
LightWolf posted 2nd of November 2009 in Community Voice. 71 comments.

Okay this is about all I can take. 2 years you have been promising us a working Dolphin, and for 2 years we have been told, it's almost there!.  I know you all are working hard at this, but so are we. Don't keep giving us false hope and making us look bad to our members and customers. This is REALLY ridiculous folks!

I am getting tired of having to let members know that what you promised us time and time again is NOT happening.  Are you really working on the security, or is this just another promise?  Enough is enough. Give us a REAL RELEASE DATE, and please stop posting false hope to us.

Now for the ones that are going to trash this blog or remove, well do what you got to do! I for one am tired of paying for hosting that is never used. I am tired of empty promises also. Let's face it, a lot of us are just plain tired of being treated like a bunch of stupid morons that are constantly being lied to.

How do you expect to receive the trust and loyalty of your members if you keep this crap up? How can you expect people to invest their hard earn money into your software if it don't work?

I don't know about your country, but in USA money is tight and we all are just making ends meet here. We can NOT afford to waste our hard earn money like we have waiting for your so called "great" product.

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Andrew Boon
I didn't read your post, just glancedd and noticed the all-capitals part and here's the answer - we will not announce the "REAL RELEASE DATE". Some people keep asking about dates, we try to make estimations and then they take them for "promises". We have not given any promises on the D7 release date and we never will. We shared our estimations and info about the development process.

You have chosen to dive into this process, and we welcome your choice. If you ever regret it see more - current/released Dolphin 6 is always there.

There's officially no Dolphin 7, there's no promise to even release it.

Enough is enough. Dolphin 7 will be released when it's ready. That's all you can get for release date.
Andrew, maybe not two years, but it really has been at least a year. Sometime after your "next big thing" post in August of 2008 you started using language like "really close" or "almost here". Many of us had to make a decision - should we mod out a D6 site or wait for the much better technology. In retrospect, it was a mistake- is it still a mistake?

I agree there haven't been firm promises for a "stable D7" - but there have been promises for the see more RC - lots of them. As you define it, the RC is when you will start supporting an upgrade script. That is really all that most of us want. We don't care what you call it.

No one expects totally bug free software, and the technology does look excellent - but it really is your most loyal members here who have helped you test all the betas. They are being punished by being forced to tear down all their work every three weeks or so, and it shouldn't surprise you that some of them must feel a little duped. Going two or three betas without being able to upgrade between them is one thing. Going through more than eight betas without an upgrade path is another nobody saw that coming. The people who have done absolutely nothing to help with the betas are in the exact same position as those who have worked their asses off helping - you have your incentives all wrong.

As I posted on another blog though, not caring about the release date, is the same as not caring about the product. Whenever someone posts something like this, people come and post things like "take your time Boonex" or "don't listen to the complainers". One guy even said he doesn't care if Boonex takes years or more to come out with D7 if that is what it takes. The people who make posts like this are your serious members. They are passionate about what they are doing and are being hurt by this approach.
RE: "One guy even said he doesn't care if Boonex takes years or more to come out with D7 if that is what it takes."

For the record, I would have no problem if you grew a pair of balls and used my name directly, instead of using terms like "one guy"... or "one of the members". I really would appreciate direct credit for the things I say. For the record, your reading comprehension skills suck..... and that's putting it quite mildly.

You like to constantly shitpick see more about me, but your personality is about as hideous as any I have ever seen.
BTW.... if you are going to go around telling people what "one guy said", it would probably be best if you did a direct cut and paste, and not some weak-minded interpretation of what was said.
Woof!!! that took some guts to do that what with some of the cooperate suckups and butt lickers we have on here at times.... Im only surprised that it didn't get said sooner. im actually thinking of closing my site down now, seems no point keeping it going what with the bugs and no solution to a fully working site, and like lightwolf implies, money doesnt grow on tree's to keep hosting something that doesnt work all that good. for those who are going to argue with me about how it does work you just see more have to re code a bit, or fix this or fix that.... Let me just say, i have a fully working VB board, and a IPB, both in which i paid money for,not to mention numerous free site like MYBB and NON of them need me to jump into the code to fix things. While many can do that, you shouldn't have to. I really am surprised that people are still hanging about waiting when there are some very good alternatives about.

