Problem with Events no showing

dpenner posted 13th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Have a problem here.  If I click on my events link on Nav bar, I go to the events page but nothing shows up.  I get to the page but the content is not diplayed.  On the index page it shows the event I have inserted and if I click on it, it will load that specific event but if I go to all events nothing shows.  Any ideas?

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i have the same problem but only in the main page
only appear the events forn users but for the admin doesnt
only in the page of events
i dont know why
Have you changed the size of the page/pages in admin panel builders? The default page width is something like 960px. I noticed a similar situation when I had reduced the default 960px to a smaller width. When it's left alone at the standard it seemed to display, when reduced it didn't. I had to edit the css file and change some widths in /templates/yourtemplate/css/sdating.css

A few others I had some issues with when reducing px too were classifieds and blogs maybe another I forget off hand, but see more I did edit blogs_common.css classifieds_view.css general.css profile_view.css sdating.css and a few minor changes to base/css/cmts.css because firefox and ie display comments area slightly different.
That was exactly what happend gameutopia. Works great now. thanks.

I have more questions about issues I am having but I guess I will post them in the Forums section of this site.
please conform with rule 10 of blog rules according to boonex/unity

# Posts requesting assistance should not be used as a topic in the blog but should be addressed in the appropriate forum section, and must provide the following details:

* Problem description
* Version of software
* Type of license(s)
* Access information (i.e. membership), screenshot(s) if/where appropriate
Same problem with Events from Homepage.

I did change the size of the pages. I hope there is a fix for this because I would like the smaller size pages.
I have created someevents on my website, however, I cannot see them in the "events" block on homepage, neither can I see the events I have joined as a guest
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