know where to add it, but i cant get it to call the guestbook of the profile i am viewing, it just takes me to my own guestbook.

any ideas folks?

Dolphin 7 Questions:

1. I want to be able to list groups on homepage block in alphabetical order as opposed to 'most recent' top' and 'popular'... how can i do this?

2. On the groups main page (m/groups/home/) I want a block showing all the catagories that groups are in and that block will update as new groups/catagories are added. I know i can just create a normal html block and manually put the links in but would rather a method described above. Thanks can i duplicate Groups module? if i changed all the paths in a copy of the groups modual to my selected name for it and the changed the tables in the install files for it, can it be done or will this work?

Thankyou for your responses, they are much appreciated.



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i want to win the lottery of $56 million can you tell me what i need to do so i can win the lottery.


seriously, what you are asking is for somebody to provide customization instructions to you for free. where most in the forums help on generalized standard malfunctions, there are no programmers sitting there waiting for your inquiry on how you can customize your site for 'free'. If you need custom programming and dont know how to do it, there are a few steps you can take.

Purchase the see more appropriate manuals and spend countless hours reading and teaching yourself maybe 1-2 years depending on your comprehension level
Hire a programmer who has already spent that time and energy and effort, which by the way education costs money ( globally).

Nathan Paton
Answering your last question, yes, modifications/modules can be duplicated, but you must change things so that it does not conflict with any existing parts of the web site, or its original module.

If you're going to be using this script, I highly suggest (actually, no; demand) you learn some basic web programming, as it will save you allot of time, and will help lengthen the leash you have to the community for support. I always point beginners to, where they host lessons see more for a broad range of topics, from beginner to advanced lessons. I'd also recommend you study the inner-workings of the script, as once done, you will finally understand what the hell you're actually using.

Hey, wait'a minute. Shouldn't questions be asked in the forums? I'll forgive you this time, because I was having too much fun last night accidentally burying your posts.
no seriously, I thought the forums were for asking questions, on the silly of me...i dont need a programmer for asking something i could do myself when pointed in the right wonder social engine is getting more popular when no-one here offers any decent support, only comments like above...i have lost count of the many times i have helped members on here often offering to do the fix or small modification free. if this is the best the boonex community can offer in supporting see more genuine membersd who pay good money already for a script that they may want to make slight modifications too then you are going to lose many more members than u already have. and also - "Purchase the appropriate manuals and spend countless hours reading and teaching yourself maybe 1-2 years depending on your comprehension level
Hire a programmer who has already spent that time and energy and effort, which by the way education costs money ( globally)." - advice is free, and thats all i was asking...some people need to get a serious grip on here and stop ripping the arse out of a good product for personal gain...
Nathan Paton
It's not our fault, as we are in the same boat as you. Personally, I blame BoonEx for the lack of documentation and information, but it's anyone's opinion, really.
Has anybody seen the Boonex video on the front page here You know its so funny, when i feel sad and down in the dumps, i play it and it cheers me up no end...
Here's a couple of very funny lines from the very dubious male voice over....

" you dont need a degree in computers to run your own community site"

" customise your site without writing a line of code"

"Boonex is not about making money we are here to unite people"

I know see more there is such a thing as poetic licence (exaggerating) but that is almost Shakespearian

Fueeeeel Da Fwwweeeeeedom of cweeeeeation

So funny :-)
Nathan Paton
@tyke: I was actually planning to work on a video where I'd voice over those sections with things like "yes you do" and "yes you are," along with a few other things.

BoonEx is the largest false advertiser I've ever known.
To Answer your question the url you'd be using in the actions menu is for Member Guestbook:


I know you know how to do the whole line. It looks like you accidentally used the one for "My Guestbook". It happens.

For your last question, don't forget to create the appropriate new tables in the DB and also the rewrite commands in the .htaccess file

RewriteRule ^forum/groups/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=groups [QSA,L]

That see more looks like it's the only reference to groups at all in the .htacess
Thankyou Mydatery, that is so much appreciated, and now that i know, i will pass on to anyone else who has these questions, this is what a support community is for..
Thank again..:)
I can answer all sorts of customization instructions for everyone at no cost if someone wants to finance the effort! =D

Seriously though, those questions are not about his site in particular, they are general software modification questions, and should be answered unless the answer is that Boonex doesn't actively support users modifying Dolphin to adapt it to their specific needs. (This is why most Dolphin sites look and act the same.) If there were a Boonex developer paying attention to these see more issues, it shouldn't take longer than five to ten minutes to address those questions.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.