Im a patient man myself, but all this is becoming a joke to be honest, Each day that goes past i look at my buggy site and think, whats the point, even when the RC comes out it wont be stable, i know this and ive had to let down a client myself ( a national union society for spiritualism no less) who were counting on me for a working site by now.... that might not seem important to some, but to me its a great loss of face on my part, and i know there are many in the same situation.

So well said lightwolf
Thank you hon, right now is the time of year that people who are having faith problems and well life problems could really use websites that help others. Mine I am afraid will have to wait tell someone on the developers side says "okay guys enough is enough, we can not keep these people waiting much longer" But as I have always stated, I do not see a RC before xmas time. It is a sad fact for us all.....but is well true.....So Unoboonex, next time you decided to post a time frame. STOP and see more think, is this really true? Is this really possible? How long can we keep disappointing others before they move on. Face it, you may have the future community software but by the time the bugs are worked out and it is released, your competition will already have what you are building now. So where is the progress? hmmmmm...
This is the main reason why i decided to not invest any real money in dolphin 6.16 even tho it is decent, it would require so much modification before it would get to the level i wanted it. I decided to wait on d7, if i decide to invest money in dolphin at all. I really feel sorry for all the people that have invested hundreds of dollars on dedicated hosting and the like with the intention of using a dolphin 7 based site. I guess i was lucky and am spending the bare minimum for hosting right now see more untill i actually have a site worthy of membership. Good luck to you guys.
unoboonex: "There's officially no Dolphin 7, there's no promise to even release it."

Andrew, I'm pretty sure there have been quite a few promises to release Dolphin 7, unless I totally misunderstand the way you folks express yourselves, or define the concept of "promise".

In either case, could I get some sort of an answer to my "Roadmap for future RCs and Stable" blog from yesterday, or should I just come back in January or June to see if D7 has began to officially see more exist?
Thank you for expressing the CodeSatori- it is not just in the official blog posts either - there have been "comments" on other blogs that if not rising to the level of "promise" certainly were commitments.
Yeah well let him state his crap, as well as we can state ours. Boot me off here I really don't care if you boot me off of here. You have promised and you should go back to 2 years ago up till now and see how many times you have said a release this week, or next week, or soon....Please you may not have said the words"promise" but you have stated we would have a working dolphin for over 2 years now....soon....soon....1 more thing....blah blah blah!! Oh and yeah I know you only read posts see more of people that are ass kissers, not a grandmother that has put all her monies into trying to create a free site for all who believe in Our Creator. I know I am not important to you or your staff, as I have not made any type of donation to your company, as of now I am unemployed, but I was more then willing to give a donation after first of the year. Also as donations came in would have sent a little bit more.

But after 2 years of this crap, and they way you speak to some of us on here, like we are lower then you on the life and intelligent scale, my mind is turning towards buying a software from your competitor. Sure you may have the best software for the future, but for now, what you have is half working crap! So ban me if you like, but I am sure I am NOT the only one that has talked to you like this Unoboonex.
gees, this site is bad, i did not double post..lmao
Andrew Boon
I have replied in CodeSatori's post:

Looks like direct opposite to my initial reply here, but I guess it's the tone of the discussion that helped. Anyway, the point is that we did want and we did plan to release it a year ago, 11 months ago... 2 months ago, 1 month ago, yesterday, etc. We couldn't. I've been telling you about the process and you could see what's happening starting from Alpha 1.

All in all, I feel sorry see more about the wait, but I don't feel like I need to apologise or release until we're ready.
Looks like you have selective blogging unoboonex. Of course I do not expect such an important person like yourself to answer any of my questions How stupid do you think I am?
Blame it all on me.... well..maybe some of it. I'm the one that started all the moaning and groaning about media albums and privacy settings about nine months ago, so I really think I deserve some of the credit for delays. Don't forget that I also whined for htmlpurifier:
You are a bad bad man Houstonlively...Come here and take your punishment........
Lightwolf,,your post is awesome...I myself go tired of all the updating, bug fixing , releases and so on...My last draw was when Boonex said D7 will not include ccbill, which is the only payment processor which can be used for adult community sites, for whatever reason, they chose not to include it, in return, Boonex lost members...I started with 6.14 and spent several months of my life working on my site, upgrading it and fixing bugs, after a few months that D7 was announced, I realized that without see more ccbill included on D7 i had just wasted precious time on this earth simply because Boonex chose not to include a payment processor which had been included in all prior releases.....Good luck, & remember your time is precious...
The people are speaking Boonex...Can you hear them? All of them, not just the chosen ones!
"Enough is enough. Dolphin 7 will be released when it's ready. That's all you can get for release date."

