Promo block Dolphin 6.1?

nwbiker posted 11th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.
How to change position of promo block in Dolphin 6.1?I tried to change promo block position in index.css

border:1px solid #fff;

by changing


and  still doesn't work i need to adjust left and  right custom promo block...

Please help....
NwBiker...Eraph project
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I think the change of blocks is very easy entering the panel administrator, then Builders, one need only move blocks from one side to another, lift and drop, is very funny, I was playing a lot with the ease with which you can move each part of dolphin, and activate and deactivate. Only a widget strange text.
do you know how to move the blocks such as site stats cant find it in builders
Hi martin8558

You can move the site stats box by going in 'admin' then 'builders' then 'pages builder'
and lastly click on 'homepage' you can then drag it to where you want.
What about moving a block from one page to another? Let's say I want to move the shoutbox to a page I created?
I agree. After all, how many blocks can you use on one page? With a growing Boonex contributors community, and now, with the ability to create and implement php and other blocks thanks to jtadeo and newdreamers, a lot more blocks are probably on the way. If you can't use them on the frontpage ('cause it's too full or just doesn't fit conceptually), you ought to be able to use them elsewhere. Maybe all inactive blocks should be available for every page you create. Or maybe you should be able see more to duplicate blocks (like polls) for use on multiple pages. Just a thought!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.