Profile Photo Disappears

beatlemanu posted 3rd of June 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

I'm having an issue with 6.05 where users are uploading profile photos, and they seem to be fine, but once they log off and come back, the photo's disappear.  I also don't know where to go to delete the "blank" profile photo's.  I pics in my photo gallery that are blank. Where are they stored??? This is very frustrating.

Please help,


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They should be in /media/images/profile
i have the same problem, i have deleted now also the physical photos in /media/images/profile but on the first page they are still there...

any idea?

Hello beatlemanu!

Profiles photo are stored in table `media` and files - in directory 'media/images/profile'. Every user with pics has folder with name as his ID. Delete profile photos you can via admin panel->content->profile photos section. It's very interesting that "after sometime" photos are disappear. Can you check - has your server any activity in this time? May be some scripts which clear space ? Or may be disk quote exceeds?

Hello TomS!

According your trouble - it's see more not enough to delete photo files, you should delete profile photos via admin panel->content->profile photos section.

my all members photo disappeared :(((((((( i dont know why since this site is running well before.
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