I am sorry to say but I really did not liked the tone of this message unoboonex.

We all understand SLDC takes time but imagine if you had a real high paying corporate customer then would you have replied the same way?? We all know that during the requirements/SOW phase, a complete roadmap of the project is prepared and it's strictly followed.

I also invested $500 buying mods see more for 6.1.4 but your 'couple of weeks' blog made me wait for D7 and eventually all that money went down the drain. I misinterpreted, 'couple of weeks' like 1-2 months but if I knew the wait would be so long, I probably would have gone with 6.1.4 . It was my decision and i don't blame anyone for it. The only thing I guess everyone expects now is a release candidate that can support database upgrades..thats all!!!

Anyways, you guys have an excellent product but please don't be harsh.We all are part of the same community and let's work together and make this product the most successful one on earth, just a small request from a dolphin lover !!!
I spologixe for the double post. I just tried to edit it and it posted it as a new message. Mods please delete the second message..sorry for the inconvenience
How silly of you. To think "a couple of weeks" meant "a couple of weeks". You should have known better!
Didn't take long for the attacks. How about you back off MY blog and write your own?
Create your own cms, or stop crying ! ;)
Wow bet that took a lot of time to think up this response..lmao
Yes .. we have done just that ;)
@houstonlively: don't you stop whining, as constructive moaning and groaning will make this next release of Dolphin one fantastic framework for us all.

@LightWolf, Caltrade, et al: While I disagree with your perception of being deceived by BoonEx, as well as with other comments re Dolphin 7's development process and its impact on your finances (how can anyone make a business plan based on a software company's "we are going to release a new version that will knock your socks-off very soon" see more announcement?), I would think that your freely voicing your concerns and opinions so forcefully here will only be matched by your outstanding praise and equally-loud support for when the long-yearned D7 is finally forceped-out. Perhaps I am wrong.

Regardless, do you really think that your arguments are more solid by insulting Uno and insisting on saying that those customers who do not share your opinions, or express their views in a less belligerent tone are "ass-kissers", "Chosen Ones", customers "who do not care about the product", "suckups and butt lickers", etc., etc.?

No matter if you are a grandmother spending hundreds on a free religious website, or an entrepreneur investing tens of thousands on a for-profit venture, all BoonEx customers want and hope for the same: the successful release of one powerful software platform.

I suspect that the team developing this product reads these comments with true anguish, concern, and frenetic desire to deliver ASAP (regardless of their agreeing or not with such comments). However, the insults you throw at them... I really do not know how they cope with them.

LightWolf, as you are now "turning towards buying a software from [a BoonEx] competitor", think not to slam the door on your way out, nor to continue chastising those who respectfully disagree with your views if you end up staying. Passing brisk personal judgment on fellow Unity-members for thinking different than you is not a very Christian thing to do.

OK, I will take the bait. I think D7 is awesome - I think that now, and I never said otherwise. All I have said is I wish we had an upgrade script between betas so we can stop trashing our work and start making progress. I never understood why that is so horrible.
By the way, though I completely disagree with you, at least you are one of the people testing the beta. Most of the people saying, "Boonex, take all the time you need" aren't contributing a thing. I assume you have this opinion because you have a modified D6 site that you are happy with?
I'm sorry I could not get past the "blah...blah...blah". Can you say that again? As for speaking my mind, I will continue to do so tell they ban me from here, "JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE" does.
Good to see you Andrew with TONE.

Lots and Lots of Blogs i have seen in just 6 months with TONE and Andrew's reply was always very gentle, polite and cool.

