Playing Hookie: Dolphin 7 Alpha Notes and Observations

jtadeo posted 28th of June 2009 in Community Voice. 13 comments.

I played hookie the other day for a couple of hours and had a closer look at the Dolphin 7 classes and functions. Here's what I found:

BoonEx has released it's Alpha version of Dolphin 7 and it was just as they had said it would be. There were more classes and as it appears a better way to make modules and extensions for Dolphin. Here's the download for Dolphin 7 alpha as of June 12, 2009.

These are two key items that from a programmer's point of view that will help make Dolphin more popular and extensible. Namely, the ability to standardize the install of modules and also keeping all the classes in smaller and tighter bundles. Organizationally, it looks much better. Below are some other observations:

Dolphin has a several different types of users. Some are hobbyist, designers, developers, programmers, small business and media companies. Yes, the market range is that vast and the expertise definitely varies from group to group.

For the hobbyist, alpha is not the way to go as it is too raw to be of any use. I say stick to 6.1.4/6 version of Dolphin. If you can't find a downloadable version, check out The site keeps track of the versions of Dolphin. I think he has a few downloads going back to 5.x.

For designers, developers and monkey-coders this alpha version of Dolphin 7 is a tease. It gives you just enough to get it working but not much more as it really is an intro to the admin side of things. The front end is incomplete and raw. But fear not, there is a public SVN that has been made availble. However, the SVN as of June 20, 2009 is not accessible. So what does this mean? It means you will need to download the .zip file at the bottom of the page. Here's the location of the Dolphin 7 SVN. To be of any real use, it needs to be set up on an SVN server or the current install needs to allow developers to connect via an SVN client. If anyone is interested in a basic SVN tutorial, I will post it if I can get enough interest.

For programmers, well it's a big munch. You will notice that compared to the class listing for Dolphin 616, Dolphin 7's class listing is much more extensive. You can see the class and functions listing for Dolphin 6.1.6 here and the class and functions listing for Dolphin 7 alpha here. I used phpdocumenter to list the various classes and functions straight from the file. I will be notating it as I find more info. It's the same as in D6 except there's much more to work with. What's great about classes that programmers can extend the class to customize it to their needs. However at this time, there is no documentation for any of the classes and functions and that's why I've started to create self-documenting classes for my own work and will also document helpful tips and notes to share.

Dolphin 7 alpha - list of functions and classes

Above: Dolphin 7 Alpha - List of classes and functions. There are a lot of classes and some new functions.
Dolphin 6.1.6 list of functions and classes is available here.

For media companies, don't even touch this unless you have the money for research, development and you have your own team of coders. This is as raw as they come and it would not be a good idea to use any type of alpha to do anything. Good for testing tho and for poking around. Stick to D6 and it's various flavours. I've had a lot of success with Dolphin 6.1.4.

Dolphin 7 packs more functions than previous versions and that's good news for the hobbyist, designer or developer who just can't do without the social net toys. For modders and programmers, Dolphin 7 opens up a way to standardize how they can deliver their mods or apps whether free or pay. With the new modules standard, I trust it Dolphin will follow the path of Joomla and WordPress with regards to how others can add to the current set of functions.

I think the Dolphin 7 alpha is acceptable to look at as a preview (as per BoonEx's notes) in the admin section and also how the code was structured. It's also a way for programmers to take the module/extension paradigm for a quick spin. There is an example file within the modules folder one can take a look at. I've had a chance to roll my own and it was pretty easy. I just took the example file and poked around until I got a simple mod to work. You know, the standard "Hello World" test. It may seem uneventful, but the tiny step will mean great things for both free and fee-based mods.


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btw, I will be updating the classes and functions list regularly. If you wish to help, please PM me. We can then document the Dolphin code together.

As for the SVN, I've been informed by Victor that they will get that set up properly so we can connect to the latest trunk vs. constantly having to download files via zip. I think once that happens, more coders will get a better feel of how Dolphin works and that can open up more free and fee mods.
and who is going to monitor the trunks ??

I am excited that we are getting a SVN setup, I had proposed it a while back, but am just happy its getting done.

(consider this my PM to assist if needed)

where can i change the company name?

Always count on you being the first to beat me to a post! :-)

Considering one of my most popular and (bug free) sites is still running late 5.X..

As you know, I have torn apart alot of the D7 releases, and although there are areas that need "work" and I am sure they will, it is coming along VERY well, and I am pleased to see the vision its leading too.

A very useful post, thanks James..

There are many things that can change (hopefully.. because there are still many strange solutions - like the template system) between the alpha and the first beta version.. so we can only play now and kill our time.. but the final structure (i think) is far away.. so don't rely too much on these alpha's..
Dolphin 6.1.4 is still and continues to be the most stable.

Dolphin 6.1.6 is ok but it needs a 6.1.7 update. Ideally, it gets released in tandem with the D7 beta.

As long as I have a beta, even at 80%, I can work with it as it's still a lot better than what I have done and I just don't have the time to try and create my own framework. This one does it.

It's a great framework and being a coder I can use and extend the existing classes to have it do what I want. If I don't like the classes, see more I will make my own based on an design pattern, trash what's there and just use the framework.

Great overview overall .... Thanks for that! .... I'm the media company and have to wait ... it looks like... but I already installed the alpha and it worked well with the known problems. It looks like that you really know whats going on with Dolphin James and that you know what you are talking about.... I will PM you next week with my needs and we may can sort something out.
Here's a caveat with the classes and functions listing posted, I still need to add the functions pages. You'll notice you get a blank page. Alternatively, I might provide a download link so you can look at it locally on your own computer.
Spot on analysis. How far along would you say Boonex has come in terms of creating a solid framework that's coherent and systematic in design, and easily extendable?
BoonEx has done a good job in abstracting the way users can add content by introducing the drag n' drop concept and neatly creating a front end UI that simplifies it even more.

As far as the framework and its coherence, I would like to see a documented API in place. There are more classes and they are bundled with more specific duties. I know that the template system is unlike most I've used before but I have figured out how it works and have written some brief intro tutorials about it. There see more is a method to the madness.

In terms of extendability, the introduction of the modules is a good start. I think this is what will pile drive the other competing OS apps into the ground *if* the adoption of D7 sees more developers into the fold. I believe for this to happen, a good set of dev and programmer docs will need to be created. At a minimum some sort of API guide.

i love you jamestadeo.... , you're great
Hi James, Thanks for the post.

I installed 6.1.6 on my VPS and now can install directly from cpanel without uploading.

Can i also install D7 on my VPS as second option?

Warm Regards.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.