Ideas to Promot my site????

Robin posted 14th of January 2009 in Community Voice. 10 comments.

Hello Everybody,


I'm looking for some ideas and experiences you might have had promoting your site. Im interested in your positive and the negative ideas so we can help others as well.

my site is very slow growing infact I only have about 125 users and a year later  still not a big movment.


What i tried soo far.

emailed people on kijij.

news paper articles.


I have populated the site with articles, forums, news, images etc to make it look busy but wtihout the visites to my site what ever i do wont fix the membership.

News paper ads


Other forums
i even paied someone for sending out 1,000,000,000 emails with zero results


i welcome everybodys ideas..

running out of ideas to try...




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Try putting this in your side bar via the HTML Block on your homepage and profile pages:

Let us know how it goes..

I have bookmark this button, via html block which I think i similar to sharethis... I have to say that I've not seen results from this in 1 year.
Maybe if you send it in a mass mailing to your members you can pick up a few new ones..
Hi Robin I'm new here I was thinking about starting a site I just want to know can you put adsense ads on your site, do you have to share your adsense revenue with these guys or what
I'm sure Google is taking a share of the pie but other then that i dont think you have to share it with anyone. i did add Google ads to my site yesterday. I m hoping by helping Google, Google can help me get my name out.
anyone know how to find out where your site is ranked in Google?
DolphinExchange is a decent place to look for your Google ranking.
Just a comment, if you "i even paied someone for sending out 1,000,000,000 emails with zero results"

What is it that your site is ?? (you can pm me the url)

People think that a site needs to have a million members for others to join, and this is NOT the case, as long as your site delivers a clear message for what it is, and makes it easy for your members to access and get to what it is that is being offered then you will have customers.

Just think about the restaurant you goto see more that has 1 million items on the menu, it distracts you, but In-n-Out is an example, simple, to the point, and they have many customers.

Sadly when you reverted to sending one billion spam emails.

all you did was pay for the blacklisting of your Domain as a spammer. (not very smart)
Referral contests might work. I think there are mods for this type of incentive.
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