He is also a human, if we ppl can release frustration for waiting, nothing wrong if he said something with TONE in a different mood.

We must appreciate him, he is also feeling sorry for the delays.

Releasing RC as unstable and unsecured is not wise.

We are a family dear friends, let everyone speak sometimes with a TONE.
I'm as impatient as most of you :-) Me too, I'm living some bad mood days and cursing both D7 and this interminable expectation.
But, as for me, I agree with BoonEx. Working a longer time on beta versions rather than having to apply numerous patches on a quickly released "Final" version is the best possible choice.
P.S. Yes, Houston you are guilty for endless extra delay ! And you are not the only one... Some others who spent weeks to test and post reports or suggestions have to be blamed see more too. Asking for smart and useful to everybody improvements is an unforgivable crime ;-)
I really dont get people like JLMartin who say "its ok take your time no rush and so on... All i can say is that you cant want to use this software for anything serious. Same with people who believe this is a direct and personnel attack against people in Boonex, it isnt.

this is meant to be a business, with people (members), wanting to mostly use the software for business purposes, so when promises are made, words used to imply a software is immanent, Other people make plans and promises see more on the back of those words, i did and it lost me nearly two thousand pounds, not to mention business Kudos as it seems im not trustworthy and cant deliver on the promises i made, and if people cant understand that concept, and the damage it can cause to a reputation then all i can say is that Whom ever you are, you are a hobbyist and dont even stand on the same playing field as the rest of us.


Bingo Tyke. I have been tempted to use that word "hobbyist" because I think that best describes the people who respond to posts expressing concern about missed dates with "Boonex, take all the time you need" - they are just not serious. I've said it before, but not caring about the release date is the same as not caring about the product.
You know, I love how people who are "SITTING ON THE SIDELINE WAITING ON D7 AND NOT DEVELOPING A SINGLE THING" like to call those of who are hard at working developing & utilizing D6 as Hobbyists because we're wise enough to know that it takes time to properly go through R&D.

When you walk a mile in my shoes and develop in D6 what I have done, then you can start to preach, but right now I'm seeing a group of people standing around waiting to be handed something for nothing just see more so they don't have to get off their arses and actually learn how to write a friggin line of code or decipher a single SQL Query.

In the past 13 months (Yeah, it's been about that long, will be on the 8th) I have gone from knowing nothing about Boonex/Dolphin and so on and now I own a company and this is primarily one of the things we do. This company is not run out of my house, it has it's own building with computers/mock servers/programmers/conference room/dry erase board (it gets used to make shiny lists)/phone lines/and we even have post it notes and paper clips. To come in here and state that I'm a hobbyist when it's my own personal money that covered payroll while we were exclusively doing development and now sales manage to cover the company/paroll expenses is a friggin joke.

Yes, I'm clearly stating it here: "You want to call me a hobbyist because I have a clue as to how R&D works and I'm willing to exhibit the professionalism & patience required to achieve a good product for us to start our own development with, then this makes you a complete and total friggin idiot. This is the most ascanine remark you could possibly make to say that about those of us who have truly invested our time/money and full resources into this while you go work another job and then toy with the idea of starting a company in your spare time... That makes you the hobbyist.

When you grow up enough to quit living with a sense of entitlement then come see me, I might have a job for you pulling weeds and picking up cigarette buttes!
Andrew Boon

I can only affirm that losing two thousands of pounds is a cheap lesson - you should not give promises based on somebody else's expectations.

I have not made any promises, mind you. If you have, and failed to deliver, you seeming untrustworthy is in my opinion a correct assertion.
I agree with this 100%. Never make promises or statements requiring actions or deliverables completely out of your control. I have gotten burned in the past and this is solid advice. If you must implement a system to tide over your people, implement with 6 as I have done. So far the clients have remained apeased and look forward to the new release.

