Question for Boonex Admins/Devs

Zarcon posted 20th of October 2009 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

Dear Boonex (haha.. sorry had to do it),

I would like to know if you could provide us with some detailed information regarding the changes in the database scheme in D7. It would really help alot of us out who have mods to refer to such a document. Let me give you an example:

The GIParams table is no longer used in D7, but was utilized ALOT in D6. So with that being said, can you tell use what tables are used now that are no longer used in D6?

Like this:

Old Table                          New Table
Profiles                               Profiles

Admin                                sys_admin_dashboard (just an example)

GIParams                             ??????????

localization_keys                 sys_localization_keys

and so on...

If we had some tyope of reference guide like this, we could possible take some of the mods we currently have with us that are no longer available, or the developer stopped or will not make a newer version.

Am I asking too much? Actually if anyone can help, that would be great.



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I took all the table names from a 6.1.4 dolphin system and did a quick recursive grep on the last D7 beta source code and redirected the output to a file of the same name but with an extension of .ph1. All the files of zero size indicate that the 6.1.4 table is definately not used in D7. However this logic is some what flawed in that the text being searched for could be, in part, common to part of another table name or even other non-table text. For instance 6.1.4 table profile_rating is no longer see more used in D7 but the size of its file is greater than zero this is because there is a table called sys_profile_rating which was picked up by the grep command. Here is a full listing:

Size Date Time File Name
0 Oct 21 06:00 AdminBanList.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 AdminLinks.ph1
846 Oct 21 06:00 AdminMenu.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 AdminMenuCateg.ph1
4643 Oct 21 06:00 Admins.ph1
21457 Oct 21 06:00 Articles.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ArticlesCategory.ph1
1234 Oct 21 06:00 Banners.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 BannersClicks.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 BannersShows.ph1
951 Oct 21 06:00 BlockList.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 BlogCategories.ph1
2843 Oct 21 06:00 BlogPosts.ph1
33343 Oct 21 06:00 Blogs.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 BoughtContacts.ph1
7126 Oct 21 06:00 Classifieds.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ClassifiedsAdvertisements.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia.ph1
3239 Oct 21 06:00 ClassifiedsSubs.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 CmtsBlogPosts.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 CmtsClassifieds.ph1
1007 Oct 21 06:00 CmtsProfile.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 CmtsSharedMusic.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 CmtsSharedPhoto.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 CmtsSharedVideo.ph1
95 Oct 21 06:00 CmtsTrack.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ColorBase.ph1
4149 Oct 21 06:00 Countries.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 DailyQuotes.ph1
1598 Oct 21 06:00 FriendList.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 GalleryAlbums.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 GalleryObjects.ph1
1533 Oct 21 06:00 GlParams.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 GlParamsKateg.ph1
31946 Oct 21 06:00 Groups.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 GroupsCateg.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 GroupsGallery.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 GroupsMembers.ph1
122 Oct 21 06:00 Guestbook.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 HotList.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 IMessages.ph1
33405 Oct 21 06:00 Links.ph1
62 Oct 21 06:00 LocalizationCategories.ph1
56 Oct 21 06:00 LocalizationKeys.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 LocalizationLanguages.ph1
70 Oct 21 06:00 LocalizationStringParams.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 LocalizationStrings.ph1
455 Oct 21 06:00 MemActions.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 MemActionsTrack.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 MemLevelActions.ph1
256 Oct 21 06:00 MemLevelPrices.ph1
855 Oct 21 06:00 MemLevels.ph1
65238 Oct 21 06:00 Messages.ph1
110464 Oct 21 06:00 Modules.ph1
31496 Oct 21 06:00 News.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 NotifyEmails.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 NotifyMsgs.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 NotifyQueue.ph1
156 Oct 21 06:00 PageCompose.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 PaymentParameters.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 PaymentProviders.ph1
7818 Oct 21 06:00 PreValues.ph1
7710 Oct 21 06:00 ProfileFields.ph1
164 Oct 21 06:00 ProfileMemLevels.ph1
85880 Oct 21 06:00 Profiles.ph1
376 Oct 21 06:00 ProfilesMatch.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ProfilesPolls.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ProfilesSettings.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ProfilesTrack.ph1
2315 Oct 21 06:00 RayChatProfiles.ph1
2975 Oct 21 06:00 RayChatRooms.ph1
2321 Oct 21 06:00 RayChatRoomsUsers.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayGlobalTrackUsers.ph1
2309 Oct 21 06:00 RayImContacts.ph1
2309 Oct 21 06:00 RayImMessages.ph1
2309 Oct 21 06:00 RayImPendings.ph1
2309 Oct 21 06:00 RayImProfiles.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayMovieFiles.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayMoviePlayLists.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayMp3PlayLists.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayMusicCategories.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayMusicFiles.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayMusicPlayLists.ph1
2327 Oct 21 06:00 RayShoutboxMessages.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 RayVideoStats.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 SDatingEvents.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 SDatingMatches.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 SDatingParticipants.ph1
1672 Oct 21 06:00 SiteStat.ph1
106 Oct 21 06:00 Stories.ph1
104293 Oct 21 06:00 Tags.ph1
145938 Oct 21 06:00 TopMenu.ph1.ph1
319 Oct 21 06:00 Transactions.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 VKisses.ph1
12452 Oct 21 06:00 Votes.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 VotesPhotos.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 ZIPCodes.ph1
366621 Oct 21 06:00 aff.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 aff_banners.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 aff_members.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 gmusic_rating.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 gmusic_voting_track.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 gphoto_rating.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 gphoto_voting_track.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_cat.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_flag.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_post.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_report.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_topic.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_user.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_user_activity.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_user_stat.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 grp_forum_vote.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 gvideo_rating.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 gvideo_voting_track.ph1
352538 Oct 21 06:00 media.ph1
172 Oct 21 06:00 media_rating.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 media_voting_track.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 members_as_aff.ph1
1538 Oct 21 06:00 moderators.ph1
115 Oct 21 06:00 polls_a.ph1
259 Oct 21 06:00 polls_q.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 pre_forum.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 pre_forum_cat.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 pre_forum_flag.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 pre_forum_post.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 pre_forum_report.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 pre_forum_topic.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 pre_forum_user.ph1
3558 Oct 21 06:00 profile_rating.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 shareMusicFavorites.ph1
0 Oct 21 06:00 sharePhotoFiles.ph1
Thanks cbassthefish for the asisstance. Can anyone else add to this? If an Admin or Developer can not provide this information right now, is there another expert who can give the database differences and what table names have change to?
You can refer to data_migration module to find table association for modules, and for common system tables:
GlParam* => sys_options*
MemLevels* => sys_acl*

Other system tables were changed the following way:
- sys_ prefix was added
- translated to underscore notation
for example:
TopMenu => sys_menu_top
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