Boonex has taken the stance of sharing dates, status, and development roadmaps with us. I cannot name too many other private companies that do see more that. The folly is putting too much stock in dates and "promises" is your fault whereas putting out dates before the deliverable was 100% imminent is definitely Boonexes fault.
In french we have a sentence (words of a politician I forgot the name) that says: "Promises are binding only those who are believing in them"... :-)
Somehow this reminds me of what that character "Bluto" said in that old movie Animal House: "You f**ked up - you trusted me".
Lightwolf you should never have promised your customers anything in the first place, until you know for sure you can hold up to your promises and should have waited for at the very least RC versions before telling your customers anything. That way you know for sure Dolphin 7 is coming out very soon. Giving your customers empty promises and jumping the gun is your own business mistake. Jumping the gun is a mistake that many are making here.

Houston you may think that you may have caused some of see more the delays yourself, but your input has helped Boonex in their development of D7 and if improvements cause delays then good, as we all want a good and as stable product as possible.

Unoboonex/Andrew I must say that the way this has been handled by you and your staff is really appolling and you guys need to learn how to be more delicate towards your customers who have helped you build this community. The rudeness, the not replying to posts or PM's is a lack of respect for your customers. While I understand that there are a lot of whiners and complainers here, you still have to deal with them and not simply ignore them, especially your paying/donating customers such as myself (although I am not one of the whiners/complainers). As I am patient in waiting for a great stable version of D7, the time it has taken to date has been way too long and pushing almost 2 years. While most of us can understand the time it takes to develop software, we don't understand why it is taking this long as D7 should have been at RC stage 6 months ago. I can also understand that with all the whining and complaining as all it does is get you and your staff down, and makes you guys think screw it, lets take our time, but you have to understand how we are all feeling and how this affects all of our businesses. I personally have sent you a PM a few days ago and have yet to receive a response.

With that being said we all have to decide whether or not the wait is worth it. D7 is looking great with some great technology and in my opinion is worth the wait for a good stable product (however hopefully not too much longer). For those who can't wait and be patient then maybe you should move on to some other software and quit posting the repetitive negative crap here. Oh and by the way Booonex is not responsible for any life problems many of you are having or complaining and posting about.
I did not jump the gun, my members know exactly what is going on, and this site is NOT a business, it's a site to help and guide people, and to teach them about "Our Creator" I am not a christian, but I do believe and have seen angels and spoke with "The Almighty" with instant response. This site is to spread the word, and let people grow spiritually with the help of other members. I do no harm, but I am human and have the right to bitch about things here just as you all do.
@ andrew, i have read and re read your statement towards me, and no matter how i try, i cant seem to put any other connotation to it that you are indeed saying that i am untrustworthy because i made promises to a client on the back of your words in which you said The Rc would be out by the end of the week, which is a number of days ago

Im sure i have got the implication wrong, but if i haven't, i do take great offence to being called untrustworthy when i based my decision on trust,as my client see more trusted me also.

Attacking your members is not a good move at all.


I understand coding can be a long process, regarding debugging and feature building...

However it'll say a lot of arguments or negative feedback, if boonex could just provide HIS community, HIS members with a upgrade script from Beta 8 onwards, I mean it'll make up for the delays and it'll allow members to get to work on their sites.

I mean really guys it has to be tested, why not test it a version before? - We can work on our site and we'll be finding bugs with it, cause we want to have a see more good community, so it'll help and WE can not have to destroy our work and keep paying for hosting that its not getting used to its full potential. People want to secure their company names/domains ect...and have a good solid community. People don't want to use 6.16 NO MORE after they've seen Dolphin 7.0 - Thats old stuff, well for me it is. It'll also confuse members like see what facebook has done with the new LIVE feed, it confused members, you want to come out with the NEW features and user-friendly system from the word go.

Its not an attack or negative feedback on boonex but its just a opinion coming from a developer himself.


Kind Regards,

... don't count the chicken before they hatch ...

Anyway, lets make a bet:

What comes next? RC or another boonex video? ...

Take it easy guys, it's hard for everyone involved.
Cheers to all especially to Boonex Team,
I found a lot of improvements in B8
Mickscool this is my blog and I will bitch if I like untill they ban me, just like everyone else on this site. Now i just got a call from your local nursery school, and they have a opening for you. So go play with your little friends and leave my blog alone....Gezzzz....
What's this? Now I'm getting to understand why unoboonex used that tone .. lol

You need to understand that neither "Bitching or Whining" or "me playing with my friends at the local nursery" helps the cause. I don't think you got a slight bit of idea about software development.

Constructive criticism is helpful for the community but if you are here just to bitch then I would support your banning from the community.

Thank You
Oh what the hay... I can't resist and I'm not going to resist. So here it is...

Lightwolf... So your saying that Boonex should give you an RC/Stable versin of D7 and it's their fault that you have upset your site members/customers in relam of things... I'm thinking we have an issue here with your personality that is coming out (we all know I'm a jerk so we don't have to cover mine, but let's look at yours...)

1. Did you not say that if Boonex went with full names you we're leaving Unity and see more dumping the software? Perhaps we should let your "Members" & "Customers" know that. I'm sure many here will be happy to reveal the truth to them and show them what can be done with stable technology.

2. So your now stating that you take on jobs and have told perspective clients that D7 will be out shortly in an attempt to get a build job, but you can't deliver on it so now the customers are leaving? Okay, I'm implying some things there, but I'm betting I'm not far off...

3. So we can then assume that people (members/customers) are thinking that your lieing because your story is always like a song from Little Orphan Annie... "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Oh how I love ya Tomorrow... Your always a day away!" I'm thinking it's absolutely and fabulously your favorite song.

Now, I've said it before and I'll say it again: "If your thinking about telling a customer when D7 will be out then you need to stuff a Twix in your mouth and rethink what your about to say." It appears to me that you must not be able to get any Twix where your at because your post sounds like you've not been doing that...

One last question Lightwolf: You said and I quote you here:

"I am not a christian, but I do believe and have seen angels and spoke with "The Almighty" with instant response."

So, if your getting instant responses from "The Almighty" why not ask him when D7 will be released in a stable version, I'm sure he'll give you that answer in just a second....
Oh you hurt my feelings with all your rambling......NOT...get a life! And I never said I am taking on jobs, man, why don't you read the blog the way it is written and not how you think it is. And I have seen your mouth go off on this site also, no angel wings there. You are more moody then a pregnant women. Only thing is they have an excuse...what's yours?
Of course LightWolf... The opening paragraph of your blog would never give the impression that you weren't taking on jobs... Let me quote you:

"Okay this is about all I can take. 2 years you have been promising us a working Dolphin, and for 2 years we have been told, it's almost there!. I know you all are working hard at this, but so are we. Don't keep giving us false hope and making us look bad to our members and customers."

Now one on this site would take a member to be a person see more who belongs to a site that you own. A customer would be a person who pays you for something. Since your site is allegedly free and only accepts donations for it's support (harvested that piece of information from your response to Uno) then one can only assume that you are attempting to accept jobs.

I'm curious also as to how your employment situation plays into any part of this argument? Right now 9.8% of the population in the United States is out of work (approximately 12 million people nationwide and the entire city of Detroit that does not have a gov't job) and I actually have to applaud you for taking a chance and trying to create a job for yourself and not depend upon public funding, but how in the world do you think that part applies to the argument your proposing concerning the release of D7? Do you think that perhaps because your unemployed that Boonex should jump through extra hoops for you to get it out faster?

Also, I'm curious to know how your response would be if Boonex was to release D7 today with all it's bugs/issues? Are you prepared to repair all of those bugs yourself? Oh yeah, that's right, you have your PhD in software programming and development so this is no problem for you. That's why you've put so much work into the development of D7. Is "The Almighty" your top programmer there?

And in response to your comments concerning "pregnant women, moodiness and oh so much more..."

1. My mouth NEVER goes off on this site. Actually, noone's mouth has ever gone off on this site: it has no video or audio abilities.

2. I'm not moody, I'm an Arsehole. Please recognize the difference, to imply being moody would mean that I'm happy/unhappy/sad/angry/excited/forlorn/depressed/jubilant and so on. I'm just an arsehole.

3. Pregnant women are moody? I also thought they were incredibly beautiful with that amazing glow that they have. It really is a truly amazing look that they have. Now women in menopause: Those are incredibly sadistic individuals who have a huge tendency to hear things that are not there.
To quote one immature thing.
"1. My mouth NEVER goes off on this site. Actually, noone's mouth has ever gone off on this site: it has no video or audio abilities."
Be a mture adult and shove the 4 year old comments where the sun don't shine.
Wow you think you know so much. I do not and have not and will not ever take on any job online except for helping others with my gifts. I have no clue how you get this, as I was talking about more then me...geez..

I guess you just like to ramble on and on. Okay if attacking me makes you feel more manly, you go for it. I said what I wanted to say. I vented it all out and laid it on the table for you all to do as you wish.

This is after all my blog...yes? You have attacked Boonex before with see more your own blogs...yes? Respect my right to vent as well on this site. It really is a shame, you should be a writer since you like to ramble on and on so much.

Oh that's right, your a popular guy around here. Bitch one minute, kiss butt the next.

I also work for a living my friend, I get NO public aide. In fact I work in a very dangerous industry, they say 1 of the most dangerous. I also at this time am on unemployment as jobs are hard to find and businesses are going bust. But blame the economy on me. I will only be out of work for the most a year, then back to working again. I paid for my unemployment.
Lightwolf, I strongly suggest you go get your Prozac, because it seems your going to need a lot of it in the near future. You might also want to check into the Betty Ford clinic and see if maybe they can't get you addicted to Phonics, that way you can practice your comprehension, let's look at it again:

1. I never busted on your employment situation, what I said was:

I'm curious also as to how your employment situation plays into any part of this argument? Right now 9.8% of the population see more in the United States is out of work (approximately 12 million people nationwide and the entire city of Detroit that does not have a gov't job) and I actually have to applaud you for taking a chance and trying to create a job for yourself and not depend upon public funding,...

So how does that apply to what you said? I'm not seeing it. I actually said that I applaud you for trying to create an alternate means of income and starting something. Perhaps your dementia is getting in the way of your seeing when someone gave you a compliment.

Of course, that does raise a useful question in your response you stated and I quote:

"I also work for a living my friend, I get NO public aide. In fact I work in a very dangerous industry, they say 1 of the most dangerous. I also at this time am on unemployment as jobs are hard to find and businesses are going bust. But blame the economy on me. I will only be out of work for the most a year, then back to working again. I paid for my unemployment."

Let's clarify a few things:

1. You do not and never did pay for your "Unemployment". Your employer pays for it in the United States by paying into something called Unemployment Insurance. Unless you owned the company then you did not pay it, the employer did and still does.

2. This needs clarification: "In fact I work in a very dangerous industry, they say 1 of the most dangerous." So you are working? I wasn't aware that being unemployed equalled working? Just confused here, either your working in a very dangerous industry or your not working? You do realize it's a felony to be working while your collecting unemployment don't you? Also, do you report donations that you receive for your site to the UE Bureau? That is income and as such it should be reported under the law. I'm sure "The Almighty" has told you this in your many conversations with him.

3. Are you attempting to imply that I don't work? I guess if you consider being an analyst not work, then your right. As far as the company goes, I only own that so your right I don't work there either. Hey, since your claiming I don't work can I go get unemployment?

In the end LightWolf the more you speak the more your giving myself and others the opinion that you need severe help from many professional resources, none of which are available on this site. Might I suggest a couple places:

Massillon State

These places will be able to help quiet the voices in your head that tell you we don't like you or that we want to fight with you.

Also note, this is NOT your BLOG. If it was YOUR BLOG then you would have the final say and control over everything that goes into it.

This is instead Boonex's blog and they have the final say. Of course, we can see how you would attempt to take ownership of it, just like your taking ownership of paying for Unemployment when your employer is the one that did that.
One other note:

I'm not your "Friend" and I never will be. Friendship is something that is earned and sacred to me, it is extended by me only to those who earn my trust and respect through they're personal actions and wisdom. I see friends as being invaluable, I see you as being the opposite.
So, Umm.. Am I your friend Mydatery? LOL
Good Gawd. If I ever want alot of people to comment on MY blog posts, I know EXACTLY what to do now :)
Recipe to get a lot of blog comments:

1. Start out screaming about how abused and neglected you are and insinuating untrue things about Boonex.

2. Begin to flame & bash those who come anywhere near your blog and don't absolutively 100% agree with your view.

3. Announce that you are in communications with "The Almighty" and that you have "A Gift" that you will use to help "smite" people. Okay, I added in the smiting, but I'm sure she's thinking it.

4. see more Announce that Boonex is interfering with your relatinships with your members and customers because they won't release D7.

5. Announce that you are unemployed and currently working in a very dangerous industry, one of the most dangerous (that sounds like prostitution if you ask me) Ewww... A Granny Prostitute... That's just plain old sick
I was going to let this go. But how dare you call me a prostitute! Unoboonex this is REALLY stepping over the line!
I didn't call you a prostitute, I just used it as an example of one of the most dangerous industries out there.

Of course, we should also take into account your comments throughout this blog:

1. "Oh and yeah I know you only read posts of people that are ass kissers, not a grandmother that has put all her monies into trying to create a free site for all who believe in Our Creator."

2. "But after 2 years of this crap, and they way you speak to some of us on here, like we see more are lower then you on the life and intelligent scale, my mind is turning towards buying a software from your competitor."

3. "Didn't take long for the attacks. How about you back off MY blog and write your own?"

4. "I'm sorry I could not get past the "blah...blah...blah". Can you say that again? As for speaking my mind, I will continue to do so tell they ban me from here, "JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE" does."

5. "Mickscool this is my blog and I will bitch if I like untill they ban me, just like everyone else on this site. Now i just got a call from your local nursery school, and they have a opening for you. So go play with your little friends and leave my blog alone....Gezzzz....

6. "Oh you hurt my feelings with all your rambling......NOT...get a life! And I never said I am taking on jobs, man, why don't you read the blog the way it is written and not how you think it is. And I have seen your mouth go off on this site also, no angel wings there. You are more moody then a pregnant women. Only thing is they have an excuse...what's yours?"

7. "Wow you think you know so much. I do not and have not and will not ever take on any job online except for helping others with my gifts. I have no clue how you get this, as I was talking about more then me...geez..

I guess you just like to ramble on and on. Okay if attacking me makes you feel more manly, you go for it. I said what I wanted to say. I vented it all out and laid it on the table for you all to do as you wish.

This is after all my blog...yes? You have attacked Boonex before with your own blogs...yes? Respect my right to vent as well on this site. It really is a shame, you should be a writer since you like to ramble on and on so much.

Oh that's right, your a popular guy around here. Bitch one minute, kiss butt the next.

I also work for a living my friend, I get NO public aide. In fact I work in a very dangerous industry, they say 1 of the most dangerous. I also at this time am on unemployment as jobs are hard to find and businesses are going bust. But blame the economy on me. I will only be out of work for the most a year, then back to working again. I paid for my unemployment."

All the numbered items above are things you have said in this post alone LightWolf. Now, you want to come in here swearing and insulting people, then you need to realize they are not going to respond to you in a positive manner.

In the past I've seen you state your were going to dump the Dolphin Software and go with something else, seen you do it in this blog. Watched you make statement in a blog I wrote that I needed to get a woman so I could control my alleged anger, listened to you accuse me of other mental disablities. Point is simple, don't come in here beating and bashing on people if you can't handle it.

I have tried to politely and professionally debate this topic and you have twisted every post I've made. Again, noone called you a prostitute, it was simply referenced as one of the most dangerous industries. If you can show me in my post where I specifically said LightWolf is a ________ fill it in with anything, then I'll apologize. I guarantee you will not because that's not my style.

However, we do have you tell people they are moodier than a pregnant woman, that a daycare is calling for them, talk on the full name blog that you were allegedly a victim of this and allegedly a victime of that, telling people to go get a woman and so many other things.

Straight up, people are getting fed up with your constant bashing. You have been on Unity twice the time I have and you have contributed less than 10% of the effort I have (and this has nothing to do with money, just look at the post counts & developmental work given away). You freely admit that you have never paid a dime to Boonex (monetarily) but have freely taken the free licenses they gave you and now you come in here whining about when D7 will be out while you can't even create a decent project with D6.

You need to take a long hard look at your own actions before you begin to bash mine.
Thats one long blog post..

and still no reply to my pm to unoboonex as per my post above
I had received and email from him a few days ago, and that was from a discussion we had 2 weeks ago, and he stated that he was VERY busy.

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